
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 幸本

住所 :

Kagurazaka, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0825 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.kagurazakayukimoto.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kagurazaka, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0825 Tokyo,Japan
ゆめ on Google

The cuisine is perfect! However, it would have been better if there was an explanation of the dish when you brought it!
KKK TTT on Google

出迎えから最高 料理は季節を感じる和食で本当に美味しかったです 部屋は落ち着いた和室で東京にいるのを忘れるくらいに静かでした 料亭が減ってる中に頑張って欲しい店です コスパも良くて最高でした
The best from the meeting The food was really delicious with Japanese food that feels the season The room was quiet enough to forget to stay in Tokyo in a calm Japanese room It is a shop I want you to do my best while the restaurant is decreasing Cospa was good and was the best
大野悠 on Google

Comfort, food quality. Everything is the highest level
123 katsura on Google

Kagurazaka geisha are stylish and the atmosphere of the shop is wonderful. The food and sake are delicious. I had a good time.
健一野村 on Google

We had delicious food and sake in a quiet room. A cat came to the garden to drink water.
岩井真由美 on Google

日本で6人しかいない人間国宝の幇間さんと三味線さん&芸者さん3人の芸を見ながらのお座敷宴席を体験して来ました! 会席料理は見た目も味も老舗料亭に相応しくて日常生活では味わう事が出来ないとても優雅な一時を過ごせました
I have experienced the tatami room banquet while watching the arts of three human national treasures, Mr. Sakuma, Mr. Shamisen & Mr. Geisha in Japan! The kaiseki cuisine looked and tasted like a long-established restaurant, and I had a very elegant time that I could not taste in everyday life.
太田慶介 on Google

法事会食で利用させて頂きました。 中途半端な時間に終わり3時から会食が出来る所を探していた所『神楽坂 幸本』を知りダメもとで営業時間外の会食を御願いした所、地持ちよく承諾してくれました。8人での会食がだったのですが多分12人位は軽く入れるであろう大部屋を用意して下さいました。所作の一つ一つが丁寧で料理も伝統的な日本料理の技を目で鼻で口で堪能させて頂きました。日本の無形文化遺産を味わえるとても素敵なお見せです。
I used it for a legal dinner. When I was looking for a place where I could have a dinner from 3 o'clock after halfway through, I found out about "Kagurazaka Yukimoto" and asked for a dinner outside business hours, and he kindly agreed. We had a dinner for 8 people, but maybe 12 people prepared a large room that could be lightly accommodated. Each of the works was polite and I enjoyed the traditional Japanese cooking technique with my eyes and mouth. It is a very nice show where you can enjoy the intangible cultural heritage of Japan.
ぽんた on Google

芸者さんの会で お呼ばれしました。 今回はお弁当だったので 料理を堪能することはできなかったんですが 懐石の時に ぜひ行きたいです お弁当は 刺身は美味しかったけど ほかのはまずかった笑 魚はなんかスーパーのやつみたいな 銀鱈。 ご飯はカチカチで ゴワゴワなご飯でした。 神楽坂でとてもなのしれた幸本さんに いけたのは よかったです
In Kai's geisha I was invited. This time was a lunch box Although it was not able to enjoy the cuisine At the time of the kaiseki I want us to go Bento I sashimi was delicious Lol other's was badly cooked Guy I like fish something super Gintara. Rice is a ticking It was stiff of rice. Very of may was Ms. Saiwaihon in Kagurazaka Pond of the I'm glad

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