遊食空間ぶんぶん - Yokote

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 遊食空間ぶんぶん

住所 :

Jumonjimachi, Yokote, 〒019-0529 Akita,Japan

Postal code : 019-0529
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Akita

Jumonjimachi, Yokote, 〒019-0529 Akita,Japan
後藤 誉 on Google

I think the rich ramen is better than Yuzawa's Chojuken.
阿部弘樹 on Google

The taste is good, but maybe because it was crowded at night, it was a minus that the noodles were stretched after leaving for about 5 minutes after the ramen was made.
yusuke yanata on Google

こってりらーめん 昔ながらのしょうゆラーメンって感じで、また食べに行きます! 車で行くと、駐車スペースに困るので、活力ラーメン側に駐車して行くのがオススメです。
Kotter Ramen It's a traditional soy sauce ramen, and I'll go eat again! If you go by car, you will have trouble with the parking space, so it is recommended to park on the side of the vitality ramen.
秋元正年 on Google

About 15 years ago, when I lived in the south of the prefecture, I first learned about the existence of abura soba. At that time, there was an atmosphere that was easy to enter by the side of the road, but the atmosphere like a hideaway became stronger probably because it moved to a residential area. I feel that the range of dishes has become wider. I don't want the atmosphere of the little-known spot to be spoiled, so I will give it a low rating.
Porco Rosso on Google

ここにラーメン屋があるの?って不安になるような場所にあるお店です。車は店の前に一台停めるスペースがありますが狭いので徒歩で行くのがいいと思います。ライス、漬物、ふりかけが食べ放題という珍しいサービスもあります。 自分でも作れそうなんだけど真似できないクセになる味の油そばがイチ押しです。並盛りが150gで700円、中盛りが300gで800円、大盛りが450gで900円と値段に対して麺の量が急激に増えるのも特徴的です。ニンニク、フライドオニオン、酢などの味変アイテムもたくさんあるので自分好みに味をカスタマイズして食べられます。個人的にはまずフライドオニオンを大量にかけて半分くらい食べ、残りは酢をかけて食べるのがおすすめの食べ方です。
Is there a ramen shop here? It's a place in a place that makes you nervous. There is a space for one car to park in front of the store, but it's a small space so it's best to walk. There is also an unusual service where you can eat rice, pickles, and furikake as much as you want. It seems that you can make it yourself, but I like the soy sauce that has a taste that you can't imitate. It is also characteristic that the amount of noodles increases sharply with respect to the price, the average price is 700 yen for 150 g, the medium size is 800 yen for 300 g, and the large size is 450 g for 900 yen. There are many varieties of garlic, fried onion, vinegar and so on, so you can customize the taste to your taste. Personally, it is recommended to eat a large amount of fried onion and eat about half, and the rest with vinegar.
じぇっと on Google

限定の納豆味噌は、納豆汁並の粘りで熱々感が続きます。 新作のつけ麺は、玉ねぎたっぷりのさっぱりつけ汁で、ズルズルいけます! 復活の味噌ラーメンこってりでご飯が進みます。 醤油こってりラーメンが、湯沢系の油田でした。普通でもチャーシュー多めです!! 隠れ家的雰囲気出してます。 塩分高めなので、無料食べ放題のご飯必須!! メニューが増え、ご飯食べ放題コーナーもグレードアップしてます。
The limited natto miso is as sticky as natto soup and keeps you feeling hot. The new tsukemen is a refreshing soup with plenty of onions, and you can slurp it! The resurrected miso ramen is rich and the rice goes on. The soy sauce-rich ramen was a Yuzawa-based oil field. Even if it's normal, there are a lot of char siu !! It has a hideaway atmosphere. All-you-can-eat rice is essential because it is high in salt! The menu has increased and the all-you-can-eat rice corner has also been upgraded.
K K (kaorin) on Google

みそラーメン並800円、背脂トッピング(無料)です。今日のおかず(無料)はチキンカツ、炭水化物の前に野菜サラダなど。勿論白飯も無料でありますよ。おかずは日替わりで様々なのが登場するみたいです。この前なんてサンドイッチなんて破天荒なモノまで登場することも。今日は七味7振りラー油7プッシュ、無料コーナーにあるフライドオニオンでドロドロにして最後の一滴まで美味しく頂きました。帰りはもれなくアメちゃん勧めてくれる。ご馳走様でした。 追記、2021年、 SARAH JAPAN MENU AWARD こってりらーめん部門で 星二つの盾が!!! 今回は気になってた納豆味噌を堪能しました。今まで食べた納豆ラーメンで一番、納豆でした。 次は、SARAH JAPAN MENU AWARD 星二つのこってりラーメンに背脂(無料)で決まりですな。
800 yen, which is the same as miso ramen, and backfat topping (free). Today's side dishes (free) include chicken cutlets, vegetable salad before carbohydrates. Of course, white rice is also free. It seems that various side dishes will appear on a daily basis. Before this, sandwiches and even terrible things may appear. Today, I had 7 shichimi, 7 chili oil pushes, and the fried onion in the free corner to make it muddy and delicious until the last drop. Ame-chan will definitely recommend you on your way home. It was a treat. Postscript, 2021, SARAH JAPAN MENU AWARD In the rich ramen section Two-star shield !!! This time, I enjoyed the natto miso that I was interested in. It was the best natto ramen I had ever eaten. Next, SARAH JAPAN MENU AWARD It's decided to have two-star thick ramen and backfat (free).
優男こまっちー on Google

ラーメン、油そばうまい。特に油そばはそのままでもいいけど、サッパリ系が好きならお酢を、コッテリ系が好きならマヨネーズやラー油をかけて、自分好みにアレンジできていいですよ。ちなみに麺類は昼も夜も食えます。 詳しくはYouTubeに「食用アマガエル」さんの食レポありますよー。 写真は辛味噌ラーメン。 追記 写真2枚目はサッポロ醤油ラーメン。私は薄口なので、味薄目にと頼んだら快く受付てくれました。 チャーシュー麺かと思うくらい多めのチャーシュー。煮卵とか他の具も多い。麺に到達するために頑張って早く食べたら、口の中火傷したw 待ってる間に取った野菜サラダと一緒に食べて、お腹いっぱいです。
Ramen and abura soba are delicious. In particular, you can leave the abura soba as it is, but if you like refreshing vinegar, you can sprinkle vinegar, and if you like coterie, you can sprinkle mayonnaise or chili oil and arrange it to your liking. By the way, noodles can be eaten day and night. For details, there is a food report of "Edible Tree Frog" on YouTube. The photo is spicy miso ramen. postscript The second photo is Sapporo soy sauce ramen. I have a light taste, so when I asked for a light taste, he was willing to accept it. A lot of char siu that I think is char siu noodles. There are also many boiled eggs and other ingredients. I tried my best to reach the noodles and ate early, but I got burned in my mouth w I'm full with the vegetable salad I took while I was waiting.

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