
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キラキラマーケット

住所 :

Seigoro, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0933 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Webサイト : https://kirakiramarket.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Niigata

Seigoro, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0933 Niigata,Japan
マツコ on Google

今まで何度か行ったことありました✋ 今日は(1月28日)長ネギ目当てで行ったのですが…前回年末に行った時は土付きの長ネギ15本位で300円だったのですが、今日はここのところの大雪のせいか?時季的なものなのか?それはありませんでした? 今日は張り切って開店ちょっと前に着いたのですが、もうお客さんが並んでました❗近くの人達はスーパー代わりに利用してるのかな?お肉や漬物や納豆・こんにゃく・豆腐やら、調味料もありますからね~✨私の前にレジに居たおじいちゃんもお得意様の様で、レジの女性が『いつもど~も~?今日はあれは要らないんですかぁ?』と声を掛けていました? 店内には新潟土産もありますし、パン屋さんもあります✋お酒コーナーもありました✋新潟の米菓屋さんのお得なこわれ煎餅やお弁当やお惣菜もあります✨ 駐車場は90分までは無料なので、同じ敷地内の施設や庭を見てからお買い物するのも良いかと思いますよ?✋
I've been there several times before ✋ Today (January 28th) I went for long onions ... When I went to the end of the last year, it was 300 yen for 15 long onions with soil, but is it because of the heavy snow here? Is it seasonal? It wasn't ? I arrived a little before the store opened today, but there were already customers lined up ❗ Are people nearby using it instead of a supermarket? There are also meat, pickles, natto, konjac, tofu, and seasonings ~ ✨ The grandfather who was at the cash register in front of me seems to be a good customer, and the cashier woman said, "Always do ~ ? Today Don't you need that? I was calling out ? There are Niigata souvenirs in the store, and there is also a bakery ✋ There was also a liquor corner ✋ There are also good-value broken rice crackers, bento boxes and side dishes from rice crackers in Niigata ✨ The parking lot is free for up to 90 minutes, so I think it's a good idea to look at the facilities and gardens on the same site before shopping ?✋
のり巻きビーバー on Google

ここは、他のところではあまり手に入らない珍しい野菜を置いている時があるので、たまに覗きに行きます☺️ 今日は、私にとっての初めての野菜があったので、買って食べましたが、美味しかったです?名前は忘れてしまいましたが?ブロッコリーやケール等を掛け合わせて出来た野菜だったと思います? 全体的に、広く、種類も豊富で新鮮な物を置いている印象です。もったいないコーナー、(お早めに)の野菜でも、そこまで傷みがひどくない物もありました。(この日は、このコーナーから、キャベツと小松菜を買いましたが、普通に美味しかった)
There are times when I put rare vegetables that I can't get anywhere else, so I sometimes go to see them ☺️ Today, I had my first vegetable, so I bought it and ate it, but it was delicious ? I forgot the name ? I think it was a vegetable made by crossing broccoli and kale ? Overall, the impression is that they are wide, rich in variety, and fresh. Some of the vegetables in the waste corner, (as soon as possible) were not so badly damaged. (I bought cabbage and Japanese mustard spinach from this corner on this day, but it was usually delicious)
Asamin on Google

鳥屋野公園の一角にできた、比較的新しいマーケット。 こじんまりとした店内だが、地元の野菜・肉・魚加工品・果物・米・酒・その他銘菓やパン等々…ところ狭しと並んでいる。 夕方だと新鮮食材は品薄になっているため、早い時間を狙いたい。 駐車場は90分無料なので、ゆっくり買い物ができる。 休日は公園周辺の施設利用者も含め、交通量が多くなるため、運転注意! のんびり買い物したい人は平日に来店するのをオススメする。
A relatively new market in a corner of Toyano Park. It's a small shop, but it's lined up with local vegetables, meat, processed fish, fruits, rice, sake, other famous confectionery, bread, and so on. In the evening, the fresh ingredients are running out, so I want to aim for an early time. The parking lot is free for 90 minutes, so you can shop slowly. On holidays, traffic will be heavy, including facility users around the park, so be careful when driving! People who want to shop leisurely are recommended to come to the store on weekdays.
ボストンキラキラ on Google

鉢植えを買いに行きました。沢山種類もあります。良心的なお値段です。楽しい❗️ゆっくりみたいです。 キラキラマーケットは18時まで。野菜など買い物。 薔薇園は、17時閉館で、残念。 駐車場90分無料。
I went to buy a potted plant. There are many types. It is a reasonable price. Fun ❗️ It seems to be slow. The glitter market is until 18:00. Shopping for vegetables. The rose garden is closed at 17:00, which is a shame. Free parking for 90 minutes.
suzuki takanori on Google

Various products from all over the prefecture are on sale. It's sold at a fixed price, so the price is reasonable, but if you compare similar items by production area, you can see the difference and it's interesting.
おーかむーら on Google

ネット通販サイトで、たまたま新潟県から野菜を取り寄せた中に、十全ナスが入ってて、とっても美味しくて調べて来ました。隣県ですが、ちょうど帰省する途中寄れるところがキラキラマーケットでした。 とても綺麗で広くて良いお店です。 お盆休みと言うことで、午前10時過ぎに行きましたがけっこうな人出でした。 お目当ての十全ナス、欲張ってたくさん買ってしまいました。小茄子もあり、美味しいAコープのナス漬けの素があったのでお漬物にします。 新じゃがと、イチジクも買いました。 八色スイカも気になりました。 その土地土地で違うお野菜を見るのが楽しいですよね。
I happened to order vegetables from Niigata prefecture on an online shopping site, and I found Juzen eggplant in it, which was very delicious. It's a neighboring prefecture, but the place I could stop by on my way home was the glitter market. It's a very beautiful, spacious and nice shop. I went there after 10 am because it was Obon holiday, but there were quite a few people. I greedily bought a lot of the eggplants I was looking for. There is also a small eggplant, and there was a delicious A-COOP eggplant pickle, so I will pickle it. I also bought new potatoes and figs. I was also interested in Yairo watermelon. It's fun to see different vegetables in that area.
Tomo on Google

It is a direct production of the area. The goods are in better condition than I expected, there is a large selection of items, and the rice cakes and rice balls made by the farmers are delicious. I used to go shopping many years ago, but I went shopping again and my impression improved.
Dipen Lamichhane on Google

Staff are kind & helpful. Varieties of fresh vegetables & fruits available here. Parking is spacious & free for 90 minutes.

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