埼玉県 消費生活支援センター

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Contact 埼玉県 消費生活支援センター

住所 :

Kamiaoki, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0844 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Webサイト : https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/soshiki/b0304/index.html
街 : Saitama

Kamiaoki, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0844 Saitama,Japan
ゲスト1ゲスト1 on Google

こういう所で星5つとか 工作員にバイトだろ―な 公共的なとこでも平気で雇ってそう
It's a part-time job for a operative with 5 stars in such a place.
roga002 on Google

If the other party has sincerity and morals, you can solve it by yourself without the help of the Consumer Affairs Center. If the other party has reopened, it cannot be resolved by consulting with the Consumer Affairs Center. I sent a document summarizing the problem to the other party and the center, but in the end, it was meaningless because it took time to prepare the document and mailing cost. I just have a double dislike.
lirio azul (lirio-azul) on Google

悪徳な通販の高額請求の相談に行きました。担当の方が親切で丁寧な方で安心しました。 かなり被害があるところ立ったようでご存知でした、時間かかるかもとのことでしたが… 特例で即解決。支払いにも応じず助かりました。
I went to a consultation about a high-priced mail order. I was relieved that the person in charge was kind and polite. You knew that you stood in a place where there was considerable damage, but it may take some time ... Immediate solution with special cases. I was saved without accepting payment.
name20 pri on Google

電話で相談したが、“ 話しは聞くけど、権限がないので何もできない” と言われ、失礼ながら存在意義を疑ってしまった。
I consulted on the phone, but he said, "I hear the story, but I can't do anything because I don't have the authority."
has (うるは) on Google

相談したくて何度電話してもまったくつながりません。待機中の通話料だけ延々と取られます。 何のために存在しているんですか?
No matter how many times I call to talk, I can't connect at all. Only the waiting call charges will be taken endlessly. What is it for?
883 handsomeboy on Google

相談員の知識不足もありますが、県庁職員の対応が怠慢な所が多々あります。 マヌタカズトシ→言葉遣いが非常悪く、相談員の知識不足を指摘したら「資格を持っていても全ての事を分かるわけないから知らなくてもしょうがない」とコメント。(どういう理屈で言ったのか理解が出来ません)ちなみに現在では担当課長のようです。 部長マユズミ→約束時間で連絡もらうものの、約束時間前まで会議をしていたと、何の件でどういう事が起こったか全く理解していない。痛いところをつかれるとルールだからと高圧的な態度になります。 副所長ナガヌマ→きちんと対処をしていない為、職員担当から複数指導、所長の天野さんから指導された時だけは手のひらを返したように、とても良い対応をされましたが、所長の指示ではないとハッキリ答えられない人です。所長のロボットのようです。 県庁庁舎と離れており、川口にあります。 その為、県庁から管理が出来にくい所です。 正直、電話対応がダメなら対面も無理だと思います。 不用な言動を働く方が多いので、普通であれば相手に言ったら傷付くなど配慮をすると思いますが、私に指摘されてやっと気付く職場ですから、井の中の蛙のように職場環境が良くないかもしれません。 県庁職員の対応が悪ければ職員対応か県庁職員課へ連絡すれば良いと思います。ふざけた奴が多いです。 税金泥棒と思って下さい。
Although there is a lack of knowledge of the counselors, there are many places where the prefectural office staff are neglected. Manutaka Zutoshi → The wording is very bad, and when he pointed out the lack of knowledge of the counselor, he commented, "Even if you have a qualification, you can't understand everything, so you don't have to know it." (I don't understand what the theory was) By the way, he seems to be the section chief in charge now. Mayuzumi, Director → I get contacted at the promised time, but when I had a meeting before the promised time, I didn't understand what happened at all. If you get caught in a painful place, you will have a high-pressure attitude because it is a rule. Deputy Director Naganuma → Because I haven't dealt with it properly, I received multiple instructions from the staff in charge, and only when I was instructed by Mr. Amano, the director, I gave a very good response as if I returned my palm, but it is not the director's instruction. It is a person who cannot answer clearly. It looks like the director's robot. It is located in Kawaguchi, away from the prefectural office. Therefore, it is difficult to manage from the prefectural office. To be honest, I don't think it's possible to meet face-to-face if you can't answer the phone. There are many people who use unnecessary words and deeds, so I think that I would normally be hurt if I tell the other person, but since it is a workplace that I finally notice, the work environment is good like a frog in the well. May not be. If the response of the prefectural office staff is poor, I think that you should contact the staff response or the prefectural office staff section. There are many playful guys. Think of it as a tax thief.
tsuchiya sachinori on Google

他の方々も投稿しているように 話にならない。 話しを聞いただけ、後日改めて 何も出来ないと言われた。 弱い立場の消費者を護り再発が無きように、 会社、企業に対して注意、指導をするのではないのか。
As others have posted I can't talk about it. Listen to the story and come back later I was told I couldn't do anything. To protect vulnerable consumers and prevent recurrence Isn't it giving attention and guidance to companies and companies?
クローバーはちみつ on Google

相談中に感じた違和感と同意見のコメントをされてる方がいて驚いています。 相談員の方の対応が悪いのは勿論ですが、指導する立場の上層部が礼儀知らずの無礼な人ばかりで話になりません。 指導します!と口先で話ていましたが、まずはご自身の言動や行動から改めては?と思うほど未だかつて出会ったことの無い不適切な対応を相手が嫌がることがわからないのか思いやりとか配慮を感じない、まるで虐めにあってるように感じました。 こちらはトラブルで困っているのに相談員がきちんと話を聴いてくれず的外れなとんちんかんな解釈をされ、決めつけられた対応をされました。 相談のプロである筈なのに話が通じず、精神的に疲弊するほど大きく心にダメージを受けました。 こちらの消費者センターに相談をすることでかえって問題が大きくなったのは間違えありません。 相談したくても相談が出来ないストレスと相談員とその上司が話が通じない… どこに相談したらわからず該当しそうな部署を探し電話をしたらい回しにされた後、県庁の人事部に繋いでいただきようやく担当者を変えて貰いました。 平気で嘘はつくし信頼は出来ず安心して相談は出来ません。 自分の非を素直に認めず謝ることは一切しません。 消費生活センターが機能していないのは大問題だと事態は深刻で重大な問題だと思いますので知事にもメールいたしました。 同じように困っている方のトラブルが解決すると良いですが…。 途中で担当者を変える事が出来ないので(駄目元で他のセンターに話が通じないので変わって頂けないか相談しましたが、決まりで出来ないと言われました…) 他のセンターに相談した方が健全だと思いますよ。
I'm surprised that some people commented on the same discomfort I felt during the consultation. It goes without saying that the counselors do not respond well, but the upper management in the position of guidance is all polite and rude, so I can't talk about it. I will teach you! But first of all, why don't you start with your own words and actions? I didn't feel compassion or consideration because I didn't understand that the other person hated the inappropriate response that I had never met before, and I felt like I was being bullied. Although I was in trouble because of trouble, the counselor did not listen to me properly, and the interpretation was irrelevant, and the response was decided. I was supposed to be a consulting professional, but I couldn't understand the story, and I was so emotionally exhausted that my heart was damaged. There is no doubt that the problem became bigger by consulting with this consumer center. The stress that I can't talk to even if I want to talk, and the counselor and his boss can't communicate ... I didn't know where to consult, I searched for a department that seemed to be applicable, and after calling, I was asked to connect to the personnel department of the prefectural office and finally change the person in charge. I can't lie, I can't trust it, and I can't talk with confidence. I will not apologize for not admitting my fault. I also emailed the governor because I think the situation is serious and serious if it is a big problem that the Consumer Affairs Center is not functioning. It would be nice if the troubles of those who are similarly in trouble can be solved ... I couldn't change the person in charge on the way (I couldn't communicate with other centers, so I asked if I could change it, but I was told that I couldn't do it by convention ...) I think it's better to consult with other centers.

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