Shionoiin Total Clinic - Saitama

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shionoiin Total Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-14-2 Kamikizaki, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0071, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 330-0071
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday 8:30–11:30AM
Wednesday 8:30–11:30AM
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM
Friday 8:30–11:30AM

2 Chome-14-2 Kamikizaki, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0071, Japan
S O on Google

A change in PSA value (around 5.0) was seen in regular medical examinations, and when a prostate needle biopsy was performed at Sogo Hospital, I was notified of early stage cancer. When considering a treatment method, as a second opinion, I asked a friend to ask the deputy director of Shiono Clinic for a medical examination, and while specializing in cancer, I received comprehensive medical training in the UK, and this time I received accurate advice on my needs. Since it is far from the hospital, it was very helpful for me to respond online. As the aging of the population progresses, I would like to continue to consult with you as a family doctor.
Hidemi Shinoka on Google

今まで2年以上原因不明の微熱に悩まされていたのですが、副院長はとても丁寧に話を聞いてくれました。 今まではどの病院からも相手にされず、質問にも答えてくれませんでした。たらい回しにされ、心身ともに疲れておりました。 診断なども何もされていませんが、既に感謝しております。 今の時期で念のためPCR検査もしてくれました。 2年間しんどかったですけど、副院長のおかげでちょっと光が見えた気がします。
I had been suffering from a low-grade fever of unknown cause for more than two years, but the deputy director listened to me very carefully. Until now, I haven't been dealt with by any hospital and haven't answered any questions. I was tired both physically and mentally because I was tired. No diagnosis has been done, but I am already grateful. At this time of year, he also did a PCR test just in case. It was tough for two years, but thanks to the deputy director, I feel like I could see a little light.
カミムラ有亜 on Google

今回、風邪でお世話になったのですが、色々な面から、直接風邪とは関係ない症状についても考えられる原因など指摘してくださいました。丁寧に対応して頂いて良かったと思います。 ただ、何年か前に整形外科でお世話になった時はあまり気にしなかったのですが、(他の方も指摘しているように)患者さんの多さに対して待合室が窮屈なので、落ち着いて待てる環境ではないなと感じました。 それと、PCR検査を受けさせていただきましたが、検査を行う別室がかなり狭く、閉所が苦手な私としてはだいぶ不安を煽る場所でした。PCR検査を検討しているけれど閉所恐怖症という方にはお勧めできません。 この辺りが改善されると良いなと思います。
This time, I was taken care of by a cold, but from various aspects, he pointed out possible causes of symptoms that are not directly related to the cold. I am glad that you responded politely. However, I didn't really care when I was taken care of by orthopedics a few years ago, but (as others have pointed out) the waiting room is cramped due to the large number of patients. I felt that it was not an environment where I could wait calmly. Also, I had a PCR test, but the separate room for the test was quite small, and for me, who is not good at closing, it was a place that caused a lot of anxiety. Not recommended for those who are considering PCR but are claustrophobic. I hope this area will be improved.
山田太郎 on Google

ワクチン接種の予約が大変な時に一回目の予約が取れたら2回目は自動的に取れて楽だと思って接種に来たけれど、待合室に20人位しか座れない小さな診療所だとは知らず、ワクチン接種する前に コロナに感染するのではないかと心配で私は受付せずに帰って来ました。ワクチン接種会場としての許容範囲の問題だと思います。ソーシャルディスタンスって概念はこの医院には無いので、それでも大丈夫と思う人が受診すればいいと思います。ただ私は怖いから辞めました。初めて行く方達の為にお知らせします。
When it was difficult to make a vaccination reservation, if I made the first reservation, I thought it would be easier to get the second one automatically, but I didn't know that it was a small clinic where only about 20 people could sit in the waiting room. Before vaccination I came back without accepting because I was worried that I might be infected with corona. I think it's a matter of tolerance as a vaccination venue. There is no concept of social distance in this clinic, so I think that people who think it's okay should go to the clinic. But I quit because I was scared. I will inform you for those who are going for the first time.
竜高 on Google

他の人にとってはどうか分からないが、自分にとっては最低の所でした 待ち時間が長いのはしょうがないが、診察までに二時間以上かかり、診察も腕全体が痛いと言っているのに、目立つ内出血しか見ない始末。 人の話も大して聞かずに、カルテを作る看護師との会話の方が長い。 ぶつけていないと言っても聞かずに、自分が言いたい事だけベラベラ喋って、痛みが酷いか聞かれ痛いと答えたら、看護師に笑いながら「痛いって」と言われて大変不愉快だった。 今まで病院には複数行っているが、自分の中では最低の部類に入る病院でした 返信に色々と書いてあるが、「痛いって」と言ったのは痛み止めの薬を出すかどうかの時です、看護師にアザかどうかを伝える時では無かった。 返信は丁寧で良かったが、聞き取り結果、違う状況の事を伝えてる段階で無意識だったのだと思う
I don't know if it's for others, but it was the worst for me It is unavoidable that the waiting time is long, but it takes more than two hours to see the doctor, and even though the doctor says that the whole arm hurts, he sees only noticeable internal bleeding. The conversation with the nurse who makes the medical record is longer without listening to people's stories. I didn't ask if I didn't hit him, I just talked about what I wanted to say, and when I was asked if the pain was terrible and answered that it hurts, the nurse laughed and said "It hurts" and it was very unpleasant. .. I've been to multiple hospitals so far, but it was one of the worst hospitals I've ever had. There are many things in the reply, but I said "it hurts" when I was giving painkillers, not when I told the nurse if I had a bruise. It was good that the reply was polite, but as a result of hearing, I think that I was unconscious at the stage of telling about a different situation.
ぴょん太 on Google

長年、院長先生には家族3世代でお世話になっています。 昨年秋に母の皮膚に見たこともない酷い痒みの小豆みたいなブツブツが出来ていて、近くの皮膚科が休診で途方に暮れていた所、以前見た塩野医院さんのHPで皮膚科等の初期診療が出来ると書いてあるのを思い出し、初めて副医院長先生に診て頂きました。丁寧にお話を聞いてくださり、高齢の母にも分かりやすく色々な可能性を說明してくださり、もしかしたら難病の可能性があると、大きな病院を紹介してくださり、結果、難病の自己免疫疾患と分かり早めに適切な治療を受ける事ができて、夜も痒みから開放され熟睡できて、心から感謝しています。 また院長先生には高脂血症や糖尿病、心臓等の慢性疾患で親子で継続してお世話になっていて、丁寧な説明と、長年の診療経験がおありなので、安心して何でも相談することが出来て、我が家の家庭医として、何かあったらまずは塩野医院さんで診ていたける安心感があって心から感謝しています。 今後とも宜しくお願い致します。
For many years, the director has been indebted to me for three generations of my family. In the fall of last year, I had a lump like azuki beans with severe itching that I had never seen on my mother's skin, and I was at a loss because a nearby dermatologist was closed. I remembered that it was written that I could do the initial medical treatment, so I visited the deputy director for the first time. He listened carefully to me, explained various possibilities to my elderly mother in an easy-to-understand manner, and introduced me to a large hospital if there was a possibility of an intractable disease. As a result, the intractable disease I am truly grateful that I was able to receive appropriate treatment as soon as I understood that it was an autoimmune disease, and that I was able to get rid of itching and sleep well at night. In addition, the director has been indebted to parents and children for chronic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and heart, and has a polite explanation and many years of medical experience, so you can consult with us about anything with confidence. As a family doctor at home, I am truly grateful that I have the peace of mind that I can see Shiono Clinic first if something goes wrong. Sincerely.
龍太丸Chelsea on Google

親族がこちらで新型コロナのワクチン3回目接種を行いました。 お初のところだったので事前に場所を確認するためにGoogle Mapsより調べました。 その上で謝意と共に的外れな批判もあったので、同医院や同種の医療機関を応援するために投稿。 批判は建物が狭く、椅子も少なく、密になりやすくて怖い、と。 2019年年末までに新規開業した医療機関でワクチン接種のために設計され、密になりにくい構造としたところはあるのでしょうか。 椅子を増やせば当然そこに座りたくなる。 増えれば人が増えて密になる。 椅子が少なければ座る場所がないと不満が出る。 さらには時間より大幅に早くくれば前の時間帯で予約した人の経過観察が終わっておらず人は多い。 それを見越して1つの枠で接種する人数を減らせば予約が取れない、と。 今、接種している方々はそれなりに人生を経験されてきた世代のはず。 もう少し俯瞰して物事を見て頂きたい。 あまりにも目線が狭いと感じますな。 追記 HPに先生の経歴載っていましたが、被接種者と2人の先生の合計3人全く同じ経歴。 埼大附属中⇛浦和高校(笑)
Relatives have given the new corona vaccine for the third time here. Since it was the first time, I searched from Google Maps to confirm the location in advance. On top of that, there were irrelevant criticisms as well as gratitude, so I posted it to support the clinic and similar medical institutions. The criticism is that the building is small, there are few chairs, and it is easy to get dense and scary. Is there any medical institution that was newly opened by the end of 2019 that was designed for vaccination and has a structure that does not easily become dense? The more chairs you have, the more you want to sit there. If it increases, the number of people will increase and it will become denser. If there are few chairs, you will be dissatisfied if there is no place to sit. Furthermore, if it comes much earlier than the time, there are many people who have not finished the follow-up of the person who made the reservation in the previous time zone. In anticipation of that, if the number of people to be inoculated in one frame is reduced, reservations cannot be made. Those who are inoculating now should be the generation who have experienced their lives in their own way. I would like you to take a closer look at things. I feel that my eyes are too narrow. postscript The teacher's career was listed on the website, but the inoculated person and the two teachers have exactly the same career. JHS of Saitama University ⇛ Urawa High School (laughs)
K. M (momo) on Google

I was diagnosed with "norovirus gastroenteritis" at another hospital, but I had no diarrhea or vomiting, and the pain around the umbilicus continued at a high frequency, so I visited here. Then he said, "I think it's Anisakis," and asked me to give him an intramuscular injection to stop pain. Even though he was busy, he immediately said, "Let's do a gastrocamera." After all, there was no Anisakis, but the teacher explained it very politely. The nurse was also kind. It would be nice if even busy medical professionals could respond properly. thank you.

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