中華料理 一輝

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 一輝

住所 :

Josai, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, 〒451-0031 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
街 : 区画 Aichi

Josai, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, 〒451-0031 Aichi,Japan
かとりーず on Google

昼前です 黑担々麺ランチをいただく 胡麻の風味が 食欲を誘います、対策もしっかりやってます。
It's before noon. I have a black dandan noodle lunch. The sesame flavor invites my appetite, and I'm taking proper measures.
Nomo Kuro on Google

黒胡麻坦々麺が気になりお昼に訪れました。 駐車場はないようで、近くのパーキングへ。 中華飯とのセット。ラーメンとご飯のセット大好きです。スープに嫌な感じがなくずっと飲んでられる。黒胡麻坦々麺美味しいです!
I was worried about black sesame tantan noodles and visited at noon. There seems to be no parking lot, so I went to a nearby parking lot. Set with Chinese rice. I love ramen and rice sets. I don't feel unpleasant about the soup and can drink it all the time. Black sesame dandan noodles are delicious!
Dragons昇竜 on Google

人気メニューの黒ごま担々麺をいただきました。 とても風味豊かで美味しかったです。
I had the popular black sesame dandan noodles. It was very flavorful and delicious.
2501 CRAB on Google

持ち帰りで利用させていただきました? 天津飯はあんが甘辛で奥様にも好評でした? また利用させていただきます❗
I used it as a takeaway ? Tien Shinhan was sweet and spicy and was well received by his wife ? I will use it again ❗
yasu “doggy” doggy on Google

一輝と言えば黒胡麻担々麺と聞き、興味津々で行きましたが、期待を裏切らない美味さ。 黒胡麻がタップリ使われていて香りは勿論のことスープも飲みやすく辛味はそれ程感じないものの旨味最高です。 昔南区の鶴里にあった担々麺の名店三徳屋に近いと思いました。 天津飯はご飯物が付くならくらいの軽い気持ちでしたが、これまた卵がフワッフワッで餡も醤油ベースの甘塩っぱい好みのタイプ。 ご飯との間にはチャーシューがカットされたのも入ってて味もボリュームも含めて申し分なしでした。 また是非行きたいお店です。 ご馳走様でした?
Speaking of Ikki, I heard that it was black sesame dandan noodles, and I was curious about it, but it was delicious and did not disappoint. Black sesame is used abundantly, and the soup is easy to drink as well as the aroma, but the spiciness is not so much, but the taste is the best. I thought it was close to the famous Tantan noodle shop Santokuya in Tsurusato, Minami-ku. Tianjin rice was as light as if it had rice, but this is also a sweet and salty type with fluffy eggs and soy sauce-based bean paste. The char siu was cut between the rice and the rice, so the taste and volume were perfect. This is a shop I definitely want to visit again. It was a treat ?
池田真一 on Google

From the set menu, order black sesame dandan noodles and Tianjin rice for 1030 yen. Black sesame color on the surface, bok choy, spicy miso? , A lot of finely chopped vegetables. Plenty of black sesame soup It's really delicious, and the texture of black sesame in your mouth and the feeling of chopped vegetables are good! I drank the soup. Noodles like Japanese soba are also quite good! Eggs with green onions and sweet Anne's eggs Fluffy Tenshindon It's usually delicious, with kimchi.
Hiromu Yamaguchi on Google

妻とお昼に伺いました。 めっちゃ美味しい! お店おすすめの黒胡麻坦々麺は、4辛でいただきましたが、辛い物好きの私でも結構ハード。3辛からお試しがいいかも。麺がお汁によく絡んで美味しい。 餃子は、ニラの香りが口に広がり、肉汁の旨味もしっかりで、おすすめです。お昼は4つで150円❣️ びっくり。 妻が五目焼きそばを食べたのですが、こちらもいい。 いいお店を見つけました。またお世話になります。美味しいランチに感謝です。
I visited with my wife at noon. It ’s really delicious! The black sesame tantan noodles recommended by the shop were 4 spicy, but even I, who loves spicy foods, are quite hard. It may be good to try from 3 spicy. The noodles are often entwined with the soup and are delicious. Gyoza is recommended because it has a garlic aroma that spreads in your mouth and the umami of the gravy is strong. Lunch is 150 yen for 4 ❣️ Surprised. My wife ate Gomoku Yakisoba, which is also good. I found a good shop. Thank you again. Thank you for a delicious lunch.
いのうえ真理 on Google

丁寧な接客。 コロナに対する安全対策の細やかな気配り。 料理のボリュームはかなり有り、 お腹がはち切れそうです。食後2時間以上悶えていました。 麺は細くて食べやすく好みです。お店の方の 好感度高いです(^-^)/
Polite customer service. Careful attention to safety measures against corona. The volume of food is quite large, I'm almost hungry. I was in agony for more than 2 hours after eating. I like the noodles because they are thin and easy to eat. Of the shop High likability (^-^) /

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