
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 入藤

住所 :

Furukawanakazato, Ōsaki, 〒989-6143 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

Furukawanakazato, Ōsaki, 〒989-6143 Miyagi,Japan
よこちゃん on Google

If you want to eat katsudon, go here. It's nice to have it, isn't it? It's 750 yen including tax. Cospa is the best. You can order fried chicken to take out separately. It's delicious.
Yoshiki Yada on Google

4月23日お昼お邪魔しました。とろろ定食750円也がライス少なめでオーダーしたら、700円に (*^▽^*) 申し訳ないんだな。 たっぷりのとろろ汁! まずは蕎麦を楽しみ、とろろ汁に蕎麦をダイブさせ、とろろ汁が絡んだ蕎麦を楽しみ (^-^) マカロニサラダも美味しいし、いよいよ白い飯に とろろ汁たっぷりオンザライスなんだな (≧∀≦) まりまり食べて一気に完食なんだな。出汁が活かされてる優しく美味しい蕎麦に、とろろ汁 満腹感と幸福感に満たされて、毎日でも食べたいと感じさせるクオリティなんだな (^_−)−☆
I visited you for lunch on April 23rd. If the tororo set meal 750 yen is ordered with a small amount of rice, it will be 700 yen (* ^ ▽ ^ *) I'm sorry. Plenty of tororo soup! First of all, enjoy the soba, dive the soba in the tororo soup, and enjoy the soba with the tororo soup (^-^) The macaroni salad is also delicious, and it's finally white rice with plenty of tororo soup on the rice (≧ ∀ ≦) I ate it all at once. The gentle and delicious soba that makes the best use of the soup stock, and the tororo soup are filled with a feeling of fullness and happiness, and it is a quality that makes you want to eat it every day (^ _-)-☆
Kazuki on Google

21年10月に訪問しました。 唐揚げ定食を食べましたが、 きつね蕎麦とサラダ、漬物と900円です、 美味しかったです、また訪れたいです。
I visited in October 2009. I ate a fried chicken set meal, Kitsune soba and salad, pickles and 900 yen, It was delicious and I would like to visit again.
藤田智則 on Google

安くてとても美味しいお蕎麦屋さんでした。 個人店なのでそこまで席数多くないのはご愛嬌
It was a cheap and very delicious soba restaurant. It's a private shop, so it's cute that there aren't many seats.
shinichi hosoda on Google

唐揚げ定食を頂きました。 一口より少し大きめの唐揚げが15個ぐらい?さっくりジューシーでしつこく無い味付けで最後まで美味しく食べられました。これに蕎麦とサラダが付いて900円はたまりません! ごちそう様でした。
I had a fried chicken set meal. About 15 fried chicken that is a little bigger than a bite? It was juicy and not persistent, and it was delicious until the end. With soba and salad, 900 yen is irresistible! thank you for the food.
たかチャン9249 on Google

ランチタイムは少し早めに行くのがオススメ。なぜなら 混むからです。 いつも 蕎麦をいただきますが 定食メニューも美味しそうです。
It is recommended to go a little early at lunch time. Because it gets crowded. I always eat soba, but the set meal menu looks delicious.
隆高橋 on Google

I visited for the first time, but it was a nostalgic shop ❗️ The gentle shopkeeper and his wife were two people! I ordered the Stamina Taro bowl set meal and the vegetable tempura set meal, but both were delicious (^_^) When I visited today, it was an early dinner, so I want to eat the most popular fried chicken set meal this time. (^ _ ^;)
曽根一也 on Google

食べログで、気になっていた入藤さんに訪店しました。開店間もないから私達最初かと入店したら、先客がもう食べてました。で、私は ラーメン定食妻はラーメン失礼ながら老夫婦が切り盛りしてました。注文の品が運ばれてビックリ値段(ラーメン550円・ラーメン定食750円)の割(失礼かな)大盛りでした。私の感想ですが、味は鳥の出汁が効いた醤油ベース(当たり前)チャーシューも鳥肉麺はストレート中太かな、私の感じでは、入藤さんは、蕎麦やうどんがメインかな、でも、ラーメンも旨いです。駐車場は店の前3台と、近くのアパートに2台かな!また行く予定です。腹いっぱいでした。追伸ですが、ご飯旨いです。
I visited Mr. Irito who was interested in Tabelog. Since it was just opened, when we first entered the store, our customers had already eaten it. So I The ramen set meal wife was rude to the ramen, but the old couple was cutting it. The ordered item was delivered and it was a large serving (excuse me) for the surprise price (ramen 550 yen, ramen set meal 750 yen). My impression is that the taste is soy sauce-based with chicken soup stock (naturally), and the chicken noodles are straight and medium-thick. In my opinion, Mr. Irito mainly uses soba and udon, but ramen. It's also delicious. There are 3 parking lots in front of the store and 2 parking lots in a nearby apartment! I plan to go there again. I was full. PS, but the rice is delicious.

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