横浜市泉区民文化センター テアトルフォンテ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 横浜市泉区民文化センター テアトルフォンテ

住所 :

Izumichuominami, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0023 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Izumichuominami, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0023 Kanagawa,Japan
yu mi on Google

過去に発表会で利用したことあり。 今回はコロナワクチン接種で利用しました。 館内はとても綺麗でいすのすわり心地も良いです。
I have used it at a recital in the past. This time I used it for corona vaccination. The hall is very beautiful and the chairs are comfortable to sit in.
稲葉勉 on Google

その名の通り、主に泉区民が交流する場として1993年に誕生した。 小規模ながら音響が良いホールを中心に、創作室や会議室、展示室等がある。
As the name suggests, it was established in 1993 as a place for mainly Izumi residents to interact. There are creative rooms, conference rooms, exhibition rooms, etc., mainly in small halls with good sound.
ウエスト藤沢 on Google

そこそこに時間が経つのにキレイな劇場兼市民練習場。 商売っ気がもう少しあれば横浜の財政も? バブルな劇場で、オペラ座気取ってるので、前の方の席の傾斜が無さすぎて、前の方は非常に見にくいです。無駄にタッパあるのに、奈落の無い酷く箱物ありきな劇場です。
A beautiful theater and civic practice area over time. If you have a little more business, what about Yokohama's finances? It's a bubble theater, and I'm pretending to be an opera, so the front seats aren't tilted too much, so it's very hard to see in the front. It's a terrible box-like theater with no abyss, even though there is a waste of tappers.
ゆ〰り〰 on Google

無料のリサイクル図書や2階にはコンセントさせて勉強出来る(要予約)やゆったり自分のしたいように過ごせるスペースや5階まで、好奇心の大勢なお子様を連れて行ったら1日過ごせる素敵なスポット。展望デッキや一階にスタバ外には座る場所もあるから買わない人はそこに立ち寄るだけでも一服できるし(勿論teatime)2、3階に返却用BOXがあり、4階にはベルトコンベアーに乗せて返せる楽なシステムで昨今のコロナ禍に依るソーシャルディスタンスが既に構築されており脱帽。 駐輪所は2時間まで無料なので、探せば半日100円だとか充実で100円がありそうなので家族で探検がてら行くのに最適。
Free recycled books, a space where you can study by plugging in on the 2nd floor (reservation required), a space where you can spend your time as you want, and up to the 5th floor, a wonderful spot where you can spend a day with a large number of curious children. There is a place to sit outside the Starbucks on the observation deck and the first floor, so if you don't buy it, you can take a break just by stopping by there (teatime, of course). There is a return box on the second and third floors, and you can put it on the conveyor belt on the fourth floor. With an easy system that can be returned, the social distance due to the recent corona disaster has already been built and the hat is taken off. The bicycle parking lot is free for up to 2 hours, so if you look for it, it will cost 100 yen for half a day, or 100 yen for a full day, so it's perfect for exploring with your family.
s. reina on Google

Events are widely held from music to theater. It can be used as a venue for concerts and children's piano recitals. It is directly connected to the station and is convenient.
min poppins on Google

Although the scale is not large, concerts, banquets, and theatrical performances are held in turn. You can also rent a stage or room for a small recital or workshop. It is also barrier-free, so you can enter in a wheelchair. I think that it is an easy-to-use environment because it is directly connected to Sotetsu Izumichuo Station.
NORI B on Google

舞台観劇に行きました。 駅チカで、設備もよく トイレも広くて綺麗でした。 利用客が多い駅ではないので不便ではありますが、相鉄線ご利用の方には便利なのではないでしょうか。 いずみ中央駅を降りてからはすぐです。 改札を出て相鉄ローゼンを正面にみて右に進み、左側の花屋さんを回り込む感じで左折するとすぐです。 正面はエスカレーターや階段ですが 車イスやベビーカー用のエレベーターもあるようです。 駅からの案内も細かく出ているのでとても親切でした。
I went to the stage theater. At the station Chika, the facilities are good The toilet was large and clean. It is inconvenient because it is not a station with many passengers, but it may be convenient for those who use the Sotetsu Line. It's a short walk from Izumichuo Station. As soon as you exit the ticket gate, look at Sotetsu Rosen in front of you, go to the right, and turn left as if you were going around the flower shop on the left. The front is an escalator and stairs There seems to be an elevator for wheelchairs and strollers. The information from the station was also detailed, so it was very kind.
Ragaey Mohamed on Google

very good

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