
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大宮はしもと整形外科

住所 :

Kamiochiai, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Webサイト : https://omiyahashimoto.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Saitama

Kamiochiai, Chuo Ward, 〒338-0001 Saitama,Japan
岸本文子 on Google

I received a PRP injection in my lower back. It felt a little heavy for a week, but it got better and better from there. It seems like a lie before I was thinking about surgery. I'm glad that I can return to my hobby of dancing from now on.
D Zhu on Google

腱鞘炎でお世話になっています。2度目の 腱鞘炎でもしや手術も必要かもしれない。と思いこちらに遠方からかかったのですが、超音波ガイド下の注射で対応してます。たしかに3時間くらい待たされることもあります。先生が、あっさりした方でドクハラをなさらないタイプの方なのと人の手が沢山あるので呼ばれてから嫌な思いをしたことがないですね。不安なことは自分から聞くのがいい病院です 。5回くらいは通院してますが通院が苦痛に感じた事はありません。最初に驚いた事は、問診される前にレントゲン撮影をしたことでしょうか。使いすぎると少しぶり返して来ますが、多分もう卒業できそうです。
I am indebted to Tenosynovitis. Second time Tenosynovitis may require surgery. I thought that I took this from a distance, but I am responding with an ultrasonic-guided injection. Certainly, you may have to wait for about 3 hours. I haven't had any unpleasant feelings since I was called because the teacher is a simple person who doesn't get angry and has a lot of people's hands. It ’s a hospital where you should ask yourself what you ’re worried about. .. I have been to the hospital about 5 times, but I have never felt pain in going to the hospital. The first thing that surprised me was that I took an X-ray before the interview. If you use it too much, it will come back a little, but maybe you can graduate.
橋広コウ on Google

注射してから一か月以上経ちましたが、私の半月板損傷の膝にはPRPはまったく効果が無かったようです。期待してましたが残念です。 治った人もいますが、私のように効果なしの人もいます。
More than a month after the injection, PRP seems to have had no effect on my meniscus-injured knee. I expected it, but I'm sorry. Some have healed, but others like me have no effect.
遠藤洋平 on Google

変形性膝関節症で歩くのも痛みがきつくなって、正座はできなくなっていました。 かかりつけの病院の先生からは人工関節しかないと言われてきましたが決心がつかないでずっときていました。こちらの先生はPRP治療を勧めてくださり、治療してもらいました。 痛みは完全にまだゼロになってはいませんが歩行がスムーズにできるようになり、効果を実感しています。これからも続けたいです。
Walking with knee osteoarthritis became so painful that I couldn't sit upright. My doctor at my hospital told me that I only had artificial joints, but I couldn't make up my mind and kept coming. This teacher recommended PRP treatment and had it treated. The pain is not completely zero yet, but I am able to walk smoothly and I am feeling the effect. I want to continue.
長田恵 on Google

I had numbness and pain in my legs for a month. I first had an orthopedic surgery in my neighborhood, but it didn't improve at all, and the director here patiently gave me a block injection. The pain was significantly reduced with the first injection and completely improved with four injections. I would like to see a doctor when it gets hot again.
岩村祐介 on Google

坐骨神経痛でこちらにかかりました。 たいして説明などはなくブロック注射を2回受けましたが、全く効き目はありませんでした。 のちに、PRP治療もしましたが、一回目は全く効果なく、二回目は前より痛くなり、三回目は痛みだけでなく痺れまで起きてしまい全く逆効果になってしまいました。高額治療でお金も無駄になってしまいました。 もちろん四回目はキャンセルしましたが、電話口での女性の対応はとても冷たかったです。 PRP注射を打つ時は、お尻を出して待っていましたが、いつ先生が現れたのかも分からず注射を打ち終わると終始無言でいついなくなったのかも分かりません。何も聞く事も出来ず、先生から状態を聞かれる事もありませんでした。「何か言われたら嫌なのか?」とも疑いたくなります。 家賃やスタッフの給料も大変でしょうね。 患者に寄り添い、親身になってくれる医院とは程遠いです。
I had sciatica. I received two block injections without much explanation, but it didn't work at all. Later, I also treated with PRP, but the first one was completely ineffective, the second one was more painful than before, and the third one was not only painful but also numb, which was completely counterproductive. The expensive treatment has wasted money. Of course, I canceled the fourth time, but the response of the female over the phone was very cold. When I gave the PRP injection, I was waiting with my ass out, but I don't know when the teacher appeared and I don't know if I couldn't keep up silently after the injection. I couldn't hear anything, and the teacher didn't ask me about my condition. It makes me wonder, "Do you hate it if you say something?" The rent and salary of the staff will be difficult. It is far from a clinic that is close to the patient and becomes friendly.
on Google

カルテの意味がない病院だと思います。 今日どうしました?と受付で聞かれるのは仕方ないですが、用紙に記入してもカルテに反映されないのでしょうか? レントゲンで聞かれ、看護士さんに聞かれ、医師に聞かれ、処置してくる方に聞かれ…。何度説明すれば良いのでしょうか? しかも今日大事な用事(内容も伝えました)があり痛み止を打ってほしいと言ったら説明は紙を渡されただけ、打ち終えて、注射後の注意事項も紙で渡されただけで、しかも当日の激しい運動は避けてくださいと書かれてました。 今日やる内容伝えた上で今日きく痛み止をお願いしたはずが打ったあとにその日は控えろと書かれた紙を渡されても、どうしようもないです。 医師は流れ作業のように注射を打って、何の会話もなく去られました。 きちんと医師と話をしたい方には絶対に向かない病院だと思います。
I think that there is no meaning of the medical records hospital. What did you do today? As is is unavoidable be heard at the reception, do you also have to fill out paper is not reflected in the chart? Heard on X-ray, are asked to Kangoshi's, I asked a doctor, asked for those who come to treatment .... Does it repeatedly explained? And just when saying I want you to hit the important errands there is a (contents also told) pain stop explanation is passed the paper today, and finished out, notes after injection also was only passed in the paper, and it was written and please avoid strenuous exercise on the day. It is passed that day is paper that says Hikaero after the hit is supposed to have asked to hear the pain stop today on the reported content to do today, is not help how to. The doctor hit the injection so that the flow of work, was away without any conversation. Neatly and is for those who want to talk to the doctor I think that it is a hospital that is not suitable for absolute.
後藤ひとみ on Google

初診、左親指ばね指で見ていただきました。 大変空いていて(たまたまの様で)5分でレントゲン、20分後には院長先生の診察がありました。ばね指は痛み、曲がらないというかなり不都合な状態でしたので、注射を希望と伝えました。口コミを色々読んでいたので、こちらから色々質問しました。穏やかにゆっくりお答え、説明いただき、安心して注射をする決断に至りました。 注射はとても痛いと聞いていましたが、私の予想よりは、痛みは強くありませんでした。 看護師さんなどもとても親切でお声がけをたくさんしていただきました。 混雑がひどければこんな対応は無理だろうと思います。私はこの病院の落ち着いたところを経験できましたので、次回から混雑で無愛想でも我慢します❗️ 信頼できた先生で、今後も通院しようと思います。
I had you see it with the left thumb spring finger at the first visit. It was very vacant (it happened to happen) and I had an X-ray in 5 minutes, and 20 minutes later I had a medical examination by the director. The trigger finger was in a very inconvenient state of pain and not bending, so I told him that I would like an injection. I read a lot of reviews, so I asked a lot of questions from here. After answering gently and slowly, I came to the decision to inject with confidence. I heard that the injection was very painful, but it wasn't as painful as I expected. The nurses were also very kind and gave me a lot of voices. I think that such a response would not be possible if the congestion was severe. I was able to experience the calmness of this hospital, so I will put up with it even if it is crowded and unfriendly from the next time ❗️ I am a reliable teacher and will continue to visit the hospital.

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