
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 豚屋とん一イオンモール茨木

住所 :

Ibaraki, 〒567-0033 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : https://www.toridoll.com/shop/ton-ichi/
街 : Osaka

Ibaraki, 〒567-0033 Osaka,Japan
AYAKO T on Google

It's cheap and delicious! ️
るーらった on Google

おろしチキン。 めっっっちゃ肉が大きくて出てきた時はびっくり。 大根おろしの量半端じゃない。キャベツも十分多め。ご飯の並は一般的並の量よりちょっと多いか?普通か?ってくらい。「なんか量少ない〜」とは絶対に言わせない、むしろ、「予想より多い!」ってなるボリューム。安いのにすごいな。 食後、悪い油物を食べたときの胃のしんどさがおそった。質の悪い油の味がしたように思う。油の交換頻度はどれくらいなんだろう。フライヤーの油すごい量だったけど。大変そう。値段が安いから何とも言えない。 たっぷりのおろしとキャベツでとてもさっぱり。 胃の大きさが普通の人は食べきれないんじゃないかな。一般的女性にはかなり厳しい量。お腹のすき具合と胃のキャパシティを考えて注文した方が良さそう。
Grated chicken. I was surprised when the meat was so big that it came out. The amount of grated radish is not odd. There are plenty of cabbage. Is the average amount of rice a little more than the average amount? Is it normal? I mean. The volume that never says "something is small", but rather "more than expected!" It's cheap but amazing. After eating, I felt sick in my stomach when I ate bad oil. I think it tasted like poor quality oil. How often do you change the oil? It was a tremendous amount of oil in the flyer. seems hard. I can't say anything because the price is cheap. Very refreshing with plenty of grated cabbage. I think people with a normal stomach cannot eat it. A fairly strict amount for the average woman. It seems better to order considering the condition of your stomach and the capacity of your stomach.
Sungji Lee on Google

イオン茨木のフードコート内にある豚カツ屋さんです。 カツ丼玉子ダブルの大盛りをいただきました。値段は大盛りが無料サービス中だったので並価格の640円+税だけでした。 欲張って山椒をかけすぎたのでちょっとピリピリきましたが、美味しくいただきました。
It is a pork cutlet in the food court of Aeon Ibaraki. We had a large serving of Katsudon egg double. The price was only 640 yen + tax of average price because a large serving was under free service. I was a little nervous because I was too greedy and over-poured the pepper, but it was delicious.
69 sika on Google

久々に来店。 本当にいつも行列。 いつものカツ丼を注文。 そして旨い。 とんかつ屋に行ったらカツ丼は避けてロースカツかヒレカツ定食を頼みます。 なぜなら大抵はカツ丼が何故かあまり美味しくないから。 でもここはカツ丼しか注文しません。 カツ丼が旨いから。
Visited the store after a long time. Really always in line. I ordered the usual katsudon. And delicious. If you go to a pork cutlet shop, avoid the katsudon and ask for a loin cutlet or fin cutlet set meal. Because most of the time, the katsudon isn't very delicious for some reason. But here I only order katsudon. Because the katsudon is delicious.
momoモモ on Google

ランチタイムは並びますが、目の前で仕込みをしたり揚げたり盛りつけたりと、パフォーマンスが見れて楽しい。 ふわふわパン粉で揚げるので、サクっふわっとしたトンカツ。 今日はトンカツ定食ソースにしました。 友達は大海老丼。 大満足のボリュームでこの味!! 定食はキャベツ大盛りで嬉しい。 サイコーでした☆ 映画を観る前だったのでチケット見せたら、割引がありラッキーでした。
Lunch time is aligned, but it is pleasant to see performance as loading, frying and arranging in front of you. Because it fries with fluffy bread crumbs, it is a deeply fluffy tonkatsu. Today I made it as a bonito set meal sauce. My friend is a large prawn. This taste with a very satisfying volume! ! I'm glad that the set meal is served cabbage. It was awesome. ☆ Since it was before seeing the movie, it showed the ticket, it was lucky there was a discount.
ヤッさん on Google

I'm glad you can eat freshly fried pork cutlet. The classic Tontekeki is also delicious with its volume. The only problem is the setup in the store. It becomes a postcard that waiting time is long.
きゃろらいん。 on Google

並びながら注文を言って準備していくシステム。揚げたてがほんとに美味しいしキャベツの切り方が考えられてる。 写真はロースのソースでご飯大盛り。 店員さんも非常に丁寧で好感が持てます。
A system that prepares by saying orders while lining up. The freshly fried cabbage is really delicious and the way to cut the cabbage is considered. The photo shows a large serving of rice with a loin sauce. The clerk is also very polite and has a good impression.
Kanal Reviu dan Gagasan on Google

Mamma mia lezatos! Thats mean the taste also the amount very oishii.. You will not hungry anymore. Try banana shakes ! I love it!

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