焼肉スエヒロ館 横浜上白根店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉スエヒロ館 横浜上白根店

住所 :

Kamishirane, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Webサイト : http://www.suehiro-net.com/suehirokan1/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–11PM
Sunday 11:30AM–11PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamishirane, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
須藤智也 on Google

中原街道にあったおしどり寿司の跡地にオープン。 オープンして約1ヶ月後に訪問。 お店自体はそこかしこで目にした事はあったが、訪問したことは無く今回が初訪問となった。 お肉は当日仕入を売り文句にしており店先にその日の肉の生産県が表示してある。 肉自体も国産黒毛和牛のみを扱っているとの事。 こんな時代なので人との接触機会削減と人員コスト削減を考慮した対策がされている。(注文は席毎にタブレット端末、会計はレジで支払い方法選択方式のセミセルフ支払い) 肉は黒毛和牛のみとうたっているだけあり、某全国有名焼肉チェーン店よりどれも美味しい。 注文時、肉ごとに味付けの有無(例:タレ・塩・味付無)を選択可能。 コストパフォーマンスは良くも無く悪くも無く。 ただ黒毛和牛を使ってるということであれば悪くないのでは。 ただ現状待ち時間が結構長く、席案内まで30分~1時間位かかる。 見た感じ圧倒的にマンパワーが足りていないと思われる。席は空いたのに片付けられていないから案内出来ない。案内出来ないまままた席だけが空く。悪循環ですね…。店長も把握してるとは思いますが、そこをなんとかしないといずれ閑古鳥が鳴くことになるようなきがしてなりません。 店長を含むスタッフさんも、忙し過ぎて笑顔がないです…。忙しさしか顔に出ておらずちょっと残念。 忙しいのは見ててわかるのですが、せめてそこは顔に出さないようにしないと…。 他にも書きたい事はありますが次回訪問後にするとします。 本当は☆4くらい差し上げたいところですが、今回はちょっと厳しめに3にしておきます。 次、期待していますね。
Opened on the site of Oshidori Sushi on the Nakahara Highway. Visited about a month after opening. I had seen the shop here and there, but I had never visited it and this was my first visit. The meat is sold on the day of purchase, and the prefecture where the meat is produced on that day is displayed at the storefront. The meat itself is only available in domestic Japanese black beef. In such an era, measures are taken in consideration of reducing contact opportunities with people and reducing personnel costs. (Orders are made on a tablet terminal for each seat, and accounting is done at the cash register. Semi-self-payment with payment method selection method) The meat is only sung as Japanese black beef, and all of them are delicious than a famous yakiniku chain store nationwide. When ordering, you can select whether or not to season each meat (eg, sauce, salt, or no seasoning). Cost performance is neither good nor bad. However, if you are using Japanese black beef, it's not bad. However, the current waiting time is quite long, and it takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to guide the seats. It seems that the manpower is overwhelmingly insufficient. I can't guide you because the seats are vacant but not tidied up. Only the seats are vacant again without being able to guide. It's a vicious circle ... I think the store manager knows that, but if you don't do something about it, you shouldn't feel like the old birds will sing. The staff, including the store manager, are too busy to smile ... It's a little disappointing because I'm only busy. You can tell by looking at how busy you are, but at least you have to keep it out of your face ... There are other things I would like to write, but I will do it after my next visit. Actually, I would like to give you about ☆ 4, but this time I will set it to 3 a little more strictly. I'm looking forward to it next time.
梶原拓実 on Google

3000円の食べ放題を利用しました。 品数は正直少ないもののお肉の質は同レベルの料金ならこちらの方がおいしいなと感じました。 お店はオープン後という事できれいですし、何よりスタッフの方が親切でした。 混雑していた時間帯でしたので、注文してから提供まで時間がかかっていたところで★-1ですが、総合的には良いお店だと思います。また利用したいと思います。
I used the all-you-can-eat for 3000 yen. To be honest, the number of items is small, but I felt that the quality of the meat was better if the price was the same. The shop was beautiful after it opened, and the staff were kinder than anything else. It was a busy time, so it took a long time from ordering to serving ★ -1, but overall I think it's a good shop. I want to use it again.
pinset gouyoku on Google

仕事とかプライベートで面倒な事があればひとり焼肉をし、自分を癒す者です。 という訳でここ、上白根のスエヒロ館様にひとり焼肉で食べに行きました。 画像1枚目はランチメニュー、2枚目は別の日に行った単品の品々です。 やはりここは肉、肉、肉! ですね。 肉の厚みがとてもいいです。 プレミアムカルビの肉は種類によっては結構薄いですからね…… しかもここは仕切りの壁も高くて、立ち上がっても全然余裕があります。 他の客に見られる心配もありません。 ひとり焼肉したい方には打って付けの所ですね。 ただ、やはりなんというか少し高いですね。 プレミアムカルビのランチメニューは1500円台で画像1枚目の画像に加え、スイーツ食べ放題+ジュースが100円で飲める仕様ですが、ここでは画像1枚目だけで1600円台ですからね。 スイーツもジュースもないです。 高くてもいいからいい肉が食べたい方はスエヒロ館様、お得に肉もスイーツも食べたい方はプレミアムカルビと覚えると良いでしょう。
He is a person who heals himself by grilling meat alone if he has trouble with work or private life. That's why I went to Kamishirane's Suehirokan to eat yakiniku alone. The first image is the lunch menu, and the second image is a single item that I went to on another day. After all this is meat, meat, meat! is not it. The thickness of the meat is very good. Premium rib meat is quite thin depending on the type ... Moreover, the partition wall is high here, so there is plenty of room to stand up. You don't have to worry about being seen by other guests. It's a perfect place for those who want to grill meat alone. However, it's still a little expensive. The lunch menu of premium ribs is in the 1500 yen range, and in addition to the image of the first image, you can drink all-you-can-eat sweets + juice for 100 yen, but here the first image alone is in the 1600 yen range. There are no sweets or juice. If you want to eat good meat because it can be expensive, you should remember Suehirokan, and if you want to eat meat and sweets at a good price, you should remember it as premium ribs.
Ci Hi on Google

まだ新しくキレイな店内○ ついたて高くて○ お肉は厚みもあって○ タレの種類が多くて○ 提供を待たされて✕ また行ってみます
Still new and beautiful inside ○ Tsuitate is expensive ○ The meat is thick and ○ There are many types of sauce ○ Waiting for the offer ✕ I will go again
サンブラックあき on Google

オープンして気になっていてやっと 来てみました!蔓防解除後だからなのか 物凄く混んでいました。 お肉は普通ですかね味とボリュームも。 見た目は美味しくなさそうな感じでしたが 食べたらどのお肉も柔らかくよかったです。 冷麺はのっかているナムルが微妙でもう頼まないかな。 近くにあるから空いてたらランチや夕飯に来てもいいかな~って感じですね。 静かに食べたい方には全く向かないお店です。 デザートビュッフェはかなり微妙でしたので 頼みませんでした‪w ビュッフェか何個でいくら見たく選べる感じでした。
It's open and I'm curious about it I came! Is it because it is after the vine protection is released? It was extremely crowded. Is the meat normal? The taste and volume. It didn't look good, It was good that all the meat was tender when I ate it. Namul on top of cold noodles is subtle, so I wonder if I can ask for it anymore. It's nearby so I think it's okay to come for lunch or dinner if it's free. This shop is not suitable for those who want to eat quietly. The dessert buffet was pretty delicate I didn't ask w I felt like I could choose how many buffets I wanted to see.
HAMA tora on Google

1月2日予約入れておいて正解だった。 開店直後で店先は行列状態。 帰る時も列が出来ていた。 正月だがランチ可能で良かった。コスパいいです。 トイレに歯ブラシが用意されているのがとてもいい。 8人で予約したが、テーブル2つ。間のパーテーションが下がるので会話もOK。 このパーテーションは結構高めなので、他の客は全く見えない。
I made a reservation on January 2nd and it was the correct answer. Immediately after the store opens, the storefront is in line. There was a line when I got home. It's New Year, but it's good to have lunch. Cospa is good. It is very nice to have a toothbrush in the toilet. I made a reservation for 8 people, but there are 2 tables. Conversation is OK because the partition between them is lowered. This partition is quite high, so no other guests can see it.
T O on Google

元ジャンボおしどり寿司。ネタは美味しかったのですがすぐ近くにできたはま寿司さんに押されてしまったのか閉店。残念でしたがそれはさておき、新しく焼肉屋さんとしてオープンしたので家族4人で行ってみました。 店が新しくキレイで良かったです。また、頼んだサラダの具材がひとつひとつ細かく切ってあり、食べやすかったです。 逆に、炭火にするためこうなっているのかもしれないのですが、肉を焼くスペースが狭く4人では厳しいです。ロボットを活用しているにも関わらず、注文してから提供まで20分以上かかるものがありました。全体的には特別美味い訳でもなく安くもなく、どちらかというと残念な印象です。頑張って下さい。
Former jumbo oshidori sushi. The material was delicious, but it was closed because it was pushed by Hamazushi, who was able to make it nearby. Unfortunately, aside from that, it opened as a new yakiniku restaurant, so I went with four family members. It was good that the store was new and clean. Also, the ingredients of the salad I ordered were cut into small pieces one by one, so it was easy to eat. On the contrary, it may be like this because it is a charcoal fire, but the space for grilling meat is narrow and it is difficult for 4 people. Despite using robots, it took more than 20 minutes from ordering to delivery. Overall, it's neither specially delicious nor cheap, and it's a rather disappointing impression. good luck.
岩崎珠美 on Google

When I went around 6:30 pm on Saturday, January 22nd, the seats were full ... Waiting time was 30 minutes to 1 hour? I took a seat after being called in about 30 minutes. I knew that there was all-you-can-eat when I came for the first time, but it seems that all-you-can-eat after coming to the store on the day is useless? It's like a rule that you have to make a reservation. For the time being, I asked for various things as if I came normally, and it was quite delicious. The meat was thick and delicious even though it was a chain store, so I thought it was OK at all. Especially the Japanese black beef series ゎ It was really sweet and delicious even though it was only about 50 yen different from other meats. Next time, I would like to go only with that series. After that, I regret to say that I ate something like yukhoe with tongue sashimi, but the taste was so refreshing that it tasted good, but it didn't taste like tongue and I didn't know what kind of meat I was eating. I'm not here anymore from the next time. Dessert ゎ There were various kinds and it looked delicious, but I ate a soft pudding, but it tasted like the sweetness of Putchin pudding was suppressed. Is it better to eat other things? There are some things I haven't eaten yet, so I would like to eat other things as well. It was a treat!

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