葉山 うりんぼう

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 葉山 うりんぼう

住所 :

Isshiki, Hayama, Miura District, 〒240-0111 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.urinbou.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Isshiki, Hayama, Miura District, 〒240-0111 Kanagawa,Japan
永友一朗 on Google

真摯で、きちんとしたお店ですが、家庭的でほっこりできます。 新しい取り組みやユニークな企画にも参加するなど柔軟な発想で切り盛りされています。お持ち帰りのお弁当や、おせち料理も人気ですね。
It's sincere and decent, but homey and relaxing. It is organized with flexible ideas, such as participating in new initiatives and unique projects. Takeaway lunches and New Year dishes are also popular.
rad follow on Google

西の明石、東の佐島と呼ばれるほどおいしい佐島タコ。佐島タコは高級タコです。5~8月の旬の時期は、産卵する前のメスのダコは栄養を蓄えさらに絶品。なんといってもうまい。 そして、ここは、相模湾で取れるお魚など旬な食材を扱う和食屋さんで、佐島タコを使った、秘伝の出汁で作った期間限定の「タコちらし」がおいしいんです? 茹でたタコをオリーブオイル、薄口醤油、レモン汁、花椒(中華の辛味のあるスパイス)で味つけ。夏の料理なんで爽快感を出すためにスパイスを使っている。 ちらし寿司にはトマト以外にも、きゅうり、オクラ、レモン、みょうが、プチトマト、レンコンなどの野菜の種類がたくさん。一つ一つ丁寧に下処理したお野菜と佐島タコがたっぷり入っています。高級タコちらし寿司 2,160円。
Sashima Octopus is so delicious that it is called Akashi in the west and Sashima in the east. Sashima octopus is a high-class octopus. During the season from May to August, the female octopus before spawning stores nutrients and is even more delicious. What a good thing. And here is a Japanese restaurant that sells seasonal ingredients such as fish that you can get in Sagami Bay, and the taco chirashi made with secret soup using Sashima octopus is delicious for a limited time ? Season the boiled octopus with olive oil, light soy sauce, lemon juice, and pepper (a spicy Chinese spice). It's a summer dish so I use spices to give it a refreshing feeling. In addition to tomatoes, chirashi sushi has many kinds of vegetables such as cucumber, okra, lemon, myo, petit tomato, and lotus root. It contains plenty of carefully prepared vegetables and octopus Sashima. High-class octopus chirashi sushi 2,160 yen.
中込紀美子 on Google

葉山のうりんぼうは、その場での手作りで、時間はゆっくりながれます。ご主人のこだわりの魚料理と? ?、 寡黙な方だけによけいに美味しく感じる。 ほんとに美味しい?
Hayama's Urinbo is handmade on the spot, so you can relax slowly. My husband's specialty of fish dishes and ? ?, I feel delicious only for those who are quiet. Really delicious.
Bob Minakuchi on Google

We prepared this dish when we met the parents of our marriage partner. It was a very nice meal, and my parents were pleased with it, and I still remember how glad I was here. I like this one because it has a more delicate taste than a long-established kaiseki bento.
桑澤健一 on Google

At the beginning of summer, I visited Urinbo, a hideaway restaurant in Hayama that I had been interested in watching on TV programs for many years. I was very impressed to open the shop for our group and wait for us on the day. I was very happy that each one of Sajima's octopus chirashizushi and tomato chawanmushi was carefully seasoned! The heartfelt reception of the couple became an unforgettable summer memory.
miya fransowa on Google

予約も無しに子連れで突撃してしまったのに、とても温かくご対応下さって大変感謝しております‪‪☺︎‬ 子供はアジフライ 私はエビフライを注文させていただきました。フワフワ サクサク ぷりっぷりで本当に美味しかったです!遠方から参ったのでお酒が飲めなかったのが悔やまれます!笑 是非またゆっくり伺いたいです!
Even though I had been charging with my child without reservation, I would like to thank you very much for your warm support. Fluffy, crispy and really delicious! I regret not drinking because I came from a distance! Lol I want to visit again slowly!
nolleys on Google

出汁と味付けが美味しい地魚料理のお店 葉山で美味しいお店で検索してチャレンジしてみましたが、当たりでした! 茶碗蒸しやお椀は出汁が美味しく、味付けも程よく口に合います♪ 太刀魚と野菜のみぞれ餡掛けも美味しかった! ご飯は追加料金で、穴子ちらしと鯵ちらしが選べます どちらもおススメのようなので、一つずつ頂きました 穴子ちらしの味付けは甘めで私好みでした! 鯵ちらしも美味しかったですが、酢飯がも少し酢が効いているとなお良かったです 日影茶屋で修行したご主人が独立して20年目のお店、味もおもてなしもしっかりしています! テーブルは3卓で10名でいっぱいとなるほどの大きさです 逗子・葉山で食べる際はおススメです‼︎
Local fish restaurant with delicious soup stock and seasoning I searched for a delicious restaurant in Hayama and tried the challenge, but it was a hit! The chawanmushi and bowl are delicious soup stock and the seasoning goes well with your mouth ♪ The bean paste with swordfish and vegetables was also delicious! You can choose either conger eel or horse mackerel leaf for an additional charge Both are recommended, so I got one each The seasoning of Confucius chirashi was sweet and I liked it! The horse mackerel chirashi was delicious, but it was even better if the vinegared rice was a little vinegared. The owner who trained at Hikage Chaya became independent for 20 years and the taste and hospitality are solid! The table is large enough to hold 10 people with 3 tables. It is recommended when eating in Zushi / Hayama! ︎
Ryu O on Google

お料理は創作性も楽しめ美味しいと思う。お値段も内容から見ればリーズナブル。駐車場もありアクセスは良い。 原則子供同伴は禁止となっている。家族や親戚全員集合となると、どうしても子供が入ってくる。鶴岡八幡宮や森戸神社、お寺が近くには多くあり、七五三や法事では使いづらい事になるが、こう言うレストランがあっても良いと思う。 お料理には、シェフやママさんの意気込みや愛情を感じた。
I think the food is delicious and you can enjoy the creativity. The price is reasonable considering the contents. There is a parking lot and access is good. In principle, children are not allowed. When all the family members and relatives get together, children inevitably come in. There are many Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrines, Morito Shrines, and temples nearby, which makes it difficult to use in Shichigosan and Buddhist memorial services, but I think it would be nice to have a restaurant like this. I felt the enthusiasm and affection of the chef and mom in the food.

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