Jōgū Shrine - Tsuruga

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jōgū Shrine

住所 :

13-16 Jogu, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0832, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 914-0832
Webサイト : https://www.jinja-fukui.jp/detail/index.php%3FID%3D20160826_165200

13-16 Jogu, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0832, Japan
花鳥風鉄 on Google

It was a shrine where Tsuruga Bay spreads out in front of you.
HARU KAWA on Google

インスタ映えの旅をしていたときに 見つけた場所です。 朝5時ごろに行ったため 神社の中には入れませんでした。 写真の場所は常に開放してある様子でした。 早朝&雨のため人も全くいなかったので 写真いっぱい撮れました。 今回は雨でしたが、晴れていたら、 すごく良い景色が撮れるのだろうなと感じました! 是非、日の出を見たい方におすすめです。
When I was on an Instagram-worthy trip This is the place I found. Because I went around 5 am I couldn't enter the shrine. The place in the photo always seemed to be open. Because there were no people at all because of early morning & rain I was able to take a lot of pictures. It was raining this time, but if it was sunny, I felt that I could take a very good view! By all means, it is recommended for those who want to see the sunrise.
夏目美鈴 on Google

I heard that it was a god of easy delivery, so I went there because I wanted an amulet for my first grandson. It was good that the plums were also beautiful.
ちゃーこ! on Google

I found it while traveling by car, and I really wanted to visit, so I turned back and stopped by. I found a good place! Although it is a small shrine, the trees in the garden are well maintained and it seems that you can enjoy spring, summer, autumn and winter. The sea seen from the hall of worship was calm and healed. The thing with the god of easy delivery. I asked for a safe delivery of my friend's daughter. I definitely want to go there again.
K Itoh on Google

Go north on the Tsuruga Peninsula from the direction of Kehi no Matsubara and you will find it on your left. It is a shrine that is not so big but has an atmosphere. The precincts are well maintained, clean and tasteful. There is also a place overlooking the sea, which seems to be an instagram spot, and there were some young people being photographed. I wonder if the main is the god of easy delivery. However, there are many small shrines lined up in the back, and it seems that various gods are enshrined.
たちこま on Google

It is said that the name of our company is due to the fact that Empress Jingu was proclaimed "Always staying in the palace and the waves are quiet." The view of Tsuruga Bay from the hall of worship was also superb. It is famous as a god of easy delivery. I also received a red stamp.
Ricardo Kawamorita on Google

A arquitetura é muito linda! Se você visitar o santuário Kehi Jingu não deixe de vir até aqui no Jōgū. Este santuário apresenta uma abundância de beleza natural que muda de estação para estação, como flores de ameixa, flores de cerejeira e cores de outono. Visitei em 2022/03/02 no início da floração das ameixeiras. A ameixeira é única porque não floresce na primavera, mas no meio do inverno. Suas cinco pétalas pequenas e macias contrastam com a aspereza do frio. Seu delicado rosa preenche o cenário de neve branca. Assim, a floração das ameixeiras significa perseverança e fé diante das dificuldades, além de uma beleza corajosa que abre caminho para a primavera através de seu sofrimento.
The architecture is very beautiful! If you visit Kehi Jingu Shrine be sure to come here at Jōgū. This sanctuary features an abundance of natural beauty that changes from season to season, such as plum blossoms, cherry blossoms and autumn colors. Visited on 03/02/2022 at the beginning of the plum blossoms. The plum tree is unique in that it does not bloom in spring, but in the middle of winter. Its five small and soft petals contrast with the harshness of the cold. Its delicate pink fills the white snow backdrop. Thus, the blossoming of plum trees means perseverance and faith in the face of difficulties, as well as a courageous beauty that makes way for spring through its suffering.
みねやん on Google

何気に呼ばれ伺いました。2022.4.10桜も見頃で、境内の枝垂桜は圧巻でした。春の優しい海風に舞う花びらも素晴らしく心地良かったです。 気比の神々が海からやってきて、この地に集結するのもわかるような穏やかな春の日差しでした。 神功皇后に関連する神社でもあり祀られています。安産祈願が良いようです。

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