Kasadera Milestone - Nagoya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasadera Milestone

住所 :

Shimoshinmachi Kasaderacho, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0051, Japan

Postal code : 457-0051
Webサイト : https://www.city.nagoya.jp/minami/page/0000001688.html

Shimoshinmachi Kasaderacho, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-0051, Japan
宮島靖子 on Google

There is a Kasadera Ichiritsuka enoki conservation project, and I wanted to see what kind of enoki it was. This Ichirizuka is located 88 ri from Edo, and it is the only Ichirizuka in the city that remains on the old Tokaido that runs through Nagoya city, and only the eastern mound still exists. Enoki has been watching over the people who go by for 400 years. Ichirizuka is a place where mounds are built on both sides of the road every 1 ri (about 4 km) from Edo (Tokyo) Nihonbashi and enoki etc. are planted. It not only showed the distance to travelers, but also became the basis for calculating luggage and other fares.
木全宏祐 on Google

For travelers in the Edo period, it is rare that one satozuka, which represents the distance from Edo, still remains, and I was impressed by the fact that the local people are taking care of it. It is rare that the roots of celtis sinensis can be seen outside.
吾亦紅 on Google

Even though this seems to be the largest scale in the former Tokaido line, I suppose that most of it was not a war disaster.
KANJI on Google

The feeling of sticking out of the raised soil was so cool that I stopped unintentionally. It feels fantasy.
風雲児織田信長 on Google

The road in front of this Ichirizuka is the old Tokaido, which has the Tempaku Bridge to the east, which used to be a wooden bridge. There is a long row of pine trees in the area, and I remember walking on an excursion a long time ago. Ieyasu Tokugawa and Hideyoshi Toyotomi both thought that Tenshirobashi and this old Tokaido were passed by Nobunaga Oda during the Battle of Okehazama.
森昭二 on Google

残っているのは東側の塚だけですが、想像していたよりもずっと大きな一里塚でした。驚きました。時代が明治になって江戸時代のものはできるだけ残さないようにしようとする政府の方針により、こういう物の多くは破壊されてしまったのだろうと思います。新時代の到来を人々に印象づけようとする明治政府にとって、当時としてはある意味当然の政策だったと思いますが、古い物の多くが失われてしまったのはなんとも残念なことです。どういう経緯でこちらの一里塚が残ったのかは知りませんが、破壊されなくて本当によかったと思います。 名古屋に残る唯一の一里塚という意味でもこれからも大切に保存していってほしいと思います。
All that remains is the mound on the east side, but it was a much larger Ichirizuka than I had imagined. I was surprised. I think that many of these things were destroyed by the government's policy of trying not to leave the things of the Edo period as much as possible in the Meiji era. For the Meiji government, which is trying to impress people with the arrival of a new era, I think it was a natural policy at that time, but it is a pity that many of the old things have been lost. I don't know how this Ichirizuka remained, but I'm really glad it wasn't destroyed. I hope that it will continue to be carefully preserved in the sense that it is the only Ichirizuka that remains in Nagoya.
兵頭彦太 on Google

I stopped by on the way back from Kasadera Kannon. There is a bench so you can take a break. However, the bench was damaged. Narcissus blooms during Setsubun. I walk from the tip of Niinomiike to Kasaderakannon, so it's the way back to relax. When crossing the Tenshiro River on a sunny day, the wind is comfortable.
smile on Google

The 88th Ichirizuka on the Tokaido, which was constructed in 1604. Enoki, which grew up to cover the mound, has been watching the traffic for 400 years. amazing

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