Ikesuwaasagiriobanhiu Shrine - Shiki District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikesuwaasagiriobanhiu Shrine

住所 :

502 Hokiji, Tawaramoto, Shiki District, Nara 636-0222, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 636-0222

502 Hokiji, Tawaramoto, Shiki District, Nara 636-0222, Japan
庵谷津子 on Google

矢鋪克美 on Google

kubo masayoshi on Google

サカモトトシオ on Google

温泉大好きみっちゃん on Google

Sakae Fuchikami on Google

It is a large shrine in the ceremony. There is a temple called Hokiji, which was founded by Prince Shotoku, and it was the guardian shrine there. It's a venerable palace. The atmosphere was good when I visited. However, be careful of bush mosquitoes in the summer. Aedes mosquitoes will attack you in no time, so I think it's a good idea to avoid insects and worship.
ひねもすぱぱ on Google

No parking lot. Good atmosphere. It seems that there is no one in the office, and it is unknown whether or not there is a red stamp.
雲外蒼天123 on Google

御祭神池坐朝霧黄幡比売神社(イケニマス アサキリ キハタヒメ) 社頭の鳥居扁額には「池坐神社」、拝殿の額には「天満宮」とある。 延喜式内大社・ 旧郷社 祭神:天萬烤幡千々比賣命(アメノヨロズタクハタチヂヒメ) 菅原道真 機織(幡)の神であって、推古帝24年(615)聖徳太子草創の法喜寺伽藍を賜った秦氏が、その祖神守り神として崇敬した古社である。 菅原道真は、天慶9年北野天満宮からの勧請によるもので、当社本来の祭神ではないが、中世以降は、こちらが主祭神として崇敬されていたという) 拝殿は唐破風のある豪勢な造りで、天井部の格子が美しい。本殿はコンクリート塀に囲まれていて屋根の部分しか見えない。銅板葺の切妻入りで朱塗りが美しい。右に小社が見える。
Festival Kamikeza Asagiri Huanghata Hime Shrine (Ikenimas Asakiri Kihatahime) "Ikeza Shrine" is on the torii biane at the head of the shrine, and "Tenmangu" is on the forehead of the hall of worship. Enki Shikinai Taisha Shrine / Old Town Shrine Religious deity: Tenman Sohata Chichijihime (Amenoyorozu Takuhatachijihime) Sugawara no Michizane It is an old shrine that Hata, the god of weaving (hata), who received the Hokiji temple of Prince Shotoku in the 24th year of the Empress Suiko (615), revered as the guardian deity of the ancestors. Sugawara no Michizane was solicited by Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in the 9th year of Tengyo, and although it is not the original deity of our company, it is said that this was revered as the main deity after the Middle Ages.) The hall of worship is a magnificent structure with a gable, and the lattice on the ceiling is beautiful. The main shrine is surrounded by a concrete wall and only the roof can be seen. The gabled copper plate is beautifully painted in vermilion. You can see a small shrine on the right.

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