Ikenodaira Wetlands - Tomi

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikenodaira Wetlands

住所 :

Unnamed Road Shigeno, Tomi, Nagano 389-0513, Japan

Postal code : 389-0513
Webサイト : https://tomikan.jp/genre/experience/yunomaruhighland/

Unnamed Road Shigeno, Tomi, Nagano 389-0513, Japan

You can see many alpine plants and bog plants. The road is flat and well maintained, making it easy to walk.
fks lol on Google

Perhaps because the best time to see the plants was over, there were few people and I enjoyed it quietly. If you just walk in the center of the marsh, it is very easy because the road is almost flat. Personally, I like the view hills and the hills above the clouds, so I definitely want you to visit.
masa mura (massey) on Google

8月1日 東御市街は30度なのに、ここは15℃~17℃の別世界。 駐車場から15分ほどの湿原は、霧が立ち込め、遊歩道の板木を確認しながら散策。アヤメ、コマクサなど多種の植物が至る所に咲き、高層湿原特有の景色でした。瞬間、霧が晴れ、鏡池が現れたときは、感動でした。 運動靴であれば、比較的軽装でもトレッキング可能でした。
August 1st The city of Tomi is 30 degrees, but here is another world of 15 to 17 degrees Celsius. About 15 minutes from the parking lot, the marshland is covered with fog and you can take a walk while checking the board on the boardwalk. A variety of plants such as irises and Dicentra bloomed everywhere, and the scenery was unique to the high moors. At the moment, when the fog cleared and Kagamiike appeared, I was impressed. If it was athletic shoes, it was possible to trek even with relatively light clothing.
ichicou High.B on Google

時期的にまだ花などは咲いてませんでしたか 湿原も囲む山々も美しい景色で木道をゆったり歩きました また雲上の丘から見た湿原も最高なロケーションで同じような写真を何枚も撮ってしまいました
Did the flowers bloom yet in time? I walked along the wooden path with beautiful scenery of the marsh and the surrounding mountains. Also, the marsh seen from the hill above the clouds was in the best location and I took many similar pictures.
T Otsubo (Ryuumei) on Google

There are wooden paths around the marshland, but it is half the charm to walk there. Please climb the outer ring of the marshland (Mt. A sunny day is the best view. Since it is maintained without sudden climb, even children around 5 years old can walk. It is an affordable hiking course with rich alpine plants.
Naotaka Kumagai on Google

車やバイクですぐ近くまで来られるので、気軽に高原気分が味わえます。 天気で良し悪しが決まるので、事前の天気予報は大事です。 また、雲が通り過ぎる高度なので、曇っていてもしばらく待っていれば写真みたいな青空が出ますよ
You can easily feel like a plateau because you can come close by car or motorcycle. The weather forecast is important because the weather determines whether it is good or bad. Also, since the altitude is such that clouds pass by, even if it is cloudy, if you wait for a while, a blue sky like the one in the picture will appear.
まるちゃん on Google

The autumn leaves are beautiful on October 9th ?. As expected, the altitude is 2000m. The refreshing autumn breeze blows through the marsh with few people. It's a flat wooden path, so I enjoyed it even if I wasn't exercising ?. The parking lot is 600 yen. It is cheap if you think about the maintenance of the promenade and the maintenance of clean toilets. However, Google bent the navel again and abandoned the directions so far ?. Yahoo is the same ... why? ❓
はらしまじゅんこ on Google

9月と11月の池の平入口までの道が閉鎖になる前日に行きました。車で湿原の入り口まで行けるので行きやすいです。 1周するのに2、3時間は必要です。池の周りだけ見るのではもったいないです。 高山の植物と見晴らしが楽しめました。 特にロックガーデンのようなところがあり、見ごたえがあります。 9月の池は良い感じでしたが、11月に再訪した時は水が少なく、あまりきれいではありません。 山なので気温差に注意が必要です。 夕方になると風が強くなり、肌寒くなります。 9月なのにお昼のお弁当を食べていても、じっとしていると寒いくらいです。 初めて行くなら、高山植物がたくさんある9月、10月までがよいと感じました。
I went the day before the road to the Ikehira entrance in September and November was closed. It is easy to reach because you can drive to the entrance of the marsh. It takes a couple of hours to make one lap. It's a waste to see only around the pond. I enjoyed the alpine plants and the view. Especially, there is a place like a rock garden, and it is spectacular. The pond in September looked good, but when I revisited in November there wasn't much water and it wasn't very clean. Since it is a mountain, you need to be careful about the temperature difference. In the evening, the wind gets stronger and it gets chilly. Even though I'm eating lunch in September, it's cold when I'm still. If this is my first time, I felt that September and October, when there are many alpine plants, are good.

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