Kaikoji Temple - Sakata

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaikoji Temple

住所 :

2 Chome-7-12 Hiyoshicho, Sakata, Yamagata 998-0037, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 998-0037
Webサイト : http://kaikouji-sakata.jimdo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM

2 Chome-7-12 Hiyoshicho, Sakata, Yamagata 998-0037, Japan
佐藤朱美 on Google

For the first time, I visited Sokushinbutsu. I didn't feel scared or scared, and I was in awe. I'm a Christian, not a Buddhist, but I felt like a martyr who lost his life to faith. I want to know well about the times when they lived, how the unwavering determination and strong wishes of the two superiors who settled in the soil after many years of wood-eating training and became Sokushinbutsu were nurtured. I thought. From this temple, you can see Mt. Chokai and Mt. Dewa. The two superiors also looked up at the mountain of faith and felt that they were watching over people's lives from the top of this mountain.
かいかい on Google

This is a very valuable place. There are two Sokushinbutsu. It will calm your mind. By all means, we recommend that you purchase a talisman of Sokushinbutsu when you visit. It's full of power.
金井廣重 on Google

拝観させて頂きました。 このお寺の歴史や歴代住職のお話を聞く事が出来ました。 江戸時代、日本の物流の拠点であったこの町の象徴のようなお寺で、多くの民衆の心の拠り所であったのだと思いました。 とても綺麗に整備された公園の一角にあり、空気観がとても素晴らしかったです。
I have seen it. I was able to hear the history of this temple and the stories of successive priests. In the Edo period, it was a symbolic temple of this town, which was the base of logistics in Japan, and I thought it was the heart of many people. It was in a very nicely maintained corner of the park and the view of the air was very nice.
フラ on Google

You can see two Sokushinbutsu. I had the temple explain it. Since I visited in the morning, the number of spectators was small, so I asked various questions, but I answered each one carefully. I had a Sokushinbutsu towel, so I bought it. I would like you to visit us.
えこてらす on Google

日和山公園の駐車場に車を停めて参拝させていただきました。二体の即身仏が祀られているのは全国でもここだけだそうです。拝観料500円で、受付の方が詳しくたんたんと説明もしてくださいます。 両上人様は保存のために膠を塗る処理をされているそうですが、 200年以上前の時代に、世の人々のためと修行をされ入定された上人様おふたりを、実際にこの目で見れるのは大変ありがたいことです。(撮影はできません) 邪推ながら、苦しかったかな‥、お腹すいてただろうな‥などと考えてしまうのも、拝観によって自分の煩悩と向き合う機会をいただけたものと思いますし、何か込み上げるものがあります。ぜひお参りください。 展示物の中に、周辺近隣県にも多数の即身仏が安置されていることが書かれてあり驚きました。
I parked my car in the parking lot of Hiwayama Park and worshiped. It is said that this is the only place in Japan where two Sokushinbutsu are enshrined. The admission fee is 500 yen, and the receptionist will explain in detail. It is said that both superiors have been treated with glue for preservation, but in the era more than 200 years ago, the two superiors who were trained and accepted for the sake of the world are actually looking at them. I am very grateful to be able to see it at. (Cannot shoot) I think that I was given the opportunity to deal with my worldly desires by seeing it, and I think that it was painful, I think I was hungry, etc. Please come visit us. I was surprised to find that many Sokushinbutsu were enshrined in the neighboring prefectures in the exhibits.
べりさく on Google

日和山公園のすぐ目の前にある真言宗のお寺 山形県には即神仏が多いのは知っていましたが海向寺さんには二体おられたとは知らなかった 個人で行ってもしっかり説明していただけます イラストを使ってゆっくり丁寧に話してくれるのでとても分かりやすく関心がもてます 海の見える高台にあるので晴れてる日は風が通り景色がよくとても良いところです
A temple of the Shingon sect right in front of Hiwayama Park I knew that there were many Sokushinbutsu in Yamagata prefecture, but I didn't know that Kaikoji had two. You can explain it even if you go by yourself It is very easy to understand and interesting because it talks slowly and politely using illustrations. Because it is on a hill overlooking the sea, it is a very nice place with a nice view through the wind on a sunny day.
l c on Google

出羽三山の参拝旅のときに、即身仏の存在を初めて知り、二体の即身仏がおられる海向寺へ。 私以外、誰も居なかったので、ゆっくり拝観してきました。 色々込み上げるものがあり、誰も居なくて良かったです(^_^;) 丑年の今年は衣替えの年で、記念印ありの御朱印と衣入り御守をいただくことができ、インスタで気になっていた寺猫のクロネコちゃんも見られて、ホッコリしました。
During the worship trip to Dewasanzan, I first learned about the existence of Sokushinbutsu and went to Kaikoji Temple where there are two Sokushinbutsu. There was no one other than me, so I took a leisurely look at it. There were various things that were crowded, and it was good that no one was there (^ _ ^;) This year of the Ox year was the year of changing clothes, and I was relieved to see the red stamp with a commemorative stamp and the amulet with clothes, and the temple cat Kuroneko who was interested in Instagram.
Alex Litz on Google

This is by far the best place to see sokushinbutsu in all of Japan. Only here can you not only see 2 at once, but also see them up close

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