板 石山光一 四條司家御膳所

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 板 石山光一 四條司家御膳所

住所 :

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : http://kaiseki-restaurant-445.business.site/
街 : Tokyo

Kameido, Koto City, 〒136-0071 Tokyo,Japan
中川直樹 on Google

Sake is also offered at an affordable price. All the dishes were delicious. There are many delicious restaurants in Kameido that stand out.
M A on Google

野菜までもが明らかに味が違い、魚も包丁の入れ方で味が変わるというのが実感できました。 全ての料理が今まで食べた中で一番おいしい、と言えるほどで、お値段相応の高い質のお料理をいただけました。
I was able to realize that even vegetables have a distinctly different taste, and that the taste of fish also changes depending on how the kitchen knife is inserted. It can be said that all the dishes are the most delicious I have ever eaten, and I was able to enjoy high quality food at a reasonable price.
g-mail matilda on Google

A general who doesn't speak wastefully, and a quieter wife. The taste is high-class, but the restaurant is cluttered and small. The classic, directed by Seiji Ozawa, is BGM, a very chaotic shop, but drinks and dishes are outstanding!
W w on Google

ふぐのフルコースで1万円。 お腹が破裂しそうなレベルなボリューム! これで1万円は安い! 味はまぁまぁですが、満足できます。 なにより大将の接客が最高!
A full course of blowfish costs 10,000 yen. A level volume that seems to burst your stomach! 10,000 yen is cheap with this! The taste is ok, but I'm satisfied. Above all, the general customer service is the best!
jitoumyou on Google

A Japanese restaurant in the top 5 in Tokyo that you know. Fish dishes such as salmon are excellent. The location and atmosphere are common.
cooking kawauso on Google

いつもこちらの好みや希望に合わせて最高の料理と素敵な接客をして頂ける幸福な場所です。 *この日は初めて虎河豚の白子を食べてみたくて、白子尽くしでお願いしました! 店内は手狭ですがその分ライブ感に溢れた調理工程の見学が出来、ずっと飽きずに見てられます。 店内はクラシック音楽が流れ落ち着いた雰囲気で、こちらの様子に会わせて料理を提供してもらえるので、ついつい飲みすぎてしまうことが多いです。 妻や大切な人とゆっくりするのにお勧めです。
It is a happy place where you can always enjoy the best food and nice service according to your tastes and wishes. * On this day, I wanted to try the tiger river pig milt for the first time, so I asked for it all! The inside of the shop is too small, but you can observe the cooking process full of live feeling, so you can watch it without getting tired. The inside of the shop has a calm atmosphere with classical music, and you can meet them here to serve food, so you often drink too much. Recommended for relaxing with your wife and loved ones.
EK on Google

改装されてから初でした。 以前の落ち着いた雰囲気から、よりオープンな、白を基調とする明るい店内に様変わりしていて、 それでいて昔からの変わらない安定感のある納得の味でした。
It was the first time since it was renovated. The calm atmosphere of the past has changed to a more open, bright white interior. Still, it was a convincing taste with a sense of stability that has not changed since long ago.
Wu Zhong on Google

お値段も張りますが、さすが美味しいです。 旬のものを提供していただけます。 たまにスッポンの水槽がカウンター上に並ぶので、間近に亀を見ながら食事をすることも。 苦手な人は予めお伝えしておいた方が良いかもです。 以前に一度、蟹と牛(銘柄を失念)をおすすめいただいた際に、調理法はお任せしますとお伝えしたら、はりはり鍋、その次に蟹しゃぶで、2品連続鍋だったので、少し驚きました。 大将と女将さんの雰囲気はとても良いです。
The price is high, but it's delicious. You can provide seasonal items. Occasionally, soft-shelled turtle tanks line up on the counter, so you can eat while watching the turtles up close. If you are not good at it, it may be better to tell in advance. When I once recommended crab and beef (forgot the brand), I told them that I would leave the cooking method to you, but I was a little surprised because it was a two-course hot pot with Harihari-nabe and then crab shabu-shabu. It was. The atmosphere of the general and the landlady is very good.

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