
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact レストランふじ

住所 :

Furukawaniida, Ōsaki, 〒989-6226 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Furukawaniida, Ōsaki, 〒989-6226 Miyagi,Japan
Seiichi Aikawa on Google

ここの口コミの評価が高いので行ってみました。 店構えは町の定食屋さん的! 中にはいると意外と狭いのでお昼時はきびしいかも。 ラーメンとカレーラーメン、エビそば、味噌ラーメン、焼き肉定食を注文。 結果、どれも美味しい! 何かこの味だよな~っと思える味で安心できる。 家族にも評判が良くて立ち寄って良かったです。
I went there because it was highly rated. The restaurant is like a set meal shop in town! It may be hard at daytime because it is surprisingly small when inside. We ordered ramen and curry ramen, shrimp soba, miso ramen, and grilled meat set meal. As a result, all are delicious! I can feel relieved with something that tastes like this. I had a good reputation with my family.
Yoshiking 00 on Google

I stopped by for a rice break for touring and had a yakiniku set meal. It's delicious in one word ? You're a mess of rice! I think the cashier mom is also good. I don't know what the minus point is ? And the magazine rack tastes good.
秀さん on Google

焼肉定食を頼みました❗ 豚肉で味付けが、甘じょぱい、溶けていない砂糖で、ジャリジャリさがあって、自分にとっては、甘過ぎでした。
I ordered a yakiniku set meal ❗ The pork was seasoned with sweet and undissolved sugar, which was jerky and too sweet for me.
yukiko tanaka on Google

ハンバーグ定食を頂きました。 兎に角旨い。目玉焼きが乗ってるのも良し。ご飯少量が別料金であったのも良心的。また別メニューで伺いたいです。
I had a hamburger set meal. Rabbit is delicious. It's also good to have a fried egg on it. It is also conscientious that a small amount of rice was an extra charge. I would like to ask you another menu.
酎愚七 on Google

Yakiniku set meal sauce, megaton punch grade. It's a restaurant, so it's rice on a plate, so I want to eat it over rice like a unadon (laughs)
N Iz on Google

ここの海老そばが子供の頃から大好きです。 入口にいつも座っている女将さんがおかしな客をふるい落としてくれているので、いつ行っても美味しく和やかに食事ができます。
I've loved shrimp soba here since I was a kid. The landlady, who is always sitting at the entrance, sifts through strange customers, so you can have a delicious and peaceful meal whenever you go.
ke kon on Google

焼肉定食がおいしそうだったので注文しました。思っていたのと違って豚肉の焼肉ソースがけでした。焼肉ソースはピリ辛でご飯がすすむ感じでした。 ちょっと塩っぱすぎて最後はご飯足らずお茶で流す感じでした。 味噌汁が熱々で良かったです。ご飯も熱々だと良かったです。
I ordered the yakiniku set meal because it looked delicious. Unlike what I expected, it was pork with grilled meat sauce. The yakiniku sauce was spicy and the rice was good. It was a little too salty and at the end I felt like I was pouring it with tea because I didn't have enough rice. It was good that the miso soup was hot. I wish the rice was hot too.
Hoo T on Google

There is also a room on the second floor in the dining room with a pretty Showa era feeling. A mother sits at the entrance of the store and is in charge. The customers are workers-like people and parents and children of sports clubs, so it's a store rooted in the local area. I had a hamburger set meal and a yakiniku set meal. The hamburger steak is soft and delicious with demiglace sauce. Yakiniku is also soft and I like the yakiniku sauce. I was surprised at the authentic taste of the restaurant, even though it was a common dining room. I will come again. It seems that everyone is ordering ramen. I would like to taste it the next time I visit the store.

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