Jidaiya - Kitakami

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jidaiya

住所 :

Furutatezawa-18-3 Aisaricho, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89779
Postal code : 024-0051
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

Furutatezawa-18-3 Aisaricho, Kitakami, Iwate 024-0051, Japan
machiko tada on Google

The store opened soon, so there were no other customers, but it seems that they are coming in one after another and going around a lot. As there was not much word of mouth, the taste was doubtful, but the deep-fried set meal was a medium volume with a slightly darker taste but it was delicious.
水田真理 on Google

北上コロッケが絶品❗ 中はホクホクのポテトと思いきや、 ねっとりジューシー❗ 正体は里芋♪ 北上は里芋の産地だそうです♪ クセになるコロッケ❗ The best is "Kitakami KOROKKE"! Japanese style croquette, which is taste of home cooking. Usually using potato, Kitakami KOROKKE is "Satoimo", taro potato inside. mouthfeeling is gooey. Its going to be addicted to this taste!
Kitakami croquette is exquisite The inside seems to be a potato of Hokuhoku, Sticky juicy bowl The true identity is taro! Kitakami seems to be a taro production area ♪ Croquette bowl that becomes habit The best is "Kitakami KOROKKE"! Japanese style croquette, which is taste of home cooking. Usually using potato, Kitakami KOROKKE is "Satoimo", taro potato inside.mouthfeeling is gooey. Its going to be addicted to this taste!
yu koba. on Google

タンメン。野菜炒め定食。と、むしょうに食べたくなる、オムライス 夜は、ぎょうざに、ホルモン焼きそばにビール
キクイケユヅルウ on Google

Izakaya? So I was worried about the smell of cigarettes, but the Chinese noodles and fried rice were excellent! The horse mackerel is a little dark. I thought the other menus would be delicious too! I want to go again!
天野慈雨 on Google

唐揚げ定食。何年か前に食べて本当に美味しかった、忘れられない唐揚げ定食、全てが濃い目の味付けで食が進む。色々な所で唐揚げ定食食べたけど、ここの唐揚げを越える味にはまだ出合ってないです。 先日も食べて気づいた、たぶん母の料理の味付けに似ているんだと思う。だから美味しいだなぁ。
Fried chicken set meal. An unforgettable fried chicken set meal that was really delicious when I ate it a few years ago. I ate fried chicken set meals in various places, but I haven't come across a taste that exceeds the fried chicken here. I ate it the other day and noticed that it's probably similar to the seasoning of my mother's cooking. That's why it's delicious.
e hiro on Google

It's pretty good. It's a nice store that is open even at 15:00
hiro ono on Google

It was full of volume. You can make a set meal with a menu that is only available as a single item.
ラー猫拉麺大好きニャン on Google

『中華そば』&『半チャーハン』をいただきましたのニャお???? メニューが沢山ある中で、迷わずにチョイスした『中華そば』✨?? 期待通りの懐かしい、昔ながらの中華そばで美味しかったですニャお??? スープもあっさり✨ チャーハンはパラパラ具合も良く、中華そばとの組み合わせが最高に良かったですニャ~✨???? 初訪問でしたがまたお邪魔したい一軒ですニャお?????
Nyao ???? who received "Chinese noodles" & "Half fried rice" Among the many menus, I chose "Chinese noodles" without hesitation ✨?? The nostalgic, old-fashioned Chinese noodles that I expected were delicious. Soup is also light ✨ The fried rice was very smooth and the combination with Chinese noodles was the best. Nya ~ ✨???? It was my first visit, but I want to visit you again. Nyao ?????

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