
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 牛や清

住所 :

Iwagamimachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0035 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://gyuya.jp/
街 : Gunma

Iwagamimachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0035 Gunma,Japan
shrina harae on Google

群馬県はすきやき食材自給率100%ということを知り、サイトからこのお店を見て伺いました。 混んでることも多いそうで事前に予約を! もちろん注文はすきやき食事コース。ご飯と味噌汁、デザートついてくる。 美味しかった〜。お肉の写真撮りますか?ってまってくださる店員さん。ありがたくがっちり押さえ、肉のきれいさに見とれつつ、すきやきは、がっつり食べました。量はわたしにはお腹いっぱい!大満足でした。 春菊苦手なのに肉と一緒に食べると肉の脂で春菊が美味しく感じてパクパク。 ご馳走さまでした!
I learned that Gunma Prefecture has a 100% self-sufficiency of sukiyaki ingredients, so I visited this store from the site. It seems to be often crowded, so make a reservation in advance! Of course, the order is a sukiyaki meal course. Comes with rice, miso soup and dessert. was delicious~. Do you take pictures of meat? The clerk who is waiting. Thankfully, I squeezed the sukiyaki while keeping the meat clean. The amount is full for me! It was a great satisfaction. Even though I am not good at Shungiku, when I eat it with meat, I can taste the Shungiku with the fat of the meat. It was a feast!
さとうひでお on Google

I used it several times at the evening banquet, but this time I visited for lunch for the first time. Sukiyaki is also the first time. The meat is excellent and the rice is the best. Each grain was firm and chewy. I want to go again.
花鳥風月 on Google

最近知ったのですが、店舗をリニューアルしたようです。群馬県産の食材をふんだんに用いた、極上のすき焼が堪能できます。お店では地産地消を推奨しているようで、全て群馬の食材を使用しています。 牛肉はA5ランクの上州黒毛和牛を使用しており、色鮮やかなピンクの霜降牛は、見ていただけでお腹が空きました。 女将さんにすき焼きを調理してもらい、卵に浸けて食べれば、衝撃の旨さ!とろける牛肉。忘れられない味となりました。野菜も下仁田ネギを用いており、煮えるとトロリと甘くて旨〜い? 下仁田にある、常盤館まで行かなくても、前橋市街地にこんなに美味しい料亭があるなんて驚きでした。もてなしの心意気や料理の質共に優秀。お値段的には高級なので、どちらかと言えば特別な日の利用向き。 駐車場は一見狭そうなイメージでしたが、第3駐車場まであるので、ご安心を? コロナ禍ですが、これからも頑張って欲しいです。
As I recently learned, it seems that the store has been renewed. You can enjoy the finest sukiyaki made with plenty of ingredients from Gunma prefecture. It seems that the shop recommends local production for local consumption, and all of them use Gunma ingredients. The beef is A5 rank Joshu Japanese black beef, and the colorful pink frosted beef made me hungry just by looking at it. If you ask the landlady to cook sukiyaki, soak it in eggs and eat it, it will be shocking! Melting beef. It became an unforgettable taste. The vegetables are also made from Shimonita green onions, and when boiled, they are sweet and delicious ? I was surprised that there is such a delicious restaurant in Maebashi city area without going to Tokiwakan in Shimonita. Excellent hospitality and quality of food. The price is high, so it's more suitable for special occasions. At first glance, the parking lot seemed to be small, but there is even a third parking lot, so don't worry ? It's a corona disaster, but I hope you will continue to do your best.
松真 on Google

Eat the annual expensive food! ️This time sukiyaki! ️ It was delicious. Gyudon is also !! ️
Blue Viper on Google

The level is so high that you can tell at a glance that the seasonal ingredients have been carefully examined and selected by the craftsmen. A shop suitable for special occasions.
たじたじ on Google

特上すきやきのご飯セットを頂きました✨ 最初に、下仁田ネギのかき揚げ、お刺身(海老が美味しかったです!)、ごぼうサラダをお酒と一緒に頂きました? それからいい頃合いにスタッフさんがすき焼きの準備をして下さり、目の前で焼いて下さいました。頂いてみると、甘めだけれどさっぱりしている割下とお肉の弾力が絶妙で、おっても美味しかったです! 今の時期は下仁田ネギを使われているそうで、トロトロしていて美味しかったです。特にお気に入りだったのは椎茸で、すごく肉厚でした。 またまたいい頃合いにご飯、なめことお豆腐のお味噌汁、お漬物を出して下さり、最後はメロンとイチゴを出して下さいました? 年末ということもあって駐車場は置けないくらい混雑していましたので、予約されてからの方が良いかもしれません✨ またお伺いしたいです!
I got a special sukiyaki rice set ✨ First, I had Kakiage of Shimonita green onions, sashimi (shrimp was delicious!), And burdock salad with sake ? Then, at the right time, the staff prepared for sukiyaki and baked it in front of me. When I got it, the sweet but refreshing warishita and the elasticity of the meat were exquisite, and it was delicious! It seems that Shimonita green onions are used at this time of year, and it was delicious. My favorite was shiitake mushrooms, which were very thick. At the right time, he served rice, licked tofu miso soup, pickles, and finally melon and strawberries ? Because it was the end of the year, the parking lot was so crowded that it couldn't be placed, so it may be better to make a reservation. I would like to visit you again!
김재원 on Google

early facilities earliest
Oranji som on Google

Great food and friendly staff♡ love everything here

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