Iriyama Pass - Akiruno

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iriyama Pass

住所 :

Akiruno, Tokyo 190-0173, Japan

Postal code : 190-0173
Webサイト :

Akiruno, Tokyo 190-0173, Japan
S F on Google

You can ride on a road bike without worrying about the car, so it is comfortable for bicycle riders who can not climb quickly. I climbed from the Hachioji side, but I'm fine because there are places in the middle of the tunnel and beyond the tunnel where you can see the scenery. Wild beasts are likely to come out, so when I'm alone I feel like a bear bell. Sunbeams passing through the murmuring side of the Akiruno side are also good.

Due to the landslide caused by the heavy rain on May 2, vehicles were closed, but bicycles such as two-wheeled autos and MTBs can pass through, but you need to be careful about the scree.
Jaime Villasana Dávila on Google

Buen camino rural montañoso asfaltado para andar en la bici. No es una ruta tan exigente como otras de la zona, pero lo disfrutarás igual. Si le entras por Akiruno la subida no te lleva más de una hora. Ahora bien, ya de bajada y debido al Tifón del 2019, hay zonas en reparación. Hay una donde el agua se llevó el camino y debes cargar la bici, subir una escalera, caminar unos 20 metros y volver bajar la escalera (ver fotos). Hay otras zonas de reparación, pero se puede transitar con cuidado. Me gustó esa ruta y la volveré a hacer.
Good asphalt mountainous rural road to ride the bike. It is not a route as demanding as others in the area, but you will enjoy it just the same. If you enter through Akiruno, the climb takes no more than an hour. Now, already downhill and due to the Typhoon of 2019, there are areas under repair. There is one where the water took the path and you must load the bike, climb a ladder, walk about 20 meters and go back down the ladder (see photos). There are other repair areas, but you can go carefully. I liked that route and I will do it again.
Mitsuru Mibayashi on Google

ハイキングして見てよく分かりますました トンネル付近まで歩き1時間ほどかな トンネルに近づく前から明らかに空気が変わるしゅんかんが、あります。 トンネルは大きく上は動物たちがいます トンネル抜ければ撮影スポットですね これ以上行ってもしょうがないでしょうね 水場は下に苔からポタポタ出ていて冷たいです 手洗い可能
I can understand it by hiking I think it's about an hour walking to the vicinity of the tunnel There is a swelling that clearly changes the air before approaching the tunnel. The tunnel is big and there are animals on the top It's a shooting spot if you go through the tunnel It can't be helped to go any further The water place is cold with moss dripping underneath Hand washable
Kazuhide Takikawa on Google

八王子側からロードバイクで登りました。八王子、あきる野両側ともゲートは結構厳重なので自動車は入って来れません。八王子側はそこそこの路面状況ですが、あきる野側は路面状況もガタガタの箇所が多く、崖崩れの影響も何ヵ所で見掛けました。パンクにご注意を(私はあきる野側下りでパンクしました…)。 眺めは八王子側からトンネルを抜けた場所がすごく良くオススメです♪
I climbed on a road bike from the Hachioji side. The gates on both sides of Hachioji and Akiruno are quite strict, so cars cannot enter. The road surface condition on the Hachioji side is moderate, but on the Akiruno side, the road surface condition is often rattling, and the effects of cliff collapses have been seen in several places. Be careful of flat tires (I got a flat tire on the Akiruno side descent ...). The view is very good and recommended from the Hachioji side through the tunnel ♪
Miguel on Google

In December 2021, climb the forest road Bonbori line from Jimba Kaido. You cannot pass through to the Tokura side because logging is in progress. There is a lot of rubble hidden behind the fallen leaves, so you should always put safety first on the descent.
yukihiro umemoto on Google

2020年8月の時点の画像です。 武蔵五日市側から八王子に抜けましたが。 崩落等でかなり酷い状態でした。 初めて行ったら、路上に1mぐらいの高さで土砂が有り 道が終わっているようにみえたかもしれません。 2021年6月に行きましたが、一カ所工事にはかなり期間がかかりそうな場所があり、全面開通には程遠いかと思われます。 尚、道が開通しても、一般車両通行禁止になる可能性が高いです。 多摩地区の林道は徐々に、フェンスが作られそのような運用になりつつあります。
It is an image as of August 2020. I left Hachioji from the Musashi Gokaichi side. It was in a very bad condition due to collapse. When I went for the first time, there was earth and sand on the road at a height of about 1 m. It may have seemed like the road was over. I went there in June 2021, but there is a place where it will take a long time to construct one place, so it seems that it is far from full opening. Even if the road opens, there is a high possibility that general vehicles will be prohibited from passing. Forest roads in the Tama area are gradually being fenced and operated in this way.
Reda Moumou on Google

The best hole in the whole world.

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