Inagi Station Eye Clinic

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Inagi Station Eye Clinic

住所 :

Higashinaganuma, Inagi, 〒206-0802 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
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街 : Tokyo

Higashinaganuma, Inagi, 〒206-0802 Tokyo,Japan
T kid on Google

Explain politeness, patient's eyes, diagnosis accurate, examination room wide! = It is a very good eye exam.
S Hiro on Google

非常に丁寧で、患者さんの立場にたって考えてくれます。丁寧なので混んでるときはちょっと待ちますが、価値があります。 急ぎでないときは予約をおすすめします。
They are very polite and think in the position of the patient. It's polite and I wait for a while, but it's worth it. If you are not in a hurry, we recommend booking.
yuki on Google

The director's explanation is surprisingly clear (strange, but really impressive) and easy to understand. He is a very pleasant teacher and will give me plenty of time to ask questions.
つべつべぐぐーる on Google

An ophthalmologist who responds carefully to the patient's illness and responds carefully. Once you see a doctor, you can make a phone reservation. Cataract surgery seems to be crowded with reservations.
hokukea on Google

白内障の手術しました。 通常の診察も検査共にとても丁寧でした。手術後数時間してから先生から直接経過確認の電話があり安心度増しました。
I had cataract surgery. Both the regular examination and the examination were very polite. A few hours after the operation, the teacher called me to confirm the progress, which increased my sense of security.
たけゆう on Google

月曜日の15時台に行きました。たまたま空いていたようでスムーズに診てもらえました。 異常がなかったことを院長先生が自分のことのように喜んで伝えてくれて大変好感がもてます。質問する時間も与えてくれて、きちんと返答もしてくれます。何より患者の目を見て話してくれます。 最近はモニターばかり見ている先生ばかりでしたので、患者の目を見て話してくれる先生にお願いしたいです。
I went to 15 o'clock on Monday. It seemed that it happened to be vacant so I could see it smoothly. I feel that you are very pleased that Dr. Director delightfully told me that there was no abnormality like my own. It also gives us time to ask questions and will also respond properly. More than anything, it tells us by looking at the patient's eyes. Recently, since only teachers are watching the monitor, I would like to ask the teacher who talks to see the patient's eyes.
わたおる on Google

診察自体は丁寧にしていただきましたし、受付の方も気持ちの良い対応です。 ただし本っっっ当に待たされます。 初診時には平日午前の開院時間に行って、3時間待たされました。 受付の方には「ちょっとお待ちいただきますが、、、」と言われただけで3時間って。 そして「次回からはご予約いただければ待ち時間も減らせますので」と言われたので予約したのに、1時間半以上待たされることが何度もありました。 予約の意味ありますか? 30分程度なら仕方ないかなと思えるけど、1時間半は予定が狂います。 混んでて新患の方がたくさんいらっしゃるのはわかります。だったらそれを踏まえた予約の取り方をしていただきたいです。 あるいは番号制にして、何番まで進んでるかがわかるようにしてもらえるだけでも気持ちが楽。待たされるな〜ってわかる分だけ。 お世話になってるのにこんなことを言うのはおかしいかもしれないけど、本当に待たされすぎてイライラします。
The examination itself was very polite, and the receptionist is a pleasant response. However, I will be waiting for you. At the first visit, I went to the hospital opening hours on weekdays and waited 3 hours. The receptionist told me "Please wait, but ..." for 3 hours. I was told, “If you can make a reservation from the next time, the waiting time can be reduced,” so I made a reservation, but I had to wait more than an hour and a half. Does it make a reservation? I think that it will be inevitable if it is about 30 minutes, but the schedule goes crazy for one and a half hours. I understand that there are so many new cases. Then I would like you to make a reservation based on that. Or just make a numbering system so that you can see how far you are going. Just as much as you can tell. It may be strange to say this even though you are taking care of it, but it's really frustrating because you've been waiting too long.
ASU KA on Google

人それぞれ感じ方は違うと思うのですが、受付の方の感じが余り良くないと言う印象を持ちました。 検査室も広く綺麗で、先生も丁寧に説明をしてくれます。 また、此方の聞いた事には分かるまで、説明もしてくれます。 ただ、待ち時間は、長いです。
I think that each person feels differently, but I got the impression that the receptionist did not feel very good. The examination room is large and clean, and the teacher will explain it carefully. They will also explain until you understand what you have heard. However, the waiting time is long.

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