台湾料理・阿里山 - Kobe

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 台湾料理・阿里山

住所 :

Iwaokacho, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2404 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878999
Postal code : 651-2404
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Iwaokacho, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2404 Hyogo,Japan
松宮新 on Google

ヒラキに行った時によく行きます 個室もあるし、めっちゃ安いです! ラーメンセットの焼飯大盛り無料は最強!
I often go when I go to Hiraki There is also a private room and it's really cheap! The free large serving of fried rice in the ramen set is the strongest!
yasu saka on Google

半年以上振りの訪問。日替りランチの麻婆豆腐定食を注文。麻婆豆腐はおいしいですが唐辛子と山椒が少し物足りないのと、何よりぬるいのは残念。あと醤油ラーメン(小)は出汁が効いていない、薄い醤油を飲んでいるみたいな味。ラーメンいらないから麻婆豆腐を増やして欲しい。 嫁さんは初めて揚そばを単品で注文。太めの揚げ麺にイカや海老が多めに入った具に黒酢が効いた餡が美味かった様ですがもん少し多めに掛けて欲しかったとの事。一口貰った感想は食べ慣れた王将の方が口に合うかな。 そしてもうひとつ初めて注文した餃子。ニンニク感は少なめも皮から溢れる(程ではなく本当に溢れる)野菜多めの餡はサッパリ系で美味い。ビールと一緒ならナンボでも食べられそう。オススメです。
Visit for the first time in more than half a year. I ordered a mapo tofu set meal for daily lunch. Mapo tofu is delicious, but it's a shame that the chili peppers and Japanese pepper are a little unsatisfactory, and above all, it's lukewarm. Also, the soy sauce ramen (small) has no soup stock and tastes like drinking a thin soy sauce. I don't need ramen, so I want you to increase the amount of mapo tofu. My wife ordered fried soba separately for the first time. It seems that the thick fried noodles with a lot of squid and shrimp and the bean paste with black vinegar were delicious, but I wanted you to sprinkle a little more. I wonder if the king who is accustomed to eating will be more comfortable with the impressions he received. And another dumpling I ordered for the first time. The garlic feeling is a little overflowing from the skin (not so much, it really overflows). The bean paste with a lot of vegetables is refreshing and delicious. You can eat it with beer in Nambo. I recommend it.
もふもふ mofumofuダニエルスキー Danielski on Google

台湾料理の有名なところ。(*^^*) 安くて量が多くてリーズナブル!!! なんと定食が890円!!! 台湾ラーメン、ライス、唐揚げ、つけもの、杏仁豆腐、こんなにそろって1000円いきませんーこれはやすい!!!しかもうまい!!!!!(^_^)v 台湾の方がお料理されており、少しラーメンの麺がゆですぎとかで食べにくいところがありますが、全体的として花丸でございますと思います。(*ゝω・*) デザートのオススメはドラゴンフルーツのアイスクリーム、甘いのに爽やかなあまさ、くせがなく宜しい。(*^^*)(*^^*)(*^^*) 是非!!お試しあれーーーー!!!( ≧∀≦)ノ
A famous place of Taiwanese food. (* ^^ *) Cheap, large quantity and reasonable! !! !! What a set meal is 890 yen! !! !! Taiwan ramen, rice, fried chicken, pickles, almond tofu, 1000 yen for all of them-this is easy! !! !! Only good! !! !! !! !! (^ _ ^) v Taiwanese people are cooking, and there are some places where the ramen noodles are too boiled and difficult to eat, but I think that it is Hanamaru as a whole. (* ゝ ω ・ *) The recommended desserts are dragon fruit ice cream, sweet but refreshing sweetness, and no habit. (* ^^ *) (* ^^ *) (* ^^ *) I'd love to! !! Try it! !! !! (≧ ∀ ≦) ノ
Shining Moon on Google

味付け今まで食べたことのある中華料理よりやや薄味な感じを受けました 台湾料理とあったのでその違いでしょうか? しかし、お料理が出てくるのが非常に早くみんなでわいわいとりわけてたべるにはとてもよいです。 ボリュームがあり値段設定はお安いと思います
Seasoning I felt a little lighter than the Chinese food I have ever eaten Since it was Taiwanese food, is it the difference? However, the food comes out very quickly and everyone is happy to eat. There is a volume and I think the price setting is cheap
かつ on Google

ランチでの利用です。 量が多くて満足です。 台湾ラーメンは少し甘口の醤油ラーメンって感じです。 回鍋肉丼は、少しインパクトが低かったので、他の丼とセットの方がいいかもです。 でも、コスパは全体的に良かったので、☆4です。
It is used for lunch. I am satisfied with the amount. Taiwan ramen is a bit sweet soy sauce ramen. Twice-cooked meat bowl had a little low impact, so it may be better to set it with other bowls. However, the cost performance was good overall, so it's ☆ 4.
本嶋寛治 on Google

I am very satisfied with the higher-grade taste of ordinary Chinese food and the reasonable price. Lunch is especially good on weekdays. The restaurant will be difficult due to the corona, but I want it to remain for a long time. It's very crowded at night, so when you go with a lot of people, it's better to put the orders together at once. It is a restaurant where you can fully enjoy the difference between Chinese food and Taiwanese food.
田宮凪 on Google

五目あんかけラーメンをいただきました 具だくさんで大満足です あんかけのとろ~り具合がいい感じでした 日曜の夕方前くらいに行きましたが、混み合ってなくてよかったです 主人は定食を食べていましたが、量がめちゃくちゃ多い…と苦戦していました笑
I got Gomoku Ankake Ramen I am very satisfied with the ingredients The ankake was very smooth. I went there before Sunday evening, but I'm glad it wasn't crowded My husband was eating a set meal, but he was having a hard time saying that the amount was insanely large ... lol
Yurina Naruto on Google

ヒラキの駐車場にでっかい看板があるのは以前から認知していましたが、訪れたのは初めて。 コロナ禍で思うように旅行できないので、少しでも台湾気分をと思い、買い物のついでに行ってみた。 正直言って、入るのは躊躇われた。 だが料理が来て、良い意味で裏切られた! 揚げワンタン、パリパリ海老マヨ、牛肉飯。どれも美味しかった! メニューは写真入りで選びやすかった。 また絶対に再訪します!
I've known for a long time that there is a huge sign in Hiraki's parking lot, but this is the first time I've visited it. I couldn't travel as I expected due to the corona, so I thought I would feel like Taiwan, so I went shopping. To be honest, I hesitated to enter. But the food came and was betrayed in a good way! Fried wonton, crispy shrimp mayo, beef rice. Everything was delicious! The menu was easy to choose with pictures. I will definitely come back again!

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