Kameda Station - Niigata

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kameda Station

住所 :

1-chōme-1 Higashifunaba, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0163, Japan

Postal code : 950-0163

1-chōme-1 Higashifunaba, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0163, Japan
W M (Mの字) on Google

General station. There is neither good nor bad. The development of the surrounding area is not good enough. If there is at least a fast food restaurant in the area ...
H KATO on Google

Because it is a small station, the number of station staff is small, but he explained carefully at the time of regular refund. However, I was disappointed that I had to wait for someone behind because there was nothing else. It's still a new station so it's beautiful. Suica also supports.
ひまじん3 on Google

普段からよく利用している駅です。 以前、ロードバイクを輪行した際自動改札を上手く通ることができず(この駅の自動改札は他の駅に比べ、狭い気が…)困っていたとき、駅員さんが「お手伝いしましょうか?」と一言声をかけてくださり、駅員さんの助けを得て無事通り抜けることができました。あまり、輪行を経験したことがないのでこの駅だけ特別とは言いづらいですが、いつも利用している駅ということもあり、とても嬉しく思いました。
This is a station that I often use. Previously, when I was riding a road bike, I could not pass the automatic ticket gate well (the automatic ticket gate at this station seems to be narrower than other stations ...) When I was in trouble, the station staff asked "Can I help? I was able to pass safely with the help of the station staff. It's hard to say that this station is special because I haven't traveled so much, but I'm very happy that it's the station I always use.
Kata Kata 1500 on Google

新潟方面への通勤客と沿線の中高生で賑わう駅。朝の新潟方面は5〜10分間隔なので人の流れが途絶えず、夕方はホームが学生で一杯になる光景が風物詩です。 駅舎は綺麗で最近はバスの乗り入れも活発化していて利便性は◎だと感じます。
A station that is full of commuters to Niigata and middle and high school students along the line. In the morning Niigata area is 5 to 10 minutes, so the flow of people is not interrupted, and in the evening the scene where the home is full of students is a feature. The station building is beautiful, and recently the buses are getting active and the convenience is ◎.
pan maru on Google

地元の駅。付属の施設でコンビニバイトの面接をしたことがあります。 小学生の作ったオブジェを飾るなど、地元のコミュニティと密接な空間でもあります。 比較的新しいのできれいな施設ですが、新潟駅みたく通路誘導のような表示はないので最寄りの学生が無造作にバラついてるので、登下校時間の通り抜けは困難です。
Local station. I have interviewed a convenience store at the attached facility. It is also a space close to the local community, such as decorating objects made by elementary school students. Although it is relatively new, it is a beautiful facility, but there is no sign like Niigata Station Mitakutaku aisle guidance.
若様言 on Google

亀田公園が近くて便利 西口は繁華街?東口は閑静な住宅街、亀田公園は東口から歩いて5分掛からない
Kameda Park is close and convenient Is the west exit a busy street? The east exit is a quiet residential area, and Kameda Park is a 5-minute walk from the east exit
どあい on Google

It is the fourth busiest station in Niigata. You can freely go east and west at Hashigami Station. There is also a green ticket office, which is convenient when buying a ticket. The rotary is also in good condition
本間満 on Google

There are no skyscrapers around the station, but it forms a residential area. I got a station stamp.

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