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Contact 網代弁天山

住所 :

Ajiro, Akiruno, 〒190-0155 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Ajiro, Akiruno, 〒190-0155 Tokyo,Japan
今野雄一 on Google

15:30に登山口(武蔵増戸駅側)から昇って、喜志嶋神社と洞窟内の石像から頂上の絶景スポットを経由して、城山(網代城跡)まで行って、登山口へ戻って、一時間位でした。 景色も良く、今の季節だと山つつじ?の花が咲いていて、きれいでした。
At 15:30, climb from the mountain entrance (Musashi Masudo Station side), go to Kishijima Shrine and the stone statue in the cave, go to Shiroyama (Ajiro Castle Ruins) via the scenic spot at the top, return to the mountain climbing entrance, It was time. The scenery is good, and in this season is mountain azalea? Was blooming and beautiful.
Tokyo Benten on Google

You can overlook Akiruno City from the top!
みちくさの達人 on Google

『ハートの洞窟=パワースポット!!』 東側の眺望◎です。 網代の城山に続く登山道が西側に有ります。春はムラサキツツジ(ミツバツツジ)が咲き誇ります。東側中腹には珍しいチャート洞が有ります。 中には日本最古の石造大黒天像が鎮座しております。
"Heart Cave = Power Spot! 』 View of the east side ◎. There is a mountain trail to the west that leads to Shiroyama in Ajiro. Purple azaleas (honeybee azaleas) are in full bloom in spring. There is a rare chart cave on the east side. Inside is the oldest stone statue of Daikokuten in Japan.
淺田星矢 on Google

新調した登山グッズに体を慣らすため、近くの低級山へ。 1月にもかかわらず暖かく、ヒートテック一枚に防風ジャケットを羽織るのみでOK 武蔵五日市駅から歩いて山道へ、500mほど進むと 網代城山の頂上までは一気に階段を駆け上がる。 331mはあっけない。 さらに下り登り、500mほどで弁天山。 こちらからの方が眺望は良かった。 なにやら洞穴があるらしいが、なぜだか見つけることができなかった。 神社のそばにあるはず? そのまま下り、川沿いを駅に戻りつつ高尾神社へ寄って終了。 ポカポカしていたせいか、猫様が沢山いた。
To get used to the new climbing goods, head to a nearby low-grade mountain. Warm despite January, just put on a windproof jacket on one heat tech OK Walk from Musashi-Itsukaichi Station to the mountain path, go about 500m Run up the stairs at a stretch to the top of Ajiro Shiroyama. 331m is not fun. We went down and climbed to reach Bentenyama at about 500m. The view from here was better. There seems to be a cave, but I couldn't find out why. Should it be near the shrine? Continue down the river, return to the station and stop at Takao Shrine to finish. There were a lot of cats, probably because they were hot.
Shinichi Takanami on Google

The wireless transmission / reception condition from the mountaintop is wonderful. I was able to communicate with Umihotaru 62km away at 59 on the 430Mhz band of the handheld aircraft.
hiro tokiwa on Google

I hurt my back and couldn't move for two weeks, so I climbed from Takao Shrine via Okumiya and Amiyo Castle Ruins for rehabilitation. The ups and downs and the slope were quite steep, and when I arrived at Mt. Benten, my legs were pulling. The scenery overlooks Akiruno City. Lunch in a place with a panoramic view was great.
ハイアース on Google

The view from the top of the mountain is the best. You can clearly see that Akiruno is surrounded by two hills. A secret place near my house. I think it's not well known, but every time I meet someone. I think it's the 7th time to climb today. Whenever I climb this mountain, I feel comfortable and tired and feel refreshed. 2021.12.11. (Sat) 14:30
友田一弥 on Google

岩がゴロゴロしている狭い山頂だ、周りにはミツバツツジやヤマザクラが多く、4月上旬から中旬にかけて赤紫色や薄紅色に包まれる。 多摩の山々ではもっともきれいな花の山のひとつであり、展望もまた素晴らしい。 下山は、わずかに戻って左へ山腹に付けられた道を下る。ここもミツバツツジが群生し、赤紫色に彩られたトンネルをくぐり、弁天洞窟や貴志嶋神社に出て、道なりに下って水田地帯に出る。 そこには朱色に塗られた鳥居がある。この先、消防団と網代会館がある広場に出る。立派なトイレがある。
It is a narrow mountaintop with rugged rocks, and there are many azaleas and wild cherry trees around it, and it is surrounded by magenta and light red from early to mid-April. It is one of the most beautiful mountain of flowers in the mountains of Tama, and the view is also wonderful. The descent goes back slightly and goes down the road attached to the hillside to the left. Here too, azaleas grow in clusters, go through a tunnel colored in reddish purple, go out to Benten Cave and Kishijima Shrine, and go down the road to the paddy field. There is a torii painted in vermilion. After this, I will go to the plaza where the fire brigade and Ajiro Kaikan are located. There is a good toilet.

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