Jozenji - Ayauta District

4.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Jozenji

住所 :

860-1 Kita, Ayagawa, Ayauta District, Kagawa 761-2306, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Postal code : 761-2306

860-1 Kita, Ayagawa, Ayauta District, Kagawa 761-2306, Japan
三好康夫 on Google

M Longtail (Bukeparos) on Google

When I was a boy, I used to read sutras after radio calisthenics here during the summer vacation. At that time, I didn't playfully hit something like a tree fish or a dora, but now I feel nostalgic that it was a precious experience that other people can't do, and Osho and his wife. I am full of gratitude. Osho Yamato is an iron man who goes around the turnips and chanting sutras even if he is over 90 years old.
宮本康弘 on Google

山院寺号 無量寿山特留院常善寺 宗派 浄土真宗本願寺派(西本願寺) 本尊 阿弥陀如来立像 明治ニ十八年(1895年)の取調書によると、当寺の開基は滝ノ宮牛頭天王神主馬場行實と云う者が建立。応永年中(1394〜1428年)正珍と云う僧が再建し第ニの中興開基であります。 その後明治六年の奸民の放火の為焼失。翌年住職正秀再建しました。 寺宝として蓮如上人之六字名号、証如上人絵像之本尊井、寛文年中蓮如上人影像等
Saninji Temple Sect Jodo Shinshu Honganji School (Nishi Honganji) The principal image of Amida Nyorai According to the interrogation report of 1895, the foundation of this temple was built by a person named Takinomiya Gozu Tenno Shinto Baba. During the year of Oei (1394-1428), a monk named Shochin was rebuilt and is the second Chuko Kaisan. After that, it was burnt down due to the arson of the people in the 6th year of the Meiji era. The following year, the chief priest Masahide was rebuilt. Rennyo Jojin's six-character name as a temple treasure, Rennyo Jojin's picture image Nomoto Takai, Kanbun year-round Rennyo Jojin's image, etc.

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