Hōraiken - Tama

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hōraiken

住所 :

2-chōme Tsurumaki, Tama, Tokyo 206-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 206-0034

2-chōme Tsurumaki, Tama, Tokyo 206-0034, Japan
カツオキッチン on Google

We lined up for an hour and a half and it was delicious! I can't wait for the stamina ramen in my sweat!
Mirai Saito (future) on Google

40分ほど行列に並んで お腹ぺこぺこで頂きました。 野菜ラーメン、スタミナラーメン。 止めに半チャーハン。 食べ始め〜中頃までは 素朴かつシンプルなお味で、 熱々出来立てなのも相まって飽きがこない! 美味しく食べられました。 しかし、食べ始めて5,6分、 少し冷めたスープを啜ると、 出汁の想像が出来ないことに気付きます。 化学調味料と濃い醤油味、ネギ油が 分離した結果、強烈な塩辛さになります。 賞味期限が短いようです。 チャーハンはシトパラ系で、 あっさりめな塩味で、ペロリと行けました。 半チャーハンでもチェーン店の並盛りくらいあります。 良くも悪くも、「地域」に愛される味でした。 並ぶ価値を感じる人もいるのでしょう。 私は感じませんが。
Line up in a line for about 40 minutes I was hungry. Vegetable ramen, stamina ramen. Half fried rice to stop. From the beginning to the middle of eating With a simple and simple taste, Coupled with the fact that it is hot and fresh, you will never get tired of it! It was deliciously eaten. However, 5 or 6 minutes after I started eating When you sip a little cold soup, I realize that I can't imagine the soup stock. Chemical seasoning, strong soy sauce flavor, and green onion oil As a result of separation, it becomes extremely salty. It seems that the expiration date is short. Fried rice is of the Sitopara system, It had a light salty taste and I was able to go with it. Even half-fried rice is as large as a chain store. For better or for worse, it was a taste loved by the "region". Some people may find it worth lining up. I don't feel it.
Reef 7 on Google

すごく久しぶりに訪問。 12時少し前到着。 相変わらず並んでいましたが、5~6人だったのと、ちょうど入れ替りのタイミングだったので20分待ちでした。コロナ対策なのか席数減っていてゆったり座れます。 もやしラーメンは熱々あんかけ。お野菜シャキシャキたっぷりです。 半チャーハンは普通のお店なら1人前くらいの量。 餃子はねっとりした餡が味しっかり目。 どれもたっぷりの量。 とてもおいしかったです。
Visited after a long time. Arrived a little before 12 o'clock. I was lined up as usual, but I was waiting for 20 minutes because there were 5 to 6 people and it was just the timing of the change. The number of seats has decreased, probably because of corona measures, so you can sit comfortably. Bean sprout ramen is hot ankake. Plenty of crispy vegetables. Half fried rice is about one serving at an ordinary shop. The dumplings have a strong taste of sticky bean paste. A generous amount of each. It was very delicious.
りなおなり on Google

令和4年4月2日に閉店されると聞いて、残り日数通えるだけ通おうと伺いました(*^^*) ペキンそばを注文!! 山盛りのもやし炒めとトッピングされてる白髪ねぎとかいわれが美味しさを引き立てます(*´Д`) ピリ辛で麺がすすむ! 量がとってもボリューミーなのでお腹がパンク寸前になり。。半チャーハン食べられないのが悔しい( TДT)!! ここに来ると自分の胃の小ささに悔やまれます!! ご夫婦阿吽の呼吸でテキパキお仕事されてて、そんなお二人をもう見る事が出来ないと思うと寂しいですが、閉店後は夫婦水入らずでゆったり過ごされるのかな〜と想像するとそれもまた顔がほころびます(*^^*) あと1か月頑張ってください!!
I heard that the store will be closed on April 2, 4th year of Reiwa, and I heard that I will go there for the remaining days (* ^^ *) Order Pekin soba !! A heap of stir-fried bean sprouts and toppings of white-haired green onions and scallions enhance the deliciousness (* ´Д `) The noodles are spicy and go well! The amount is very volumey, so my stomach is on the verge of puncture. .. I'm sorry I can't eat half fried rice (TДT) !! When I come here, I regret the smallness of my stomach !! I'm lonely when I think that I can't see them anymore because I'm working hard with the breathing of the couple Aun, but when I imagine that the couple will spend a relaxing time without water after the store closes, that is also a face. Will unravel (* ^^ *) Please do your best for another month !!
naomi on Google

閉店前に伺いました。 お店がなくなってしまうのさみしいです。 並ぶの覚悟で行きましたが3時間待ちでした。3時間待っても食べれて良かった。美味しかったです。
I visited before the store closed. I miss the store. I was prepared to line up, but I was waiting for 3 hours. It was good to eat even after waiting for 3 hours. It was delicious.
Bushu Musashi on Google

I had pekinsoba, vegetable ramen, and half fried rice. There are more vegetables than noodles. The vegetables fried on high heat were crisp and delicious. Although it arrived 25 minutes before the store opened, it was already the 20th and it took 1 hour and 15 minutes to finish the meal. Due to the time factor, we have three stars.
Sol (Mr) on Google

Very good taste and rather cheap ramen restaurant. But you have to wait rather long!
Takashi Oikawa on Google

Really high quality ramen especially for the menus use a lot of vegi. So well cooked. Volume is really big so be careful. Also expect loooong wait time so this place is not for skmeone looking for quick bite.

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