ウオロク 白根大通店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ウオロク 白根大通店

住所 :

Kamishiodawara, Minami Ward, 〒950-1244 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.uoroku.co.jp/shop/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM
街 : Niigata

Kamishiodawara, Minami Ward, 〒950-1244 Niigata,Japan
Mg Sato on Google

品揃えも多いし、親切、新鮮、お惣菜も寿司も美味しいです(^_^) Hより好きだなぁ♡
There is a large selection of items, kindness, freshness, and delicious side dishes and sushi (^_^) I like it better than H ♡
S m on Google

I think the frozen food lineup is more extensive than other woroku.
Utau on Google

この辺りのスーパーとしてはかなり広い(天井が高いので感覚的により広く感じる)。夕方以降で割引しだすタイミングが閉店時間(22時)を考えると割と早い。 QRコード決済はPayPayとLINEPAYに対応。 クレカ利用可。
It's quite large for a supermarket around here (it feels wider because the ceiling is high). The timing to start discounting after the evening is relatively early considering the closing time (22:00). QR code payment is compatible with PayPay and LINE PAY. Credit cards are available.
afterglow on Google

ヨーグルト、チーズの品揃えが豊富。 地元農家の野菜コーナーも広くて良い。
A wide selection of yogurt and cheese. The vegetable corner of the local farmer may be large.
池田和也 on Google

8号線沿いに今月新しく出来た新店舗です。 店内が綺麗なのは勿論、惣菜やお弁当のコーナーのディスプレイが見易いです。 ウオロクらしく鮮魚コーナーも力が入っていました。 店内ベーカリーのイートインコーナーもフリーWi-Fiも完備でくつろげる空間でした。
This is a new store newly built this month along Route 8. It is easy to see the display of the corner of the prepared food and the lunch box as well as the inside of the shop is beautiful. The fresh fish corner was also empowered like a wanderer. The restaurant's bakery's eat-in corner and free Wi-Fi were fully equipped and relaxing.
Hiroko Renewal on Google

通りかかって飲み物を買いに初訪問。店内がとっても広くて買い物しやすい☝️ お花もたくさん置いてます❣️雑誌は少しですが入口付近に有ります?
First visit to buy drinks by passing by. The store is very large and easy to shop ☝️ I also put a lot of flowers ❣️ There are a few magazines near the entrance ?
Jenelyn Mahusay on Google

Nice place
Bubu Chacha on Google

Very Good place to do grocery shopping and you can Also find drug store ,laundry shop and ramen shop near.. Got this limited edition cherry blossom latte .?

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