ジュエリー 工房KAZU

3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact ジュエリー 工房KAZU

住所 :

Iwadokita, Komae, 〒201-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88887
Webサイト : https://tekashimasu.com/
街 : Tokyo

Iwadokita, Komae, 〒201-0004 Tokyo,Japan
たりりりり on Google

I asked for something expensive here. I came back full of scratches. I think there is no choice but to talk about such risks first.
nu ll on Google

まずTwitterアカウントが凍結されていることに笑いました。Webデザインの会社がですよ。自社がこんな体たらくで一体Webの何が分かるというのでしょうかね? それ以前に電話でお話させていただきましたが、担当者の方も要領を得ない回答をされましたし、なにより言葉遣いが…… Webサイトの運用保守を考えるとこういう会社さんとは長い付き合いになるわけです。なのに社会的なルールや言動を備えてないこのような会社とはいい取引を望むべくもありません。
First of all, I laughed at the fact that my Twitter account was frozen. There is a web design company. What does your company know about the Web with this kind of body? I talked on the phone before that, but the person in charge also gave an unreasonable answer, and above all, the wording ... Considering the operation and maintenance of the website, I have a long relationship with such a company. However, there is no reason to hope for a good deal with such a company that does not have social rules and behavior.
S B on Google

This time, I had you remake the crystal necklace into a bracelet. It is a request in the form of shipping from the region. At the suggestion of Mr. KAZU, I put each favorite stone in the center (Larimar, jade) and put a small crystal in the center so that I and two children could make three. Due to my measurement mistake, one of them was a little loose, so I shipped it again and immediately fixed it and sent it. It was a very satisfying response with only this shipping fee and no additional charges. The result was also very satisfying for all three. I'm glad you asked.
兼続直江(Q45) on Google

シェーヌダンクルのサイズがしっくりこないことを気にしており、正規店でのお直しが出来ることは以前より認識はしていたものの、居住域が地方である事とコロナ禍でもあり、ネットで受付てくれる業者はないものかとサーフィンしていたところ加工内容も写真付きで実際の作業過程もわかるようにしたブログを発見。 一度電話をして、お話を聞いてみよう。が初動でした。店主はハキハキと質問内容に丁寧に答えて頂き、加工に伴う金額及び納期もその電話にて伝えてくれました。 店主のブログと電話での受答えにより、ここのお店にお願いしようと決めました。 地方在住の私からすると、郵送での加工受付はありがたいものです。 実際、予定納期前に仕上げて頂き、何処を加工したのか全くわからない状態に満足しております。 現状、シェーヌダンクルは店舗にて各種サイズを試着することは出来ないため、購入時にピッタリと思っていたのに時と共に、もう少しフィット感が欲しいと思う諸兄は私以外にも、少なからずいると思います。その時は『ジュエリー工房KAZU』さんが、オススメです。
I was worried that the size of the Chene dunkle did not fit well, and although I had been aware that it could be repaired at a regular store, it is a rural area and it is also a corona sickness, so it will be accepted online. When I was surfing to see if there was a trader, I found a blog that made it possible to understand the actual work process with the processing contents and photos. Let's call once and listen to the story. Was the first move. The shop owner answered the questions carefully and told me the amount of money and the delivery date for processing by phone. Based on the shop owner's blog and the answer over the phone, I decided to ask this shop. For me, who lives in a rural area, I am grateful for the processing reception by mail. In fact, I am satisfied with the condition that I had you finish it before the scheduled delivery date and I do not know where it was processed. At present, it is not possible to try on various sizes of Chene Dunkle at the store, so I think that there are not a few other brothers besides me who thought that it was perfect at the time of purchase but want a little more fit over time. .. At that time, "Jewelry Studio KAZU" is recommended.

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