
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 佐野やつや

住所 :

Horigomecho, Sano, 〒327-0843 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.s-yatsuya.com/
街 : Tochigi

Horigomecho, Sano, 〒327-0843 Tochigi,Japan
Noir chat on Google

平日の16時過ぎに入店しました。 6人で座れるテーブル席が5つ、2人用と思われるテーブル席が3つ、ポスティング6人用のお座敷席が4つあり、家族でゆっくり出来そうな雰囲気です。 夕食には早すぎる時間なので、さすがに店内は他に客はおらず静かなものでしたが、目の前を2匹のハエがブンブン(・・;) それでも初めての訪問なのでめげずにラーメンとチャーハンのセット、さらに餃子3個1皿を注文。 待つこと15分。出てきたのは見た目はいたって普通の佐野ラーメン、佐野らしい大きな餃子、セットなので半チャーハンを想像していたのですが普通盛りに見えるチャーハンでした。 まずはラーメンを頂きましたが…これのびてるんじゃないのかな? 佐野ラーメンではあるあるのコシのない麺です。チャーシューも普通。 チャーハンは味が薄めのような? 餃子はけっこうニラが効いている印象でした。 悪くはないのですが、前向きにお勧めしようとは思えないといった感想です。
I entered the store after 16:00 on weekdays. There are 5 table seats for 6 people, 3 table seats for 2 people, and 4 tatami room seats for 6 people. It was too early for dinner, so it was quiet as there were no other customers in the store, but two flies were in front of me (.;). Since this was my first visit, I ordered a set of ramen and fried rice, and also 3 dumplings and 1 plate. 15 minutes to wait. What came out was a normal Sano ramen, a big dumpling like Sano, and I imagined half fried rice because it was a set, but it was a fried rice that looks normal. First of all, I got ramen... I wonder if this is spreading? Sano ramen is a kind of firm noodle. Char siu is also normal. Does fried rice have a light taste? The dumplings had the impression that the Chinese chive really worked. It's not bad, but I don't think I would recommend it positively.
岡本芳則 on Google

【佐野やつや】 駐車場?️綺麗に舗装されてて安心です。 佐野ラーメン会の会長さんのお店と聞いた事があります。 大きい店構え! 大型観光バスが停まってて貸し切りの時もあります。 店内広くてゆったりいい感じですが、窓ガラスの汚れが気になります! 佐野名物セット頂きました。 ラーメンと餃子3個そして、いもフライ&コーヒーゼリー! ラーメンはスープが微妙〰️で、 自分の好みではありませんでしたが、餃子熱々ジューシーで美味しかった。 いもフライ若干固いような感じでしたが、じゃがいも好きにはたまらない! ごちそうさまでした。 (2020.7.19)
[Saya Yatsuya] Parking lot ?️ It is safe because it is paved beautifully. I have heard that it is the store of the chairman of the Sano Ramen Association. Large store setup! There are also times when large tour buses stop and are reserved. The store is spacious and comfortable, but I'm worried about the dirt on the window glass! Sano specialty set. Ramen, 3 dumplings, and potato fries and coffee jelly! Ramen has a delicate soup, I didn't like it, but the dumplings were hot, juicy and delicious. The fries seemed to be a little stiff, but I loved potatoes! Thank you for the meal. (2020.7.19)
T EKKEN on Google

『佐野やつや』さん 2021年5月9日11時30分頃訪問。 佐野名物セットが目的で訪問しました。 注文取りにくる雰囲気もなく大きな声を出さないと聞こえないようです。 他のお客さんも大声で呼んでました。 佐野名物セットを注文。 (佐野ラーメン・餃子・イモフライ・なぜかコーヒーゼリー) コーヒーゼリーより黒からあげの方が佐野名物と思うんは私だけか?。 着丼まで18分でした。 ①佐野ラーメン ・スープはオーソドックスの佐野ラーメン特有の味です。 ・麺はコシがあり美味しい。 ・チャーシューは味付けが弱く肉そのものの味です。 ②餃子 ・調味料が強い能な気がしますが美味しい。 ③イモフライ ・ほくほくで美味しい。 支払いの時も大声を出さないときませんでした。 会計するところにベルを押してと記載がありました。
"Yatsuya Sano" Visited around 11:30 on May 9, 2021. Sano specialty set visited for the purpose. There is no atmosphere to pick up the order and it seems that you can not hear it unless you make a loud voice. Other customers also called out loud. I ordered a Sano specialty set. (Sano ramen, dumplings, potato fries, coffee jelly for some reason) Am I the only one who thinks that black fried chicken is Sano's specialty rather than coffee jelly? .. It took 18 minutes to get the bowl. ① Sano ramen ・ The soup has a unique taste of orthodox Sano ramen. ・ The noodles are chewy and delicious. ・ Char siu is weakly seasoned and has the taste of meat itself. ② Dumplings ・ I feel that the seasoning is strong, but it is delicious. ③ Immo fly ・ It's delicious and delicious. I didn't even make a loud voice when paying. There was a statement in the place to check out that I would press the bell.
猫踏んじゃった on Google

平日のお昼に訪問… 此方は佐野ラーメン会・会長の店と聞きやって参りました。 店内は広くかなりの人数が集客出来ると思われます。 従業員は旦那サンと奥サン?の二人…なのかな?平日だし…コロナ禍だし… 何気に沢山のメニューが在りますが、注文は佐野ラーメンに餃子3ヶ お決まりのパターンです。 10分弱で着丼 麺はかなりの細平麺!食感は弾力有る麺だが、麺が細いが為にモチモチ感は感じられず… スープは動物系にキレの有る醤油味 具材の叉焼やメンマは余り印象に残ってないです(_ _) 餃子はやはりデカイ! 中の餡はギッシリ入っておりアツアツ! 厚めの皮はモチモチして旨い? 此方のお店は、最近のラーメン店とは違う、昔ながらの味を楽しめる店なんですね(~~)b
Visit at noon on weekdays ... I heard that this is the shop of the chairman of the Sano Ramen Association. The inside of the store is large and it seems that a considerable number of people can be attracted. Are the employees husband San and Oku San? I wonder if they are ... It's a weekday ... It's a corona wreck ... There are many menus, but I ordered Sano ramen and 3 dumplings. It's a standard pattern. Donburi in less than 10 minutes The noodles are pretty thin flat noodles! The texture of the noodles is elastic, but because the noodles are thin, you can't feel the chewy texture ... The soup has a sharp soy sauce flavor The roasted pork and menma aren't very impressive (_ _) Dumplings are still big! The bean paste inside is squeaky and hot! Thick skin is chewy and delicious ? This shop is different from the recent ramen shops, and you can enjoy the old-fashioned taste (~~) b
n kartz on Google

I was in trouble because the ramen contained chili oil from the beginning and I was not good at spicy foods. Deep-fried black is also spicy and cannot be eaten. Fried potatoes and dumplings are delicious.
小林和夫 on Google

The owner and the proprietress responded very well, and I had a delicious lunch, and the balance between the noodles and the soup was very good. It was a treat.
よしざわとしのぶ on Google

I came to eat for the first time. I was watching it online and decided to use Sano's specialty set and half-rice. Besides ramen, there was gyoza and fried rice, so I wanted half rice. It was delicious.
中松正隆 on Google

Aotake handmade noodles are a little hard, soup is a little thick and chili oil is dripping. I ate black fried chicken for the first time, but the outside is spicy, but I wonder if it's the tendency of fried chicken these days-the meat is too tasty. You don't have to be a chicken, but a pig, a frog, or a crocodile if you want to add this flavor.

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