
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バイク王横浜上郷店

住所 :

Kamigocho, Sakae Ward, Yokohama, 〒247-0013 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.8190.jp/shop/70000829
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kamigocho, Sakae Ward, Yokohama, 〒247-0013 Kanagawa,Japan
食通乃美作大学 on Google

It was very smooth from purchase to delivery. I think the customer service was also polite.
TAIYOU on Google

初めてのバイク購入でしたが、親切で丁寧な対応をしていただき より良い提案をしていただけてとてもよかったです。 納車までとても楽しみです。
It was my first time to buy a motorcycle, but I would appreciate your kind and polite support. It was great that you could make a better proposal. I am looking forward to the delivery.
Potsuri on Google

中古の125ccスクーターを購入。某県のバイク王で通販購入したものをこちらで引き取ったわけですが、納車までの間、埃はすごい、錆があちこちに浮いているという状態だったらしい。しかし、こちらで清掃や簡単なさび落としをして頂いた。まるで新車かと思うかのようなボディだった。 丁寧な接客でまた利用したいと思う。
Buy a used 125cc scooter. I bought what I bought online from a motorcycle king in a certain prefecture here, but it seems that dust was amazing and rust was floating around until the delivery. However, I was asked to do cleaning and simple rust removal here. The body was as if it were a new car. I want to use it again with polite service.
on Google

親切丁寧に対応して頂きました。質問なども気軽にできて、安心して購入できました。 他店舗のバイクの状態もその場で細かく確認してくださったので参考にしやすかったです。
He kindly responded politely. I could feel free to ask questions, and I was able to purchase with confidence. It was easy to refer to the condition of the bikes at other stores as they were checked in detail on the spot.
竹之内直人 on Google

I think the restaurant is very polite and good.
K-K0oo H on Google

バイク買い取りを他社よりも高額で提示して頂きました。納得いく金額であり、気持ち良く取引きできました。 面倒な手続きもなく、スムーズにすすみました。接客態度も丁寧で説明も細かく、安心して買い取りをしてもらうことができ本当に良かったです。
We had you offer motorcycle purchase at a higher price than other companies. It was a reasonable amount and I was able to trade comfortably. It went smoothly without any troublesome procedure. The customer service attitude was polite and the explanation was detailed, and it was really nice to be able to buy with confidence.
野村華子 on Google

店長さんが丁寧に説明してくださって 無事、原付デビューができそうです! 納期まで楽しみにしています!
The store manager explained carefully It looks like we can make our moped debut safely! I'm looking forward to the delivery date!
ワイはオタク on Google

2年前くらいに飛び込みで原付を購入したいと伝え丁寧にバイク選びもしてくださった上、納車を無茶な日でお願いをして私も神頼み状態だったのですが、担当者さんが間に合わせてくださったのを今でも覚えています。あの頃は学生で社会人の大変さなど何も知らず、今考えるととんでもない客だったと思います。3/26に来店して31日に納車間に合わせてくださいました。 バイクの乗り方など全く知らず4/1から新社会人として早朝から出社しました。 バイク王さんで買ってよかったし、一生覚えていると思います。普段は口コミなんて書かないですがどうしても書きたかったので2年越しで、、。あの頃の担当者さんはいらっしゃらないかもしれないですが、そのときいたほかの方の対応も本当に素敵でした!ありがとうございました。
About two years ago, he told me that he wanted to buy a moped by diving and carefully selected the motorcycle, and asked for delivery on an unreasonable day, and I was in a state of requesting God, but the person in charge was in time. I still remember giving it to me. At that time, I was a student and didn't know anything about the difficulties of working people, so I think I was a ridiculous customer when I think about it now. I came to the store on 3/26 and made it in time for delivery on the 31st. I didn't know how to ride a motorcycle at all and came to work early in the morning as a new member of society from April 1st. I'm glad I bought it at Bike O, and I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life. I don't usually write word-of-mouth, but I really wanted to write it, so it's been over two years. The person in charge at that time may not be there, but the response of the other people at that time was really nice! Thank you very much.

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