Iijima Clinic - Saitama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iijima Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-12-1 Komaba, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 330-0051
Webサイト : http://xn--ekr59tbm2ctec.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–5PM

1 Chome-12-1 Komaba, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0051, Japan
o a on Google

二度と行かないです。私が最後の患者だったからか、受付の方達ははやく閉めたそうな雰囲気。年配男性の先生は内診で痛がる私にこの位で痛いの?と。説明も面倒くさそうでした。慣れない産婦人科で不安や怖さがあることを少しでも分かって欲しかったです。以来、産婦人科に行くことが怖くなりました。 後日病気に電話をして担当の先生と話をしたいと頼んだところ、かけ直してくれと言われ、かけ直しましたが結局話をさせてもらえずでした。 たしかに大勢いる患者の1人でしかないです、 真摯に対応するのがプロじゃないですか。辛かったです。
I will not go there again. The receptionist seems to have closed quickly, probably because I was the last patient. Are older men's teachers sore at me during my internal examination? When. The explanation also seemed cumbersome. I wanted to understand even a little bit of anxiety and fear in the obstetrics and gynecology department that I am not used to. Since then, I was scared to go to obstetrics and gynecology. Later I asked to call a sick person and talk with the teacher in charge, but I was told to call back again and asked to call back, but eventually I was not able to talk. Certainly, it is only one of many patients. Isn't it professional to correspond seriously? It was hard.
あさみ on Google

先生が日によって変わるのですが、息子さんの先生の薬の挿入が雑すぎてその日1日下腹部痛を感じたまますごしました。あとから、外部から来てた先生の日に痛みの話をすると先生は少し雑なとこあるからねとのこと。 子宮が小さい、妊娠しないなど驚かされまくって早くしないと年齢的にも妊娠しづらくなるよって言われたり他のホルモン治療のクリニックに通った方がいいと不安を煽られました。 他院で見てもらったところ子宮が小さめだけど排卵もあるし大丈夫と診断されてあまり信用出来ないなと思いました?
The teacher changed from day to day, but my son 's teacher' s medicine was too complicated to spend the day feeling lower abdominal pain on that day. Later that when I talked about the pain on the teacher 's day from the outside, the teacher says it' s a bit messy. I was worried that it would be better to get pregnant by age or to go to other clinics of hormone therapy unless the uterus is small, not pregnant, etc. It is surprised to get pregnant and swift soon. I saw it in another hospital where the uterus was small but there was also ovulation, I was diagnosed and I thought that I could not trust so much ?
hiori s. on Google

初めての妊娠で不安でいっぱい初めての病院でした。受付の方の対応が良かったので安心したのも束の間、中年の先生はまるで感情のないロボット…3回ほど行きましたが質問もロクに聞いてもらえず不安が募り病院を変えました。 かなり慎重に生活していたのに他のコメントで自己管理してないと冷たいとあって更に傷つきました。患者さんによって大分対応が違うのは確かなようです。 内診が痛くなかったのが唯一の利点。 出口付近に喫煙スペースがあって吸う人が居るとドアが開く度に臭くて悪阻にはきつかった。 しかも検査なしで何度も1万越え…衝撃 病院変えて本当に良かった!ほとんど補助券で収まるし、先生も普通に接してくれました。
It was the first hospital full of anxiety with my first pregnancy. For a while, I was relieved that the receptionist was good, but the middle-aged teacher was like a robot with no emotions. I went about three times, but I couldn't ask any questions, so I changed my hospital. Even though I lived very carefully, I was hurt because I was cold unless I managed myself with other comments. It seems certain that the response differs depending on the patient. The only advantage was that the pelvic examination did not hurt. When there was a smoker near the exit and there was a smoker, it smelled every time the door was opened and it was hard to hinder. Moreover, over 10,000 without inspection many times ... shock It was really good to change the hospital! It almost fits in with a supplementary ticket, and the teachers also touched me normally.
Y U on Google

I thought the teacher was scared and looked at it by word of mouth, but I thought it would be very nice if I managed myself properly. When I am scared I think that there is a reason for it. The nurses at the reception also talk nicely if they get along well, and I think it's good for the first birth here. If there were worries about having a baby, there was only one nurse at night, so I was worried that I could be alone. I was kind enough to be kind to me as there was no one to help me after childbirth during the hospitalization period.
m y on Google

エコーもちょっとしか見ず、たいした検査もしてないのにすぐ、子宮外妊娠か流産なので他の病院に行ってくださいと言われた。 不安な気持ちになり、少し泣いてしまったらとても面倒くさそうにされた。 しかもなんか怒ってたし。面倒だと思う患者には関わりたくないみたい。 初めての妊娠で不安なのに、こちらから質問しないと何も言ってくれないし、質問しても素っ気無い答えしか返ってこない。 受付もこちらから声かけないと挨拶などなし。 尿検査と数秒のエコーで初診1万越え。 2度と行かない。
I saw only a few echoes, and although I didn't do much examination, I was told to go to another hospital because I had an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. I felt uneasy, and when I cried a little, I felt very annoyed. Besides, I was angry. I don't want to get involved with patients who find it troublesome. I'm anxious about my first pregnancy, but if I don't ask, I won't say anything, and even if I ask, I'll only get a naive answer. If you do not speak to the receptionist, there will be no greetings. Urine test and echo for a few seconds made initial diagnosis over 10,000. I will never go again.
あり on Google

数ヶ月前にお伺いしました。 検診代がとても高く総合病院ではないため 仕方ないかなと思っていたら健康保険から医療費のお知らせがきて見てみると自費で払う分と 異なっていてとても料金が上乗せされていたことに気付かされました。もう2度と行きません。
I visited you a few months ago. Because the examination fee is very high and it is not a general hospital If I was wondering if it could be helped, I got a notification of medical expenses from the health insurance and when I looked at it, I found that I would pay at my own expense. I noticed that it was different and the price was very high. I will never go again.
eri tone on Google

初めての妊娠でこちらにお世話になり、先月無事に出産しました。 院長先生をはじめ、助産師さんも看護士さんも受付の方も、皆さんとても親切で素晴らしい病院です! とても感動したので、今回はじめてクチコミを投稿しました。 入院中は母子同室でしたが、体調のすぐれない日は預かって頂けましたし、いろんな疑問質問にも丁寧に答えてくださり、とても助かりました。 また、ご飯が病院とは思えないくらい毎回とても美味しかったです! もし第二子を授かる事があれば、ぜひまたお世話になりたいと思います。
I was taken care of by my first pregnancy and gave birth safely last month. The hospital is very kind and wonderful, including the director, midwives, nurses, and receptionists! I was so impressed that I posted a review for the first time this time. I was in the same room as my mother and child while I was in the hospital, but on days when I wasn't feeling well, I was able to take care of them and answered various questions politely, which was very helpful. Also, the rice was so delicious every time that I couldn't think of it as a hospital! If I have a second child, I would like to take care of it again.
on Google

初診で行きましたが、持病があることは事前に伝えたにも関わらず、診察の際に「持病があるからうちでは見れない」と門前払いされました。なにも言われず尿検査をさせられ、その検査代金も。 先生も私が喋ること全てに否定から入るタイプの人で話していてとても不快でした。 結局、うちではみれないと言われただけで終わった診察と検査代を支払いましたが、別の方のレビューで「料金を上乗せされていた」というものを見て私もされているのではととても恐怖に感じています。 レビューをみてからの病院選びがとても大切だと学びました。二度と行かないし他の人にもすすめられる病院ではありません。
I went to the doctor for the first time, but even though I told him in advance that I had a chronic illness, I was paid in advance at the time of the medical examination saying, "I can't see it because I have a chronic illness." I was asked to do a urine test without being told anything, and the cost of the test was also. The teacher was also very uncomfortable because he was the type of person who could get into everything I talked about from the negative. In the end, I paid for the medical examination and examination that ended just because I was told that I couldn't see it, but I think I was also seen in another review saying that "the fee was added". I'm very scared. After seeing the reviews, I learned that choosing a hospital is very important. It is not a hospital that will never go and is recommended by other people.

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