かばん工房 遊鞄

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かばん工房 遊鞄

住所 :

Izushicho Uchimachi, Toyooka, 〒668-0214 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.you-hou.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Izushicho Uchimachi, Toyooka, 〒668-0214 Hyogo,Japan
にゃんこ先生 on Google

There are a wide variety of bags, including various made in Japan and overseas. The bag game that can be played 3 times for 100 yen in the store is interesting, so try it once.
齊木雅彦 on Google

自分だけのショルダーバッグが作れて凄く気に入りました。 革選びから裁縫、親切に教えて頂き最高の作品が出来ました。 また、違うバック作りで是非行きたいお店です。
I really liked making my own shoulder bag. You can choose from leather, sewing and kindly, and you can do the best work. In addition, it is a shop I want to go by all means by making a different bag.
ムラマス on Google

To be precise, it is a specialty product as Toyooka City, but there are bags besides castle and soba! about it. Both shops and parking garages are very easy to enter. There are many leather goods, vinyl backpack backpacks are less than 1,000 yen cheaper than those in the city! In addition to the bag making experience, I think that it is the bag bought that sells the cloth of the bag and the cloth piece. There is also a shop handling handicrafts of the same size as a bag store
寺元奈美 on Google

お気に入りの逸品が出来た‼ 選ぶのに時間がかかったけど、縫うのは店の最短記録だそうです‼
I made a favorite gem! It took me a long time to choose, but it seems that sewing is the shortest record in the store!
ナカガキごん太 on Google

今回は 気に入るカバン?はなかったけど 色々なカバンが 揃ってました。
I didn't like the bag ? this time, but I had various bags.
T自由 on Google

Many bags in a large warehouse. Is it dusty or the smell of leather? I haven't been there for a long time. I bought a belt, a small cell phone, and a bag that could hold a wallet. Is the price cheaper?
やまじ風 on Google

I have experienced it. With the help of the store clerk, the couple made a bag for the 30th anniversary of the marriage and it was a good memory. Thank you very much for making a commemorative tag with the wiseness of the clerk ?
ちゃんまる on Google

お店の方はとても親切でした。 優柔不断なので何度も悩んでしまいましたが、その間も焦らすことなくじっくり考えさせてくれます! 自分で作ったかばんは?自分の子のように可愛くてお気に入りになりました! 頭の中で大体の形をイメージしてから行くとより良いと思います。 また是非行きたいなと思えるお店でした。 休日祝日は料金が20%アップでした 近くに昼食がとれる場所、お城がありました。
The shop was very kind. I've been worried many times because I'm indecisive, but during that time I'll let you think carefully without being impatient! The bag I made myself was ? as cute as my own child and became my favorite! I think it's better to imagine the shape in your head before you go. It was a shop that I definitely wanted to visit again. Holidays Holidays were 20% up There was a castle nearby where you could have lunch.

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