Hokoku Station - Takahashi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hokoku Station

住所 :

Nakaichō Nishigata, Takahashi, Okayama 719-2402, Japan

Postal code : 719-2402

Nakaichō Nishigata, Takahashi, Okayama 719-2402, Japan
taro mame on Google

This station is a station where you can overtake and pass trains. The station building is also made of wood and is excellent. I couldn't get off because I was able to get along with the "Hakubi Line". Currently, a simple type that can be used with "ICOCA" is installed. In this area, "Yakumo" also slows down and passes.
パズピー on Google

Yamada Hokuya is a station on the Hakubi Line, derived from a scholar at the foot of Binchu Matsuyama. There is a wooden station building of a registered tangible cultural property. Yakumo 9 and 12 were exchanged.
西谷廣 on Google

JR伯備線〔方谷駅〕駅前に 山田方谷先生旧宅 長瀬塾跡 と書いた標柱が建っている。司馬遼太郎の小説〔峠〕に出てくる駅で、よく一緒に旅をする浦和の住人が興味を持っている。 山田方谷の旧居跡は駅の山側にあり、ホームから碑が建っているのが見える。
In front of JR Hakubi Line [Foya Station] station 方 Former residence of Mr. Yamada H 方 tani There is a signpost that says A station that appears in Ryotaro Shiba's novel, a resident of Urawa who often travels with her, is interested. The former residence of Yamada Fukuya is located on the mountain side of the station, and you can see a monument standing from the platform.
nzm a on Google

伯備線の木造駅舎の1つ。 国道180号線から高梁川を渡ったところにあるのでアクセスしやすいです。 無人駅で登録有形文化財。 懐かしい感じがすごく良いですよ。 2回目に行ってから気付いたのですが、資料室から駅長室(?)に入れました。
One of the wooden stations on the Hakubi Line. It is easy to access because it is across the Takahashi River from Route 180. Registered tangible cultural property at unmanned station. I feel nostalgic. I noticed after going the second time, but I put it in the stationmaster's room (?) From the library.
Run kumamon on Google

◎郷愁誘う木造駅舎 山田方谷ゆかりの駅 観光で訪れる価値あり。 ⚫︎木造の駅舎はレトロで最高 ⚫︎駅前には数件の民家のみで田舎感満点。 ⚫︎駅舎前には清流「高梁川」が流れる立地。 ⚫︎川の流れの音が谷全体に響き渡る。 ⚫︎駅舎の中に旅行者用ノートあり。 ⚫︎記念スタンプ?もある。 ⚫︎トイレあり。 ⚫︎駅舎の向かいに自販機あり。 ⚫︎周辺にお店はありません。 ⚫︎秘境度高いです。 ◎豆知識 ⚫︎全国でも珍しい人名が由来の駅。 ⚫︎かつてここに山田方谷が住み塾を開いていた。 ◎山田方谷 ⚫︎江戸時代の財政再建プロフェッショナル。 ⚫︎世に言う神童。 ⚫︎書道の達人。 ⚫︎藩主を老中にまで押し上げた超キレ者。 ⚫︎河井継之助の師匠 ⚫︎有能な弟子多数排出。 知れば知るほど凄い人だとわかる。
◎ Wooden station building that invites nostalgia Station related to Yamada Hokoku Worth visiting for sightseeing. ⚫︎ The wooden station building is retro and the best ⚫︎ There are only a few private houses in front of the station, giving you a feeling of the countryside. ⚫︎ A location where the clear stream "Takahashi River" flows in front of the station building. ⚫︎ The sound of the river flow echoes throughout the valley. ⚫︎ There is a notebook for travelers in the station building. ⚫︎ Commemorative stamp? There is also. ⚫︎ There is a toilet. ⚫︎ There is a vending machine opposite the station building. ⚫︎ There are no shops around. ⚫︎ The degree of seclusion is high. ◎ Trivia ⚫︎ A station from which a person's name is rare in Japan. ⚫︎ Yamada Hokoku once lived here and opened a cram school. ◎ Yamada Hokoku ⚫︎ Financial reconstruction professional in the Edo period. ⚫︎ A child prodigy to tell the world. ⚫︎ Master of calligraphy. ⚫︎ A super sharp person who pushed the feudal lord to the old age. ⚫︎ Kawai Tsugunosuke's master ⚫︎ Discharge a large number of talented disciples. The more you know, the more you know that you are a great person.
鉄人29号 on Google

新見方面へぶらりドライブの途中に立ち寄りました。秘境駅にランクインされてるみたいですが、国道からすぐのためか、それほど秘境感がないかな。^^; それより交通量がめちゃくちゃ少ない180号線の方が秘境感あります。 ホームへは線路の下を潜って行きます。駅舎そのものは貴重な建築物でしょうな。
We stopped in the direction of Niimi while driving. It seems that it is ranked in the unexplored station. ^^; There is a sense of unexplored area on Route 180, where traffic is much less. I go under the track to the home. The station building itself is a valuable building.
列車探訪 on Google

A small unmanned station. If it rains, you'll need an umbrella to get home. It is also the station where the limited express Yakumo meets. However, most of them are meeting at Bichu-Kawamo.
shino on Google

先日深夜のTVでやっていた「みとりし」という映画を録画して後日のんびりと観ていました。 榎木孝明が車で赴任して来た医師を迎えに来たのがこの駅でした。 あまりにも素敵な駅だったので、巻き戻して一時停止したりして、何とか駅名がわからないかと、もう話の内容などそっちのけで駅名がわかった時点でGooglemapと首っ引きです。 いつか行けたらいいなぁ…ってお気に入り保存していたんですが、その2ヶ月後…実現出来ましたぁ(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ここまで車で6時間ほど。 この日晴天だったはずなのに、この地域に入ると 朝靄でちょっと薄曇りのような感じ。とても幻想的です。自分が画面に惹き付けられた以上に、駅舎は 物静かに建っていました。 長い長い時間の中で、ここを利用した多くの人達の 笑い声や涙が感じられたような気がします。 来られて良かった。本当に良かった。 これからもずっとずっと残っていって欲しい。 そんな駅でした。
I recorded a movie called "Mitori" that I was doing on TV at midnight the other day and watched it leisurely at a later date. It was at this station that Takaaki Enoki came to pick up the doctor who had been assigned by car. It was such a nice station that I rewound it and paused, and when I knew the station name, I wondered if I could understand the station name somehow. I wish I could go someday ... I saved it as a favorite, but two months later ... I realized it (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) و It's about 6 hours by car to here. It should have been sunny this day, but when I entered this area It feels a little cloudy in the morning mist. It's very fantastic. The station building is more than I was attracted to the screen It was quietly built. Many people who used this place in a long and long time I feel like I felt laughter and tears. I'm glad I came. It was really good. I want you to stay forever. It was such a station.

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