食べ酔う南 - Yokote

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 食べ酔う南

住所 :

Jumonjimachi, Yokote, 〒019-0525 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 019-0525
Webサイト : https://hirayama.info/nan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10PM
Sunday 5–10PM
Monday 5–10PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 5–10PM
Thursday 5–10PM
Friday 5–10PM
街 : Akita

Jumonjimachi, Yokote, 〒019-0525 Akita,Japan
yumy T. on Google

久しぶりに伺いました。リニューアルしていてゆっくりできる感じになっていました. お料理は本当においしかったです。 近くにあったら常連客になりたいかも。
I asked for a long time. It was renewed and it felt like I could do it slowly. The food was really delicious. You may want to be a regular customer if you are nearby.
阿部大造 on Google

美味しいお酒と料理を楽しませていただきました。また伺います。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
I enjoyed delicious sake and food. I will visit you again. Thank you m (_ _) m
しき on Google

This is my first visit after the renovation and renewal. I came to sit in my seat without taking off my shoes. The interior is bright and nice. The food was delicious, of course.
あき on Google

雰囲気も良く、料理も美味しい。 ただ、値段の割には量が少ないかな。
The atmosphere is good and the food is delicious. However, the amount is small for the price.
アキ(アッキー) on Google

一年ぶり位伺いました。 やっぱり 美味しい? 何を頼んでも 間違いない❕ 店内も リニューアルして 広くゆっくりしたスペースで寛げます。 食べるのに夢中で、撮るの忘れてました。
It was my first time in a year. After all delicious potato No matter what you ask for The shop is also renewed and you can relax in a spacious and slow space. I was crazy to eat and I forgot to take it.
Porco Rosso on Google

外観は普通ですが店内はこの辺りでは珍しいくらい都会っぽくてオシャレなお店です。駐車場があるのか確認できないまま行きましたが、店の入口から道路を挟んだ左斜め向かいにありました。あいにくこの日は駐車場がいっぱいでしたが店員さんに聞いたら別の駐車できる場所に案内してくれました。 メニューは鉄板焼きと串焼きの料理がメインで、ドリンクは日本酒がとても充実していました。特においしかったのはチーズトマトと馬刺しです。この2品は次回も必ず注文したいと思います。 店員さんの接客もにこやかで落ち着いていて料理が出てくるまでの時間も短く、とても気持ちよく食事をすることができました。存在を知っていたにもかかわらず今まで利用してこなかったことが非常に悔やまれます。
The appearance is normal, but the inside is so urban and fashionable that it is rare in this area. I went without being able to confirm if there was a parking lot, but it was diagonally to the left across the road from the entrance of the store. Unfortunately, the parking lot was full on this day, but when I asked the clerk, he guided me to another place where I could park. The menu was mainly teppanyaki and skewered dishes, and the drinks were very rich in sake. Especially delicious were cheese tomatoes and horse sashimi. I would definitely like to order these two items next time. The customer service of the clerk was also smiling and calm, and the time until the food came out was short, so I was able to eat very comfortably. It is very regrettable that I knew it existed but never used it.
りぃだ on Google

A stylish izakaya with a cross. A counter where even one person can drink. There is also teppanyaki, but the straw-grilled bonito flakes were also delicious. Sake was also recommended, and there was also a grated Kakuemon.
高山博之 on Google

今回も転勤される方の送別会で訪問しました! また店内外、少しリフォームされてました(^^) やはり外せない「馬刺し」と「もんじゃ焼き」はもちろんオーダー。 馬刺しは脂身の少ない私好みの味。もんじゃ焼きのトッピングは「ベビースターラーメン」で、これがまたもんじゃ焼きに合う合う(o^^o) お焦げも美味しくいただきました! 今回初オーダーの「鉄板焼きホルモン」と「豆腐チゲ」、これも絶品でした(#^.^#) この他にも注文した物も有りましたが、写真撮り忘れました(^^;;
I visited again at the farewell party for those who will be relocated! Also, inside and outside the store, it was remodeled a little (^ ^) Of course, I ordered "horse sashimi" and "monja-yaki" which cannot be removed. Horse sashimi is my favorite taste with little fat. The topping of Monja-yaki is "Baby Star Ramen," which goes well with Monja-yaki (o ^^ o). This time the first order of "Teppanyaki Hormone" and "Tofu Jige" was also excellent (# ^. ^ #) I also ordered some other items, but I forgot to take a photo (^^ ;;

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