4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Inari, Fujisawa, 〒251-0862 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Inari, Fujisawa, 〒251-0862 Kanagawa,Japan
北島豪士 on Google

Standard store who is always indebted. All the staff including the president are very kind. They always think together from the customer's perspective and respond to various requests. A shop that I trust very much. I also really like the surfboards and wetsuits in the store. We are planning to order a surfboard and a wet suit in the near future, so please do not hesitate to contact us.
川辺綱英 on Google

On days when I can take time to return to the sea, I will drop by. The shop has a large selection of used surfboards and is in very good condition, so it is easy to choose a board that suits your level. I am satisfied because the clerk also responds politely. I was surprised that the board I asked for repair the other day and the difficult color of the resin color were reproduced and returned like a new one.
honda sexy on Google

There is also a parking lot, so it's easy to enter the shop with a different atmosphere from the seaside. As it is a large store, we have a full lineup of many types of surfboards and popular softboards, from vintage to new and used. Wetsuits and accessories also have a good taste, so everything is fashionable. The staff are also knowledgeable and friendly people, so they can consult with us in various ways. The more you go, the better the shop will be. 5 stars ♪
まこ on Google

定員さんが威圧的。 良い口コミを信じてはいけません。 良い口コミを書いてる人は、同時期、口コミ件数一件、返信なし。 と、まぁ稀に見る酷い捏造の口コミです。 一度行ってみたら分かります。
The capacity is intimidating. Don't believe in good reviews. People who wrote good reviews had one review and no reply at the same time. Well, it is a word of mouth of a terrible fabrication that I rarely see. You can see it once you go.
はだしがすき on Google

初めてのボードを買うため中古を探していてこの店を見つけた。ネットでは”USED SURF”として、実店舗はSTANDARD STOREとしているようだ。 初めてのボード選びを丁寧に対応してくれたので、一通り購入した。
I found this store looking for a used one to buy my first board. It seems that the actual store is STANDARD STORE as "USED SURF" on the net. He carefully selected the board for the first time, so I bought it all.
björn hellriffsson on Google

Overpriced and not willing to buy back boards at a reasonable price. Didn't offer me anything for an epoxy board that needed small repairs. Would not recommend their business.
Damien Skipper on Google

These guys are very helpful if you're looking for an overpriced used surfboard. Do not expect to sell a board back to them for a reasonable price. I recently purchased a shortboard for ¥62,000 and when I tried to sell it back after a single session they offered ¥25,000. I was given the excuse that the board needed "repairs" which is lame because there is not a single ding on the board. Make sure you plan to keep the board you purchase from this place. My advice to this shop is that they should post information about their buyback policy. A horrible experience overall.
Ahh Aka on Google

I can’t think of buying a surfboard anywhere else. It’s a fashionable shop like California. Appeal products also have a good taste!

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