
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 栄華

住所 :

Iwadokita, Komae, 〒201-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
街 : Tokyo

Iwadokita, Komae, 〒201-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Kazuteru OGAWA on Google

焼肉定食が美味しいですが、量はかなり多めです もう少し控えめな量にしてくれたら餃子も食べられるのになって思います
The yakiniku set meal is delicious, but the amount is quite large. I think you can eat dumplings if you make it a little more modest.
M L on Google

偶然店の前を通りかかり、気になって入ってみたのですが、とにかくボリューム満点で、食べ応え抜群、家庭で出てくる味に近い優しい味でした。特に餃子は手作りで他では見たことがないくらい大きく、(ジャンボと謳っている店は別として)具もたっぷりで、本当に美味しかったです! 今度は他の人が頼んでいたかた焼きそばを食べに再訪したいです。
I happened to pass in front of the store and I was curious about it, but anyway, it was full of volume, excellent in response to eating, and a gentle taste close to the taste that comes out at home. In particular, the dumplings were handmade and were so big that I had never seen them anywhere else, and they had plenty of ingredients (apart from the shops that claim to be jumbo), and they were really delicious! This time I would like to come back to eat the fried noodles that other people have asked for.
久世清重 on Google

通常メニューが全て大盛の栄華さん。 大将は相変わらず「えらっしゃい!」と 元気一杯です。 久々に焼肉ライスでビール。 ある程度ビールが減ってからライスとスープを出してくれて助かります。 息子さん夫婦も明るく元気に頑張っています。
Eika-san, whose regular menu is all great. The general still said, "Welcome!" I'm full of energy. Beer with yakiniku rice for the first time in a while. It is helpful to serve rice and soup after the beer is reduced to some extent. My son and his wife are also cheerful and doing their best.
中井亨 on Google

It is a Chinese restaurant in Nikkicho in the residential area of ​​Kitami. I visited for a late lunch on March 7th and had yakiniku rice ¥ 880. It's definitely a sweet and spicy stir-fried pork booth and onion. You can get most of the protein you need for the day in a significant volume. The shredded cabbage is not a side dish but a meat underlay. So you don't need mayonnaise or dressing because the sweet and spicy sauce spreads throughout the cabbage. Rice has a certain volume, but the volume of side dishes is so great that it feels relatively small. For those who can eat a large amount of rice, I think that a large serving of rice of plus ¥ 100 can be balanced. It's a town that rarely comes, but I'd like to have noodles next time.
keiji on Google

久しぶりにガッツリ食べたくて訪れました。失礼ながらお店に不似合いなメチャ可愛い定員さんがいました。良心的なお値段で美味しい定食を提供してくれます。もう少しお値段上げてもいいと思います。 写真はご飯1/3でお願いしたものです。スープとお新香が付きます。
I visited there because I wanted to eat it for the first time in a long time. Excuse me, there was a cute capacity who didn't look good in the shop. It offers a delicious set meal at a reasonable price. I think it's okay to raise the price a little more. The photo is 1/3 of the rice. Comes with soup and new incense.
Yuta Ishii on Google

写真の通りボリュームがっつりなので男性にはもってこい!な昔ながらの中華屋さんです。 中華屋さんのスープが好きなのですが、栄華さんのスープは、飲みたくなってしまう。。。 駅から少し歩く住宅地の中なのですが、是非!
As you can see in the picture, the volume is so big that it's perfect for men! It's an old-fashioned Chinese restaurant. I like Chinese restaurant soup, but Eika's soup makes me want to drink it. .. .. It's in a residential area just a short walk from the station, but by all means!
NightWalker wayo on Google

小田急本線 喜多見駅から徒歩4分、喜多見の住宅街で営むボリューミーな町中華『栄華』さん。 ⁡ どのメニューを食べても、サービス満点盛り満点な栄華さんですが、今回もフラッグシップ的メニューの『焼肉ライス』880円に、『御飯大盛』100円を付けてオーダーw ⁡ 『焼肉ライス』 大きめな丸皿の上に、キャベツの千切りが敷かれ、その上に大量の豚焼肉と玉ねぎが盛られたシンプルかつボリューミーな定食w これに漬物とスープが付いて980円は激安w ⁡ 甘辛いタレで焼かれた豚肉は、しっとりジューシーで、豚の脂の甘味がグワっとくる。 んが、とても濃ゆいw 故に、硬めに炊かれた御飯の甘さが舌に沁みて、ガツガツ御飯が進みますw ⁡ 御飯はちょい大きめなお茶碗に、見事なマンガ盛りw 濃ゆい焼肉炒めにピッタリw 大満足の焼肉ライスでしたw また、お邪魔シマす、ご馳走様でしたw
A 4-minute walk from Kitami Station on the Odakyu Main Line, "Eika" is a volumey town that runs in a residential area of ​​Kitami. ⁡ No matter what menu you eat, Eika-san is full of service, but this time as well, we ordered the flagship menu "Yakiniku Rice" for 880 yen and "Rice Daisori" for 100 yen. ⁡ "Yakiniku rice" A simple and volumey set meal with shredded cabbage laid on a large round plate and a large amount of grilled pork and onions on top. With pickles and soup, 980 yen is very cheap w ⁡ The pork roasted in a sweet and spicy sauce is moist and juicy, and the sweetness of the pork fat comes to the fore. But very dark Yui w Therefore, the sweetness of the hard-cooked rice sank into the tongue, and the lumpy rice goes on. ⁡ The rice is in a slightly large bowl, and a wonderful manga is served. Perfect for stir-fried thick yui yakiniku w It was a very satisfying yakiniku rice w Also, it was a treat, I'm sorry to bother you.
kuj jku on Google

Great amount and taste good!

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