Kakuozan Mental Clinic - Nagoya

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kakuozan Mental Clinic

住所 :

9 Chome-18 Kakuozantori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0841, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87799
Postal code : 464-0841
Webサイト : http://kakuozan-clinic.jp/

9 Chome-18 Kakuozantori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 464-0841, Japan
JUMP No.1 on Google

医者感なくとても気さくな先生です。待合室は広く綺麗で、スタッフの皆さんも親切です。 予約の時間通りに診察が進むことはまずないですが話はちゃんと聴いていただけるので、待ち時間は苦になりません。
It is a very friendly teacher without a doctor feeling. The waiting room is large and clean, and the staff are friendly. It is unlikely that the consultation will proceed as scheduled, but you can listen to the story properly, so the waiting time will not be a problem.
MAN BATH on Google

I have been treated in the past. The doctor listened to the story and the prescription was good. I did not cure completely, but I thought that it was a good hospital because the deterioration was stopped. Although the score is low, a psychiatric clinic is likely to be bombed one point, so I hope that you can have a consultation without worrying about it.
はみ on Google

高圧的で話を聞いてくれず決めつけてくる。 睨み付けるような態度に、 心の声を聞いてます。 心と会話してるんです。 と、言ってこちらの声で発している言葉は一切聞かない。 全否定してくるので逆にツラくなります。
It's high pressure and it's decided without listening to the story. With a glaring attitude I'm listening to the voice of my heart. I'm talking to my heart. That said, I don't hear any words in this voice. Since it completely denies it, it becomes glaring on the contrary.
山田まゆ on Google

2013年からお世話になってます。上から目線の精神科医が多いですが、こちらの医師はそんなことありませんよ。病院のスタッフが人間として扱ってくれるため、三重県や岐阜県からも患者が来るとか。 また薬。医師が薬の取り扱いが厳しいので人間らしくいられます。
I have been indebted to you since 2013. There are many psychiatrists looking from above, but this is not the case. Patients come from Mie and Gifu prefectures because the hospital staff treats them as human beings. Also medicine. Doctors are strict about handling medicines, so you can be human.
Better Tomorrow on Google

人の話を聞かない。気持ち悪い先生。 初診で診断を聞いた際、絶望したこちらの様子を見て、嘲笑っていたような医者。
Don't listen to people. A disgusting teacher. A doctor who seemed to be ridiculed when he saw this despair when he heard the diagnosis at the first visit.
花子徳竹 on Google

I have been indebted to you for a long time. Due to the large dose of the drug, he was isolated from society and transferred to another hospital to escape. Since then, I have been able to work in a few years. When I myself studied psychiatry at the Open University of Japan, I think that this doctor is studying the latest medicine while there are many doctors who make fun of patients from the top. I am deeply grateful to this doctor because psychiatric patients can change their lives depending on the doctor.
ISHU on Google

以前、お世話になり、お薬のみいただきたかったので、事前に電話連絡して、受け取りに行きました。 (先生との対面は、今回はなし) 緊張する時だけ飲むお薬をいただいています。 平日の昼でしたが、患者さんが、5~6人待合室にいらっしゃり、少し待たされそうな感じでした。
Before, I was taken care of and wanted to take medicine, so I called in advance and went to pick it up. (No meeting with the teacher this time) I take medicine only when I am nervous. It was noon on weekdays, but the patient was in the waiting room for 5 to 6 people, and I felt like I was waiting for a while.
山田花子 on Google

初診でかかりました。 来て早々に、「ここに来た意味はなんですか?ここに来た理由を述べよ。」と言われました。 (本当にこんな感じの口調でした。) また、こちらが普通に話しているのに「本当のことを話さなければ、こっちもわざわざ時間枠を取ってるので返しますよ。」と言われ、意味がわからなかったです。 正直、他の方の低評価を見て、ここまでひどくないだろうと思っていましたが、実際にはクチコミ通り大変不愉快でしたし、話を聞かず一方的に自分の思い込みだけで話を進められました。また、診療と言っていいのか本当にひどいレベルでした。 迷われている方はここのクリニックは本当にやめた方がいいです。
It took me at the first visit. As soon as I came, I was told, "What is the meaning of coming here? Please explain why you came here." (It was really like this.) Also, even though I was talking normally, I was told, "If I don't tell the truth, I will return it because I have a time frame," and I didn't understand the meaning. To be honest, I thought that it would not be so bad when I saw the low evaluation of other people, but in reality it was very unpleasant as the word of mouth, and I proceeded with the story unilaterally without listening to the story. Was done. Also, it was a really terrible level to say that it was medical treatment. Those who are wondering should really stop the clinic here.

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