Jinnein Temple - Kanonji

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jinnein Temple

住所 :

1 Chome-2-7 Yahatacho, Kanonji, Kagawa 768-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Postal code : 768-0061
Webサイト : https://88shikokuhenro.jp/68jinnein/

1 Chome-2-7 Yahatacho, Kanonji, Kagawa 768-0061, Japan
Jundo Ishii on Google

■巡堂の空海の四字熟語刻字と奉納お遍路 ・68番・神恵院。仁王門が一つで敷地内に二つの札所。 そこで空海のお言葉は「左右逢源(さゆうおうげん)」を選びました。 ・左右いずれの道でも源に会えること。 全作品は(2009年より)さぬき市のお遍路交流サロンに展示されています
■ Kukai's four-character idiom engraving and dedication pilgrimage ・ No. 68, Shinkeiin. There is one Niomon gate and two bill offices on the premises. Therefore, Kukai chose "Sayuuougen" as the word for Kukai. ・ You can meet the source on either the left or right road. All works have been exhibited at the Pilgrimage Exchange Salon in Sanuki City (since 2009).
mo ka on Google

ありがとうございます。 鐘付き堂の彫刻が素晴らしく、からだが熱くなりました。 おかげさまありがとうございます。
Thank you very much. The sculpture of the bell temple was wonderful and the body became hot. Thank you very much.
Omiya-fankichi kobe on Google

The main hall was made of concrete, and when I entered it, it was cold and had a mysterious atmosphere. The garden was beautifully maintained and pruned, and the hesitation was like marimo.
宮本康弘 on Google

開基は法相宗の高僧、日証上人と云われています。大宝三年(703年)この地で修行中に宇佐八幡宮のお告げを受け、かなたの海上で神船と琴を発見琴弾山に引き上げ「琴弾八幡宮」を建立し祀った。 この時、神宮寺として建てられた寺が起源とされています。 大同二年(807年)弘法大師が琴弾八幡宮の本地仏で有る阿弥陀如来を描いて本尊として祀り、後に院号を「神恵院」として六十八番霊場としました。 その後明治初年の神仏分離令で八幡宮は琴弾神社と神恵院に分離され神恵院は麓の観音寺境内に移転。 同時に八幡宮に安置されていた阿弥陀如来も西金堂に移されました。 以降、西金堂を神恵院本堂とし阿弥陀如来を本尊として現在に至ります。 宗派 真言宗大覚寺派 本尊 阿弥陀如来 開基 日証上人 創建 大宝三年(703年) 真言 おん あみりた ていぜい からうん 四国八十八箇所霊場、第六十八番札所
Kaisan is said to be a high priest of the Hosso sect and a Japanese scholar. In the third year of Daiho (703), he was told by Usa Hachimangu during his training in this area, and he discovered a sacred ship and a koto on the sea beyond. At this time, the origin is said to be the temple built as Jingu-ji. In the second year of Daido (807), Kobo Daishi drew Amida Nyorai, the home Buddha of Kotohiki Hachimangu Shrine, and worshiped it as the principal image. After that, Hachimangu was separated into Kotohiki Shrine and Shinkeiin by the Shinbutsu bunri decree in the first year of the Meiji era, and Shinkeiin moved to the precincts of Kannonji Temple at the foot of the mountain. At the same time, Amida Nyorai, who had been enshrined at Hachimangu, was also moved to Nishikindo. Since then, Nishikindo has been designated as the main hall of Shinkeiin, and Amida Nyorai has been designated as the principal image. Religious denomination Shingon sect Daikakuji sect The principal image, Amida Nyorai Kaisan Nissho Shonin Founded Daiho 3rd year (703) Mantra On Amiri Taitei Kara Yeah Shikoku 88 Pilgrimage Site, 68th Pilgrimage
安部清成 on Google

This Shinkeiin is located in Yahata-cho, Kanonji City, Kagawa Prefecture. It is located at the foot of the mountain on the northeast side of Mt. To the south of this temple is Kotohiki Hachimangu, and to the south of it is the Tada River. This is one temple and two temples with two temples in one precinct. About 1300 years ago, Kotohiki Hachimangu Shrine was renamed Kannonji by the 7th chief priest Kobo Daishi, but the main Buddha of Kotohiki Hachimangu was moved to Kannonji Nishikindo by the Meiji decree to separate Shinto and Buddhism. And said.
億り人 on Google

ここは、四国八十八ヵ所霊場巡りの68,69番札所です。 神聖な場所な為、悪い言葉ですが、一ヵ所で2回分の御朱印を頂けます‼️
This is the 68th and 69th temples of the 88 sacred sites in Shikoku. It's a bad word because it's a sacred place, but you can get two red stamps in one place! ️
Takashi on Google

A sacred place with a different atmosphere from other temples. It was a time when the autumn leaves were beautiful. You can do a ladder with a coin-shaped sand painting → Kotohiki Hachimangu → Kanonji.
t. momonga on Google

It is the 68th pilgrimage place of 88 places in Shikoku. It is in the same precincts as Kanonji No. 69. The delivery office is also the same, so you can put it together. I felt like I got it because I could go around two temples at the same time.

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