Kamon - Rikuzentakata

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kamon

住所 :

Ota-71-1 Takatacho, Rikuzentakata, Iwate 029-2205, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 029-2205
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

Ota-71-1 Takatacho, Rikuzentakata, Iwate 029-2205, Japan
shin wakame on Google

土曜日の昼時に行きました。 店内は明るくて従業員のおば様がたも一生懸命動き回っている印象です。 ただ、お勧めはどの食事なのかが今一つわかり辛いです。 きっと手打ち蕎麦なのでザルかと思われますが、店名から想像すると鴨そば? かと思いましたが、お腹の空き具合で特選カツ丼と蕎麦セットを頂きました。
I went there at noon on Saturday. The inside of the store is bright and the impression is that the aunts of the employees are moving around hard. However, it's hard to tell which meal is recommended. I'm sure it's handmade soba, so I think it's a colander, but if you imagine it from the store name, it's duck soba? I was wondering, but I got a special katsudon and soba set because I was hungry.
みみみみやび on Google

蕎麦やうどん、カツ丼、天ぷらなどを提供しています。駐車場は店の前と横にあります。 座敷の席が4席、テーブル席が3席、カウンター席が5席あります。感染予防対策のため外にもテントを張ったテーブル席が2席あります。 店内は、内装が新しく清潔感があります。 「天ざる」をいただきました。 ざる蕎麦と天ぷらのセットメニューです。 そばに関しては、喉越しもよく食べやすかったです。蕎麦は少し柔らかめでした。天ぷらは、サクっとしていて少し甘めの衣で美味しかったです。
We offer soba, udon, katsudon, tempura, etc. Parking is in front of and next to the store. There are 4 tatami mat seats, 3 table seats and 5 counter seats. There are two table seats with a tent outside to prevent infection. The interior is new and clean. I received a "heavenly zest". This is a set menu of Zaru soba and tempura. As for buckwheat noodles, it was easy to eat even if it was throat throat. The buckwheat was a little soft. The tempura was delicious with a crisp and slightly sweet batter.
佐藤ひとみ on Google

落ち着いて、食べれる感じのお店でした。天ぷらの揚げ方素晴らしい? カラッとしてて、衣も程よいです☺ もちろんお蕎麦もGoodです?
It was a calm and edible restaurant. How to fry tempura is wonderful ? It's crisp and the clothes are just right ☺ Of course soba is also good ?
小野文浩(Fumihiro Ono) on Google

一度茹で上げた蕎麦を冷水でしめ、それをネギの入った熱々のタレにつけ食す、鴨南蛮ざる蕎麦。大人なの贅沢な食べものですが、無性に食べたくなるとこの店にきます。 高田町の中心部から離れてますが、お昼時は常に満席になるほどのお店。メニューは蕎麦、うどん、天婦羅、カツ丼やうなぎもある。
Kamo Nanban Zaru Soba is made by soaking the boiled soba in cold water and dipping it in a hot sauce containing green onions. It's a luxury food for adults, but when you want to eat it asexually, you come to this shop. Although it is far from the center of Takada Town, it is always full at noon. The menu also includes soba, udon, tempura, katsudon and eel.
Taiheitasan on Google

とにかくカツ丼が旨い! 肉は柔らかくて味付けは東北特有の「あまじょっぺえ」よりな感じですが、甘味がかなり強めです! 天丼も旨い!そばも旨い! 夏限定で食べた冷やし系のうどんが最高でした! うどんの麺が弾力もあり、モチッとさも感じられました! リピートしたいお店です!
Anyway, the katsudon is delicious! The meat is tender and the seasoning is more like the Tohoku-specific "Amajoppee", but the sweetness is quite strong! Tendon is also delicious! Soba is also delicious! The chilled udon that I ate only in the summer was the best! The udon noodles are elastic and chewy! It's a shop you want to repeat!
nori aku2 on Google

出張で行った際にネットで探して行きました! 朝食抜きだった為、お腹ペコペコ状態。 カウンターとテーブル席有り。 メニューを見て席での注文スタイル。 結局選べず、外ののぼりに書いていたカツ丼を注文。 肉がホント柔らかく歯が無くても噛めるくらい柔らかい! 味もちょうどよく、ご飯も美味しい! あっと言う間に完食! お腹いっぱいで帰ってきました! ホント美味しかったです。 また機会があれば行きたいお店! ご馳走さまでした!
When I went on a business trip, I searched online! Because I didn't have breakfast, I was hungry. There are counter and table seats. Look at the menu and order at your seat. After all, I couldn't choose, so I ordered the katsudon that was written on the outside. The meat is really soft and soft enough to chew without teeth! The taste is just right and the rice is delicious! Completed in no time! I'm full and I'm back! It was really delicious. The shop you want to visit if you have the opportunity! It was a feast!

カツ丼と蕎麦のセットを注文。 蕎麦は冷たいのと温かいのを選べるので、冷たいの(ザル)を選びましたが… そばがゆで上がって5分位?カウンターで盆にセットされた状態で、カツ丼があがってくるの待ち。 もちろん出てきた蕎麦はのび切ってて、味も風味も喉越しも最悪。せっかくの手打ちなのに台無し。 カツ丼は甘めで、最初甘っ!って思ったけど、あっさりした甘さで、途中から気にならなくなり、最後まで食べきれた。 お肉のやわらかさにビックリ! せっかく美味しいんだから、カツ丼セットしてからの蕎麦あがり待ちがいいと思うけどなー。次はカツ丼だけでいいかなー。
I ordered a set of katsudon and soba. You can choose between cold and warm soba, so I chose cold (colander) ... Boiled soba for about 5 minutes? Waiting for the katsudon to come up while it is set in the tray at the counter. Of course, the soba that came out was stretched out, and the taste, flavor, and throat were the worst. It's a mess even though it's done by hand. Katsudon is sweet and sweet at first! I thought, but the sweetness was so light that I didn't mind from the middle and I was able to eat until the end. I was surprised at the tenderness of the meat! It's delicious, so I think it's best to wait for the soba noodles to finish after setting the katsudon. I wonder if I only need katsudon next time.
宮城拳太郎 on Google

お店に入るとダシの香りがして食欲をそそられました。メニューを見て鴨せいろとミニ天丼を注文。料理が出てくる間店内を見渡すとサインが10枚ほど置いてありましたが、竹で支えてあったのでちょっと見にくく感じました。 客席はテーブル席が3つ、小上がりが3つとカウンター席で全部合わせて25~6人分といった感じです。 しばらくして料理が出てきました。ミニ天丼はサイズも手頃、天ぷらは揚げたてサクサクで美味しかったです。鴨せいろも美味しく頂きましたが、つけ汁にもう少し鴨の脂のあまみが欲しかったです。 蕎麦湯も頂きました。とろっとした蕎麦の甘みを感じました。 駐車場は店の前に5~6台分と道路を挟んで砂利の駐車場が8~10台分位ありました。 後日お邪魔したときにかつ丼とそばセットを頂きました。かつ丼美味しかったです。単品の大盛で頂いてみたいです。 またお邪魔したいです。
When I entered the shop, the scent of dashi was tantalizing. Look at the menu and order a duck steamer and a mini-tendon. When I looked around the store while the food was served, there were about 10 autographs, but it was a little hard to see because it was supported by bamboo. The audience seats are 3 table seats, 3 small rises and counter seats, for a total of 25 to 6 people. After a while, the food came out. The size of the mini-tendon was reasonable, and the tempura was crispy and delicious. The duck steamer was also delicious, but I wanted a little more duck fat in the soup. I also had soba hot water. I felt the sweetness of the thick soba noodles. There were 5 to 6 parking lots in front of the store and 8 to 10 gravel parking lots across the road. When I visited at a later date, I received a katsudon and soba set. Katsudon was delicious. I would like to have a large serving of a single item. I want to bother you again.

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