
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 燕喜館

住所 :

Ichibanboridoricho, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8132 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://niigata-bs.sakura.ne.jp/si/enkikan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Niigata

Ichibanboridoricho, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8132 Niigata,Japan
4K112a N on Google

無料で入館できる。 400円でお茶も頂けるみたい。 タバコは吸えない。 昔の人の邸宅とのこと。 奥にあるキッチンが改修されていて自宅より快適な感じになっていた。 この前テレビで見たけど昔の日本家屋は家の外側に廊下があって真ん中に居室があるっていう作りを実際に見て少し感動した。 お庭もきれいで少し腰を落ち着けると白山神社の賑わいが嘘のように静かで落ち着く空間でした。 あとちょいちょい頭ぶつけそうになるから注意が必要。
You can enter for free. It seems that you can get tea for 400 yen. I can't smoke. It's an old man's mansion. The kitchen in the back was renovated and it felt more comfortable than at home. I saw it on TV the other day, but I was a little impressed to see that the old Japanese house had a corridor on the outside and a living room in the middle. The garden was beautiful, and when I settled down a little, the bustle of Hakusan Shrine was a quiet and calm space like a lie. You need to be careful because you may hit your head a little more.
まいにちコツコツ on Google

I saw the chicks of the Saito family. The historic Hinamatsuri is wonderful. I had a relaxing matcha alone and had a luxurious time. Seeing the moss and scenery in the front yard from the gate will heal your mind.
本間義朗 on Google

生け花や、お茶席、書道 書家の作品発表会などの、催し物会場として、申し分ないと思う次第であると思われる✨❗。たまたま姪が、書道家10人に選ばれて、作品を見学に、行ったのだが。誠に出来映えが素晴らしく、恐れ入った次第である。ローマは、一日してならず?✌️  千里の道も一歩から 日々の積み重ねに、負う所なのであろう❗ 日々精進せねば❗ どんな細かな事でも良いのではないだろうか?。?☆❕。
Ikebana, tea ceremony, calligrapher's work presentation, etc., I think it's a perfect venue for events ✨❗. It happened that my niece was selected by 10 calligraphers and went to see the work. The workmanship was excellent and I was afraid. Isn't Rome a day? ✌️ The road of Senri is also a place to bear from one step to the daily accumulation ❗ If you have to devote yourself every day ❗ Isn't it okay to do any small things? .. ? ☆ ❕.
マツコ on Google

そこに燕喜館があるなんてことを全く❗知らないで車を停めた駐車場の所にありました? 豪農とか豪商の館は結構好きなので、しかも無料との事だったのでお邪魔してみました~✨ こちらは明治から昭和にかけて活躍した商家の齊藤家の邸宅の一部を東堀通からこの白山公園内に移築再建したものとのこと✋ 私の印象としては…派手過ぎない豪華さ?品の良い豪華さ?を感じました✨ 3月14日まで展示の雛人形も、絢爛豪華❗ってゆうケバケバした華やかさは無かったですが、人形1つ1つに優しさや気品を感じました? 家に帰ってからパンフレットを見たら、有料でお抹茶かコーヒーが飲めたんですね~✨ あの建物の中で静かにお抹茶とか飲んだら…普段はガヤ子な私でも少しは品良くなれたかなぁ? お座敷も有料で『伝統文化及び、芸能活動に貸し出しています』とのことでした✋ ああゆう所で日本舞踊のお稽古とか出来たら…素敵だなぁ✨✨(私は日本舞踊とか出来ませんけど?)
I didn't know that there was a Yankikan at all ❗ It was in the parking lot where I parked my car ? I like the mansion of a wealthy farmer or a wealthy merchant quite a lot, and it was free, so please bother me It was ~ ✨ This is a part of the Saito family's mansion, which was active from the Meiji era to the Showa era, relocated from Higashiboridori to this Hakusan Park. ✋ My impression is that it is not too flashy and luxurious? Good luxury? ✨ Until March 14th, the Hina dolls on display were also gorgeous and gorgeous ❗ There was no fluffy gorgeousness, but I felt the kindness and elegance of each doll ? When I saw the pamphlet after I got home, I could drink matcha or coffee for a fee ~ ✨ If I drank matcha quietly in that building ... I wonder if I, who is usually a kid, could get a little better. ? It was said that the tatami room is also rented out for traditional culture and performing arts activities ✋ If you could practice Japanese dance at a place like that ... It would be nice ✨ ✨ (I can't do Japanese dance, though ?)
yoko on Google

白山神社のすぐ側にある入場無料の日本建築物です。 茶室や和室を自由に見物できます。シンプルだけど可愛らしい照明器具が良かったです。 館内で300円で抹茶やコーヒーが飲めるので、白山公園を散策したあと、ちょっと休憩したいときに立ち寄るのもいいた思います。
It is a Japanese building with free admission right next to Hakusan Shrine. You can freely visit the tea room and Japanese-style room. I liked the simple but cute lighting fixtures. You can drink matcha and coffee for 300 yen inside the building, so it's a good idea to stop by when you want to take a break after strolling around Hakusan Park.
おくまさま on Google

燕喜館は明治から昭和にかけて活躍した商家、三代目齋藤喜十郎氏の邸宅の一部を、平成9年に東堀通7番町から白山公園内に移築再建したものです。 「燕喜館」の名称は唐時代の思想家、韓愈の「燕喜亭記」という書物に由来し、「宴を催し、楽しみ喜ぶ」こという意味から齋藤家が命名していたものを引き継ぎました。 従前の間取りや意匠を活かした前座敷、奥座敷、居室などに加えて、露地庭と一体になった本格的な茶室が設けられています。長さ十間にも及ぶ一本ものの桁や長押などを用い、円弧形の地袋や欄間の細工など往年をしのばせる風格ある姿を見ることができます。 こうした施設を無料で見学できるのは素晴らしいですね。
Yankikan is a part of the residence of Kijuro Saito, a merchant house who was active from the Meiji era to the Showa era, and was rebuilt in 1997 from 7 Bancho, Higashibori-dori in Hakusan Park. The name "Yankikan" is derived from the book "Yanki Teiki" by Han Yu, a thinker of the Tang dynasty, and inherits what the Saito family named from the meaning of "holding a feast and enjoying and rejoicing". It was. In addition to the front room, back room, and living room that make use of the existing layout and design, there is a full-scale tea room integrated with the open-air garden. You can see the stately appearance of the old days, such as the arc-shaped base bag and the work between the columns, using a single girder and long press that are as long as ten minutes. It's great to be able to visit these facilities for free.
Jikko Spokaro on Google

The Enki-kan is a traditional wooden house in the Japanese style, and belonged to a wealthy merchant family who lived in Niigata. Later, the building was moved to its current position in Hakusan Park. The Enki-kan is an under-visited asset of Niigata city. The building features many tatami mat rooms and a Japanese garden, which also ‘borrows’ scenery from the park in which the Enki-kan stands.
Dahlia Sirin on Google

Beautiful garden. Unfortunately because of some event I could not get inside.

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