Jasmin Ladies Clinic Shibuya - Shibuya City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jasmin Ladies Clinic Shibuya

住所 :

藤和宮益坂ビル 10階 1 Chome-14-9 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 150-0002
Webサイト : https://jlc.tokyo/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–2PM
Sunday 10AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM

藤和宮益坂ビル 10階 1 Chome-14-9 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0002, Japan
デイライト on Google

Webで予約してから行きました。 思っていたよりも混んでたけど、割とスムーズに案内・診察されました。 私のように若い人が多いから中絶相談とか多いんだろうなって印象ですが、頼れるクリニックであることを実感できました。
I made a reservation on the web and then went. It was more crowded than I expected, but I was guided and examined smoothly. Since there are many young people like me, I have the impression that there are many abortion consultations, but I realized that it is a reliable clinic.
青空なつ on Google

I made a reservation online and had my desired insurance-covered pill prescribed. The interviews and medical examinations were smooth. It seems that there are many visitors, but the turnover is fast, and it is a very convenient hospital for me who wants to prescribe medicines. I would like to continue using it in the future.
m i on Google

私はカンジダになりやすく、 かかりつけの病院が休診だった為に急遽こちらに来ました。 男性医師でしたが、ちゃんと診察はせず 私が話すことだけを鵜呑みにして薬を処方されました。 その処方された薬は痒みを悪化させ陰部がただれました。 次の日にかかりつけの病院に行き診察し正しい薬を処方して頂き、事なきを得ました。 そしてまたカンジダになってしまい、またかかりつけの病院が休診で他の病院も混んでて診察が出来ず 仕方なくこの病院に来ました。 今度はまた別の男性医師でしたが、 上から目線のいやらしい方でした。 この人も診察せず話を聞くだけでまた処方してきました。 診察もせず確認もせず薬を処方するって医師としてどうなんでしょうか。 ピルなどもろくに確認せずすぐ処方します。 この病院は適当な医師しかいないです。 本当に劣悪な医師の巣窟です。
I tend to be candida, I came here in a hurry because my hospital was closed. I was a male doctor, but I didn't see him properly. I was prescribed the medicine only by taking what I said. The prescribed medicine exacerbated itching and sore the genital area. The next day, I went to my hospital and had a medical examination and prescribed the correct medicine, and I got nothing. And I became Candida again, and my hospital was closed and other hospitals were crowded, so I could not see the doctor. I had no choice but to come to this hospital. This time he was another male doctor, He was a nasty person looking from above. This person also prescribed again just by listening to the story without seeing him. What about prescribing medicine without a medical examination or confirmation as a doctor? Prescribe immediately without checking pills etc. This hospital has only suitable doctors. It's a really bad doctor's den.
匙のりこ on Google

妊娠7週の大晦日にレバー状の固形物を含む大量出血し、流産経験もある為不安で仕方なく、元旦も診療してもらえる病院を探して受診いたしました。 妊婦健診などはやっていないようなので、はた違いになるかな…と心配だったのですが、とても丁寧に対応していただけました。 超音波検査の結果、胎児にも問題無く、安心して思わず号泣。その際も看護師さんがすぐにティッシュを持ってきてくださり、お医者様も優しく「良かったね、不安だったね」と声を掛けてくださりとても嬉しかったです。 元旦の昼間でしたが、待合室には沢山の患者さんがいらっしゃいました。 この様な時期に診察していただける病院があるのは、きっと多くの女性の救いになっていると思います。 本当にお世話になりました。ありがとうございます。
On New Year's Eve, the 7th week of pregnancy, I had a large amount of bleeding containing liver-like solids, and I had a miscarriage experience. I didn't seem to be doing medical examinations for pregnant women, so I was worried that it would make a difference, but they responded very politely. As a result of the ultrasonic examination, there was no problem with the foetation, and I cried unintentionally with peace of mind. At that time, I was very happy that the nurse brought me the tissue immediately and the doctor kindly said, "It was good, I was worried." It was daytime on New Year's Day, but there were many patients in the waiting room. I think that having a hospital where you can see a doctor at such a time is surely helping many women. Thank you very much for your help. thank you.
Okura Tomoka on Google

ピル処方で利用しました。予約と予約変更キャンセルがすべてWEBで完結する便利なクリニックです。 診療開始時間からひっきりなしに物凄い数の患者が来院してえらい混んでいる印象がありますが、看護師が山ほどいる上に回転率も凄まじいので、初診なのに入店から退店まで30分ほどでした。すげーな。 他院からの乗り換えでピル処方してもらいましたが、あれこれ聞かれることもなくあっさり購入できました。男を入店禁止にしているおかげか待合室も静かで秩序的で素晴らしいクリニックです。
I used it for pill prescription. It is a convenient clinic where reservations and cancellations of reservation changes are all completed online. I have the impression that a tremendous number of patients are constantly coming to the hospital from the start of medical treatment and it is very crowded, but since there are a lot of nurses and the turnover rate is tremendous, it took about 30 minutes from entering the store to leaving the store even though it was the first visit. .. It's amazing. I had a pill prescribed by transferring from another hospital, but I was able to purchase it easily without being asked about it. The waiting room is also a quiet, orderly and wonderful clinic, probably because men are prohibited from entering the store.
Monika S. on Google

Not foreigner friendly (policy banning providing OC pills to foreigners) but also left me with a wrong diagnosis… I definitely don't recommend this place.
Su Dogangunes on Google

Foreign people are actually very welcomed! I was worried about if they really have a policy about oc pills and foreigners but that was not the case! If you can speak GOOD Japanese, you definitely can get your pills. The front desk staff were pretty nice as well!
Dess M. on Google

I went with my baby and had a consultation. They asked me questions and ended up not prescribing me low dose contraceptive pills because of the main reason that “there’s no contraceptive pills in English”. I went there knowing this (of course I’m in Japan there’s no pills in English). The reason was just too shallow and not health related. After all, it’s true that this clinic is not foreigner and baby friendly.

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