Hotel Sun Palace - Hiroshima

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hotel Sun Palace

住所 :

10-12 Matsubaracho, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 732-0822
Description : Unassuming hotel featuring simply furnished rooms with TVs, in addition to breakfast.

10-12 Matsubaracho, Minami Ward, Hiroshima, 732-0822, Japan
はやまとて on Google

I asked for a non-smoking room, but there is an ashtray, and when I use a partner parking lot, I do not say that I need to process it at the time of checkout, and if I ask the front desk again, it says "Don't rush". , Is not it? I thought. Equipment Old but acceptable people, but I do not have a good impression on places that are not sincere in work.
しま on Google

スタッフさんは親切で丁寧です。(*^^*) 私は受付の方の、古いので匂いがとれないのでリセッシュを渡そうとしてくれた配慮がツボりました。 あえて、隠さないで言ってくれる潔さが良かった。 空気清浄機でも渡されるのかと思ったもので(笑) リセッシュかーい!気持ちだけ受け取って窓を全開にして換気しました。 ホテルは古く、バブル時代?の名残を味わえます。 そのぶん、料金はお安いです。 安く、そして昔の名残を味わいたい人にはおすすめです。 テープで補修されたドライヤー。 ヒモで消す照明器具。 傷んでるスリッパ。 やけに天井が低い(笑) ツッコミがちょいちょい発生しましたが、まぁあえてこんなかんじで営業しているのでそのスタイルに文句はいうべきではないでしょう(・∀・) 逆に今ならドライヤー安いので980円で売っているにも関わらず、あえて、ボロボロのドライヤーをおいているのはもぅホテルのスタイルとしかいいようがありません。(笑) お風呂も匂いが気になりましたが、ラッシュのボディカラーソープを持ち歩いていたので(匂いのあるボディーソープ)それを使用し誤魔化す。 おおらかな大雑把な人には、難なく泊まれるとおもいますが、 今どき、快適、便利を好む人にはむいてないと思います。 後、昔のホテルだから音がよく聞こえる。 まぁ、皆さん、ここはお互いに配慮して静かに過ごす気もちが必要よ。 そこはどこのホテルに泊まっても、そーゆー気持ちがないと互いが気持ちよく過ごせないからね。 さわぎたい人は防音のしっかり聞いたホテルに泊まって好きに騒いでね。 そんな感じで昔ながらのホテルです。 お世話になりました!
The staff is kind and polite. (* ^^ *) As I was old, I could not take the smell out of the receptionist, so I was concerned about giving me the wish. I was glad that I dare to say that I did not hide it. I thought it would be delivered by an air purifier (laughs) I received only my feelings and opened the windows to ventilate. Is the hotel old, bubble era? You can taste the remnants of Well, the price is cheap. It is recommended for those who want to taste cheap and old relics. Dryer repaired with tape. Lighting fixture to put out with straps. Slippery slippers. I have a low ceiling (laughs) Tsukkomi has a little bit of trouble, but as it is open for business like this, I should not complain about that style (・ ∀ ·) On the other hand, despite the fact that they are selling for 980 yen because they are now cheap driers, there is no way they dare to wear battered dryers either as a hotel style. (Lol) I was worried about the smell in the bath, but because I was carrying a rush body color soap (scented body soap) I use it to deceive it. For those who are rough and rough, I think that they will stay without difficulty. I don't think it's good for people who like comfort, convenience now. After that, the sound is heard well because it is an old hotel. Well, everyone, I need to have a willingness to spend here quietly considering each other. No matter where you stay at the hotel, you won't feel comfortable with each other without feeling sooo. If you want to be quiet, stay in the soundproofed hotel and stay in love with it. It is such an old-fashioned hotel. thank you for helping me!
つくし on Google

観光地なのに、フロントの対応の悪さが半端ない。駐車場の場所もあっちや、そっち、で具体的に説明もできない。また、部屋にはいると、掃除はされていたが、なぜか、トイレの水が尿素の色。流すと普通の色の水に。掃除の人が用を足した後では???? ありえない。
Although it is a sightseeing spot, there is no bad response at the front desk. There is no parking space, and there is no specific explanation. Also, when I entered the room, it was cleaned, but for some reason, the toilet water was colored with urea. Flowing into normal color water. After the cleaning person adds money? ? ? ? Impossible.
のぶさん on Google

汚いし設備がテキトー。お金がない人が泊まるホテルだろうと思います。タバコ臭いしシャンプーは無いしご飯は美味しくない。最悪。 唯一いいところは刃牙が置いてあったこと。
Dirty equipment is techto. I think it's a hotel where people without money can stay. It smells like cigarettes, there is no shampoo, and the rice is not delicious. worst. The only good thing was that Baki was placed.
原田直樹 on Google

隣のアパホテルが満室だったため、予約無しでこのホテルに宿泊致しました。大人2人ダブルの素泊まりで8000円弱だったので格安だと思います。 まず浴室にシャンプーやリンスなどの物は置いてないため持参する必要があります。電子レンジも置いていないため温めが必須な食べ物は持ち込まない方が良いです。テレビは完全に置物で、電源を入れることが出来ませんでした。 内装は少し年季を感じさせる状態で、何よりエアコンをつけると、翌日鼻水が止まりませんでした。花粉が飛びにくい季節なのでエアコンから出たカビのせいだと思います。 冷蔵庫から変な音がするので気になる人は気になると思います。他の方も言及していますが、フロントの男性の方の対応がすごく無愛想です。チェックアウトする時は女の方だったのですがその方は愛想がよかったです。 最近のホテルは低価格高品質なところが多い中、値段相応のこのホテルが潰れないのは立地の良さという他無いですね。 とにかく値段相応の質でした。次泊まるとしたらここのホテルだけは絶対にやめとこうかなと思います。 質が低くても低価格で泊まりたい!って方はこのホテルは最適だと思います。満室になることもなさそうですし、予約無しでも泊まれます。 今回はありがとうございました。
I stayed at this hotel without reservation because the Apa Hotel next door was full. I think it's cheap because it was less than 8,000 yen for a double room for two adults. First of all, there are no shampoos or conditioners in the bathroom, so you need to bring them with you. We do not have a microwave, so it is best not to bring in food that requires warming. The TV was completely a figurine and could not be turned on. The interior was in a state that made me feel a little old, and above all, when I turned on the air conditioner, the runny nose did not stop the next day. It's a season when pollen is hard to fly, so I think it's because of the mold that came out of the air conditioner. People who are interested will be interested because the refrigerator makes a strange noise. As other people have mentioned, the response of the man at the front desk is very unfriendly. I was a woman when I checked out, but that person was very friendly. While many hotels these days are low-priced and high-quality, the only reason why this hotel, which is suitable for the price, does not collapse is its good location. Anyway, the quality was reasonable for the price. If I stay next time, I think I should definitely stop at this hotel. I want to stay at a low price even if the quality is low! I think this hotel is the best for you. It is unlikely that it will be full, and you can stay without a reservation. Thank you for this time.
kazu8 63 on Google

ゴールデンウィーク+マツダスタジアムの巨人戦となると大抵どこのホテルも通常の2倍以上し予算オーバーだったのではじめてこちらを利用させていただきました。 ここのホテルは良心的価格! レトロ感はありますがそこもまた魅力的です。ツインの部屋は物凄く広い、湯船も大きい、シャワーの水圧がなにより最高(^^) シャンプーとボディソープ、歯ブラシセット、ドライヤー、カミソリ、湯沸し器もありアメニティにも不満はなかったです。 コンビニ、飲み屋外、駅も激近で便利! 前の口コミにテレビが映らないと何個か書かれてましたが、テレビもちゃんと映りました(^^) フロントの方もとても柔らかい感じの雰囲気で親切でした!ありがとうございました! 広島に来るときはまたこちらを利用させていただきます(^^)
When it came to the Giants match between Golden Week and Mazda Stadium, most hotels were more than double the usual budget, so I used this for the first time. The hotel here is reasonably priced! It has a retro feel, but it's also attractive. The twin room is extremely large, the bathtub is large, and the water pressure in the shower is the best (^^) There were shampoo and body soap, toothbrush set, hair dryer, razor, and water heater, so I was not dissatisfied with the amenities. Convenience store, outdoor drinking, and station are very close and convenient! In the previous review, it was written that the TV did not appear, but the TV also appeared properly (^ ^) The front desk was also very soft and kind! Thank you! I will use this again when I come to Hiroshima (^^)
みなみくんし on Google

A hotel with a long history. However, Wi-Fi, air conditioners, toilets ... Renewal to suit the times ... The size is wider than double if it is modern! !!
タイヤボカーン on Google

汚ない煩い。 フロントのジジイ言葉は丁寧だけど態度と目付きはサービス業に向かない。 アパが満室で仕方なく利用したが満足に睡眠出来なかった。
Dirty annoyance. The front desk's words are polite, but the attitude and look are not suitable for the service industry. Apa was full and I had no choice but to use it, but I couldn't sleep satisfactorily.

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