APiTA - Niigata

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact APiTA

住所 :

5 Chome-7-21 Koshin, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 950-2023
Webサイト : https://www.uny.co.jp/shop/single.php%3Fshop_id%3D99999214%26utm_source%3DGMB%26utm_medium%3Dprofile
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM

5 Chome-7-21 Koshin, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2023, Japan
麦酒! on Google

スーパーにカフェにアレにコレに何でもある。が、行く店は決まっているのでいつも短時間で買い物は終わる。イオンよりもアピタが好きだなぁ! 駐車場のアーケードが撤去されたら、停めた場所の位置感が分からなくなり、迷子になりやすい。 週末が雨だと、車を停めらないほど混んでる。飲食店もたくさんあるから、その気になれば半日は滞在可能。が、結局行く店は決まっている(笑)
Everything is in the supermarket, in the cafe, in the cafe. However, since the store to go to is decided, shopping is always completed in a short time. I like Apita better than Aeon! Once the parking lot arcade is removed, it's easy to get lost because you don't know where you parked. When it rains on weekends, it's so crowded that you can't park your car. There are many restaurants, so if you feel like it, you can stay for half a day. But in the end, the store I go to is decided (laughs)
やぴてぃ on Google

ドンドン列車あるなんて、子供にはたまらないでしょうね。高級パン屋もオープンされました。ほかのお店も多く入っていて楽しいです! カルディがあり、南イオンより広くて選びやすい
It would be irresistible for children to have a dong dong train. A luxury bakery has also opened. There are many other shops and it's fun! There is a cardi, it is wider and easier to choose than South Aeon
mouse mickey on Google

The clerk at the makeup counter near Cardi on the first floor is kind and nice. We have a wide selection of products such as Dracos, and it will be fun to see the development of new products.
Chris Foster on Google

Nitori is in this mall
Beverly on Google

Innocent Calist on Google

Nice shopping mall
Dipen Lamichhane on Google

Easy access. Nice shopping mall. Spacious parking area.
David Jones on Google

It's a fantastic department store, but the supermarket has a limited selection.

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