軽井沢レンタサイクル KARUIZAWA RideTown.

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 軽井沢レンタサイクル KARUIZAWA RideTown.

住所 :

Karuizawahigashi, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0104 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89778
Webサイト : http://karuizawa.ridetown.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

Karuizawahigashi, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0104 Nagano,Japan
かじし on Google

クロスバイクで気分良く周遊できました。多少の坂道でも変速の段数を切り換えることで比較的楽に登れます。 オーナーの方の対応がとても丁寧でした。
I was able to go around comfortably on a cross bike. It is relatively easy to climb even on a slight slope by switching the number of gears. The owner's response was very polite.
bu-tax on Google

街中でこちらのお店の看板を付けたクロスバイクに乗っている方を見かけ、インターネットで調べて直接訪問させていただきました! 店主の方の対応は丁寧かつ迅速でお店を訪ねて5分程度で出発出来ました。 ルイガノが主体ですが自転車の種類豊富でそれぞれの特徴も説明していただけて納得のいく自転車を選べました。 またPayPayにも対応しているところが個人的には嬉しいところでした笑 また是非利用させていただきたいと思っております!
I saw a person riding a cross bike with a signboard of this shop in the town, I checked on the Internet and visited directly! The shopkeeper's response was polite and quick, and I was able to leave in about 5 minutes visiting the shop. Ruigano is the main choice, but there is a wide variety of bicycles, so you can explain each feature and choose a sensible bicycle. In addition, the place where corresponding to PayPay is personally happy I was just laughing We hope to use it again!
Re Ren on Google

先日お世話になりました。 当日急に立ち寄りましたが、バイク選び、目的地相談、コース案内すべてパーフェクトでした。 また機会があれば、ぜひお願いしたいと思います。
Thank you for your help the other day. I stopped by suddenly on the day, but the bike selection, destination consultation, and course guidance were all perfect. If I have another chance, I would like to ask.
稔彦来栖 on Google

駐車場もあり店主も気さくで親切 事前予約の対応も丁寧でした。 ネット予約確認の内容が一部『えっ』 思うかも❗
There is a parking lot and the owner is friendly and kind. The correspondence of advance reservation was also polite. Part of the content of the online reservation confirmation is "Eh" You may think ❗
K・ミュージックプラン on Google

I borrowed an orange cross bike at this shop before Obon and enjoyed cycling from Karuizawa to Naka Karuizawa. Although it is far from the station, there are many stylish bicycles and the store staff is friendly and recommended.
石田けんと on Google

It was cycling in the thick fog at the end of September, but we kindly responded. I think the price itself is reasonable considering the grade of the bicycle. Karuizawa has many slopes, so you can easily turn around with electric assist. The shopkeeper is also a good person and I would like to use it when cycling!
_ yosyosyo on Google

ロード初体験が軽井沢。 店主さんはすごく気さくな方で、 はじめての私に車種の選定〜サイクリングコースの提案まで非常に良い距離感で教えてくれました。店主さんのお話がなければロードは選んでなかったかも。 軽井沢、案外緩やかなアップダウンがあるので、ロードバイクで大正解でした。 春の軽井沢のサイクリング、気持ち良くて最高!MAX6時間、みっちり漕ぎまくってきました。 しかもかっちょ良い自転車はやはり満足感もあって、ホテルのママチャリにしなくてよかったと心から思いました笑 こりゃチャリはまっちまうな、 買っちゃうかも。。! 店主さん、ありがとうございました!
The first road experience is Karuizawa. The shopkeeper is a very friendly person For the first time, he taught me from the selection of the car model to the proposal of the cycling course with a very good sense of distance. I might not have chosen the road without the story of the shopkeeper. Karuizawa, there are unexpectedly gentle ups and downs, so it was a great answer on a road bike. Karuizawa cycling in spring is the best and comfortable! I've been rowing for a maximum of 6 hours. Moreover, the cool bicycle was also satisfying, and I really thought that I didn't have to make it a hotel bike. This is a bicycle, don't you think? I might buy it. .. !! Thank you shopkeeper!
kit yee chan on Google

Riding a bike to see this town is a relaxing and chilling experience. The old lady is nice and cheerful. The bike is new and in good condition.

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