キッチン食堂 城山

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キッチン食堂 城山

住所 :

Iwadeyama, Ōsaki, 〒989-6436 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
街 : Miyagi

Iwadeyama, Ōsaki, 〒989-6436 Miyagi,Japan
志田さおり on Google

There are simply 3 types of set meal shops! Boiled food set meal, fish set meal, and set meal, the taste is delicious! To be clear, country food! It is delicious!
庄司さん on Google

I had a grilled fish set meal for lunch after a long absence. The taste was soaked and the skin was crispy and delicious. It was crowded after 12 o'clock, so it is recommended to enter the store early even on weekdays. I'm sorry for the toilet outside.
安達裕 on Google

It's close to Yubikan, but it doesn't have a big sign, so it's usually a shop you'll miss. I choose from 4 types of set meals, but I don't have a photo, so I asked for it with reference to what other people are eating. Every dish has a lot of volume, and the seasoning is gentle, making it one of the restaurants I want to visit again.
あやちゃん on Google

(Translated by Google) Is delicious! The cooked vegetables are really delicious! When I went there two years ago, it was Chinese cabbage and chicken. I still can't forget the taste of Chinese cabbage. This time, the eggplant is very delicious, and how can I season the bok choy like this? It ’s delicious enough to think ♡ The rice was delicious and it was a set meal that made me feel happy! I wish I could hit the boiled fish someday. When There was no goodwill or signboard this time (arrival at 11:40) I was worried that it was a temporary closure, but I came all the way here, so I took the plunge and forgot. And that. Was the regular holiday Sunday and the first Wednesday? Occasionally, there are also temporary closures. It's full in no time at noon, so it's better to go early! If I was closer, I would go every week (> _ _<) ちょっと遠い・・・
にゃまうち on Google

梅雨明け33℃なかなかの暑さ☀️ 今日は大崎市岩出山の「キッチン食堂 城山」さんに?おじゃましました?駐車場は店の脇を通り奥に?️ 終了時間(14時)をすぎての訪問、当然オモテの、のれんもメニュー表も外されていました……が、厨房に食材を確認すると……オッケー(ありがとうございます)?スリッパに履き替えて店内へ? メニューは黒板に書いてあって日替わり。今日は4つあるメニューから「煮物の炊き合わせ定食 950円(込)」と「やき魚定食 950円(込)」を注文✨ おふくろの味、美味しくいただきました? ごちそうさま…デスッ? 20210716
After the rainy season 33 ℃, it's quite hot ☀️ Today, I visited "Kitchen Shokudo Shiroyama" in Iwadeyama, Osaki City ? ? The parking lot passes by the side of the store and in the back ?️ Visiting after the end time (14:00), of course, the goodwill and menu table of the front were also removed ... but when I checked the ingredients in the kitchen ... OK (Thank you) ? Change to slippers To the store ? The menu is written on the blackboard and changes daily. Today, I ordered "Simmered set meal 950 yen (included)" and "Grilled fish set meal 950 yen (included)" from the four menus. The taste of my mom was delicious ? Feast ... Death ? 20210716
昌樹ニニ三 on Google

野菜の煮物炊き合わせ定食をいただきました。 栄養バランスが良い上に家庭的な美味しさでした、値段も950円で安めだと思います。
I had a set meal with simmered vegetables. It had a good nutritional balance and was delicious at home, and I think the price is cheap at 950 yen.
hitoshi watanabe on Google

岩出山 城山の下にあるお昼のみ営業の定食屋。 ロースカツ定食とササミフライ+コロッケ定食を頼みました。ご飯が美味しく、小鉢もありお腹いっぱいになります。
Iwadeyama: A set meal restaurant under Shiroyama that is open only for lunch. I ordered a roasted chicken set meal and a chicken fillet + croquette set meal. The rice is delicious and there is a small bowl to fill your stomach.
mika moon on Google

メニューは4種類の定食だけです。 煮物炊き合わせ定食をいただきました。 今は亡き母が作ってくれるような煮物のような…懐かしく美味しかったわ☺️しかしお腹いっぱいでご飯は全部食べれませんでした すみません。 感じの良いお店の方。。。 またこちらに来たら寄りたいです。
There are only 4 types of set meals on the menu. I had a set meal with simmered dishes. It's like a simmered dish that my late mother makes ... It was nostalgic and delicious ☺️ But I'm so full that I couldn't eat all the rice. I'm sorry. A nice shop. .. .. I would like to stop by when I come here again.

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