Lion D'or - Niigata

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lion D'or

住所 :

11-7 Teraoasahidori, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 950-2051
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM

11-7 Teraoasahidori, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2051, Japan
K M on Google

駐車場が広いのですが、車止めがなく、バックでぶつける可能性あり。しかも店と同じ敷地にないです。道路を挟んだ隣にあります。 今時のスーパーにしては少し手狭い感はあります。
The parking lot is large, but there is no stop and there is a possibility of hitting at the back. Moreover, it is not on the same site as the store. It is next to the road. There is a feeling that it is a little too narrow for a supermarket at this time.
清水明 on Google

I am a disabled person but disabled people, elderly people parking is maintained and it is easy to shop. The clerk is also kind, and especially when cashier payment is done, I will pack it instead of me who is inconvenient.
千種由嗣 on Google

本社福島県会津若松市の会社 新潟の店舗はビニール袋無料だが 福島の店舗は有料と地域によってサービスが違う会社さんです。 旧新潟市圏 唯一の店舗 CGCグループのコジカは他の加盟店でも使えるがポイントがつかないだけである キャンペーン日は入金にもポイントが貯まり 買物分にもポイントが貯まる 一つ持つのであればこれでしょう。 特売品は結構安いのでオススメです。
Headquarters Aizuwakamatsu-shi, Fukushima Prefecture Niigata stores are free of plastic bags, but 有 料 Fukushima stores have different services depending on the area when paid. Former Niigata metropolitan area The only store Kodika of CGC group can be used at other member stores, but it does not give points. Let's SALE product is quite cheap so recommended.
時すでにお寿司 on Google

工事で迷惑かけます言うてんのに何拒否することあんねん こっちだって好きでテメーの店の前で工事してへんわ 文句あるなら施工者に言えアホ
I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by the construction work I like this one too, so I'm not working in front of the Teme store. If you have any complaints, tell the builder
丸山榮 on Google

I went to buy a new beer drink, but I couldn't find it, so when I asked the clerk, he kindly told me. Thank you.
まるちえいと on Google

リオンなのに福龍門の中華惣菜のないのが残念な店舗だったが、最近は入るようになって評価が変わった。しかし、閉店が早く帰りが遅い人には利用しづらいのは相変わらず。その分見切りが早いのがメリットではある。 イートインスペースはあるものの、せまく 給湯器やゴミ捨て場もない、空いた場所に席を置いただけのスペース。 ビール券を使おうとしたら「ビールと他の商品と会計は別」「お釣りは出ない」と言われた。他のスーパーではそんなことないのに。自分が抗議しなければ、そのまま処理されていたかと思うとおそろしい。
It was a pity that there was no Chinese side dish at Fukuryumon even though it was a Lion, but recently it has changed its reputation. However, it is still difficult for people who close the store early and return late. The merit is that the closeout is quicker. Although there is an eat-in space, there is no water heater or garbage dump, and it is a space where you can just put your seat in an empty space. When I tried to use a beer ticket, I was told that "beer and other products are separate from accounting" and "no change". That's not the case at other supermarkets. If I didn't protest, it would be scary to think that it would have been processed as it was.
甲斐009 on Google

進化しております。頑張って------ 新しいテナントが仲間入りしました‼️また活気出ますね‼️
It is evolving. Good luck------ A new tenant has joined the ranks! ️ It will be lively again! ️
池田和也 on Google

店舗自体が他のリオンドール支店より小さい気がするので、品揃えはそれなりです。 敷地内に政家など他の施設もあります。
I feel that the store itself is smaller than other Lion D'or branches, so the assortment is reasonable. There are other facilities such as a politician on the premises.

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