Kakuozanbiyo Dermatology - Nagoya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kakuozanbiyo Dermatology

住所 :

キラリト覚王山 3F 9 Chome-19-8 Kakuozantori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0841, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 464-0841
Webサイト : http://www.kakuozan-bsc.com/

キラリト覚王山 3F 9 Chome-19-8 Kakuozantori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0841, Japan
Kanako Uetsuki on Google

娘の診察で伺いました。 子供と一緒だと待ち時間がとても大変なのですが、完全予約制で待ち時間もなく、とてもスムーズに診察してくださり、助かりました!
I asked at the examination of my daughter. The waiting time is very difficult with children, but it was a perfect reservation system and there was no waiting time.
角村和子 on Google

フェイシャルエステに 行ってきました♪ 先生が丁寧かつ優しく、 院内は清潔かつおしゃれ。 終始癒されました☆
Facial Beauty I went ♪ The teacher is polite and gentle, The hospital is clean and fashionable. I was healed throughout ☆
Sawa Shinohara on Google

I had to take the neck of the warts. By now pretty much two weeks. Ivo on the sole of the foot was troubled at other hospitals, but I was also able to choose the treatment of self-medication examination here and the effect has come out. It seems that you can aim for recovery.
tomoko on Google

Hospital was also very clean and nice in the new clinic. Doctor also can consult with Kudasari relieved to a polite counseling. Beauty is treatment have received the laser in of, but I think that I want to continue at least pain ❤︎ is the clinic that you want to recommend!
マホ(マホ) on Google

長年悩んでいた肌荒れが、かなり落ち着いてきました。行ってよかったです。 また、スタッフみなさま非常に感じが良いのと、院内も清潔で、アルコール消毒や検温もあるので、このご時世でも安心して通えると思います。
The rough skin that I had been suffering from for many years has calmed down considerably. I'm glad I went. In addition, all the staff are very pleasant, the hospital is clean, and there is alcohol disinfection and temperature measurement, so I think that you can go there with confidence even in this age.
Moo Yoo on Google

イボの除去でお世話になりました。その際に些細な肌荒れを相談したところ親身になって聞いてくださり、的確なアドバイスと洗顔サンプルをいただきました。 受付の方も医師も丁寧で素晴らしかったです。みなさん綺麗な方ばかりでしたが外見だけでなく立居振る舞いがしっかりされてるからだなと感じました。
Thank you for removing the warts. At that time, when I consulted about a slight rough skin, he kindly listened to me and gave me accurate advice and a face-wash sample. The receptionist and the doctor were polite and wonderful. All of them were beautiful, but I felt that it was because not only their appearance but also their standing behavior was solid.
のかやん on Google

美容皮膚科ですが、保険診療もちゃんと診てくれます。肌荒れで受診した際サンプルをもらった洗顔石鹸がものすごく良くて、これまで25年間使ってきた化粧品ブランドをかなぐり捨てました!笑 化粧品は、サンプルをいただく代わりに、クリニックで実際に試させてもらえます。皮膚のプロに薦めてきただいた化粧品は、どれも肌に優しく間違いがありません。カウンセリングのスタッフの方が丁寧に説明して下さり、強引な販売も全くありません。 診察は予約制なので、待ち時間がほとんどないのもオススメ。素敵な待合室で、優雅に順番を待つことができます。
Although it is a beauty dermatology department, it also provides medical insurance. The facial cleansing soap I got when I visited the clinic because of rough skin was so good that I threw away the cosmetic brand I had been using for 25 years! Lol Instead of getting a sample, you can actually try cosmetics at the clinic. Most of the cosmetics recommended by skin professionals are gentle on the skin and there is no mistake. The counseling staff explained it carefully, and there was no forcible sales. Since the consultation is by appointment, it is recommended that there is almost no waiting time. You can gracefully wait for your turn in the lovely waiting room.
C Cocco on Google

I went here looking for a reservation-based dermatologist. I was able to see the doctor on time without getting crowded in the waiting room. The teacher listens to various skin problems in a friendly atmosphere. You can rest assured in terms of costs as there is an explanation every time whether it is insurance treatment or your own expense. The treatment is also polite.

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