Hokkai Ramen - Morioka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hokkai Ramen

住所 :

3 Chome-7-33 Tsushidacho, Morioka, Iwate 020-0837, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89799
Postal code : 020-0837
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9:30PM
Sunday 9AM–9:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–9:30PM
Thursday 9AM–9:30PM
Friday 9AM–9:30PM

3 Chome-7-33 Tsushidacho, Morioka, Iwate 020-0837, Japan
S Saito on Google

安定感のある、懐かしい味、とても美味しい。 注文後早く出てきて、待たされず熱々です。お客さんの回転も早くて並んでいてもそんなに待ちません。 駐車場も充分、早くて安くて旨い。
Stable, nostalgic taste, very delicious. It came out early after ordering, and it was hot without waiting. Even if the customers turn around quickly and line up, I don't wait that long. The parking lot is also good, fast, cheap and delicious.
たまこ on Google

It's delicious whenever you eat it. I'm a big fan of Cantonese noodles and Levanilla set meals. Others are also delicious ☺️
yoshiyoshi yashikiki on Google

味噌ラーメン(大)と餃子を頂きました? 今からの時期には、味噌ラーメンいいなぁって。個人的にですけど。 味噌だから、濃いって訳でもなくちょうどいい味で、程よくニンニクも効いていて。 麺は、中太麺。少し硬めかなって感じたけど、それほど気にならなかったです。 美味しかった! 餃子の焼き加減も良かった。具の野菜の甘みがあって、とてもジューシーで美味しかった! 定食もあるので、今度来たとき、食べたいな? 今日も、ご馳走様でした。
I got miso ramen (large) and dumplings ? Miso ramen is good from now on. Personally. Because it's miso, it doesn't mean it's thick, it tastes just right, and the garlic works reasonably well. The noodles are medium-thick noodles. I felt it was a little stiff, but I didn't really care. was delicious! The degree of grilling of the dumplings was also good. It had the sweetness of the vegetables in the ingredients and was very juicy and delicious! There is also a set meal, so I want to eat it next time ? It was a treat today as well.
ウチヤマヒロノブ on Google

相変わらずうまい! ダイエットにはそぐわないが、腹一杯美味しいラーメンを食べたいなら30年前から変わらずです。 味噌ラーメンと蒜苗定食がおすすめです! 本日は味噌バターラーメンと半ライスで850円税込!
Good as ever! It's not suitable for dieting, but if you want to eat delicious ramen to your heart's content, it hasn't changed since 30 years ago. Miso ramen and garlic set meal are recommended! Today we have miso butter ramen and half rice for 850 yen including tax!
ガッキーKen on Google

There is no doubt that there are plenty of noodles and set meals ?
kei vett on Google

お昼時、駐車場いっぱいです。 入り口入る前に記名して、消毒してから入店。 小上がり5席ほど、他テーブル席。 どんどんお客さんは来ますが回転率はよいと思います。 餃子大振りで詰まっていて美味しい。テイクアウトの餃子も人気のようですよ。 炒飯のファンだというお客さんも多いみたいです。 全体的に薄味? 付け合わせのスープも薄かったけど、皆の器を見ると薄めかたに差があるみたい。 五目焼きそば、薄味。 焼きそばのお客さんには中濃ソースが一緒にのってきたので、自分で味調整できるみたいです? ご飯ものはしっかり量があるみたいです。 定食頼んでいるお客さんも多かったなー、今度は定食もの頼んでみようと思います。
At noon, the parking lot is full. Name it before entering the entrance, disinfect it, and then enter the store. About 5 small seats, other table seats. More and more customers are coming, but I think the turnover rate is good. It's packed with dumplings and it's delicious. Take-out dumplings are also popular. It seems that there are many customers who are fans of fried rice. Is it light taste overall? The garnish soup was also thin, but looking at everyone's bowls, it seems that there is a difference in how they are diluted. Gomoku Yakisoba, light taste. Yakisoba customers came with Nakano sauce, so it seems that you can adjust the taste yourself? There seems to be a good amount of rice. Many customers were asking for a set meal, so I'm going to ask for a set meal this time.
Kazuki on Google

21年8月に訪問しました。 ラーメンは、何所かで食べた事がある 感じの不味さで、 インスタントのスープと 麺と言った感じで、 連れは一口食べただけで、 食べるのを止めました。 野菜炒めはキャベツが白くて、 新鮮さはなく、ベタベタした感じで、 食材の管理がどうなってるのかなと? チャーハンは塩の塊があり、 メニューが豊富な割には、 セットメニューが1種類だけで、 値段設定に割高感がありまして、 スタッフが多すぎるのでは?、 自分は、2回目の来店はないでしょう。
I visited in August 2009. I've eaten ramen somewhere It ’s unpleasant to feel With instant soup It ’s like noodles My companion just ate a bite I stopped eating. Stir-fried vegetables have white cabbage, It ’s not fresh, it ’s sticky, What is the management of ingredients? Fried rice has a lump of salt, For the rich menu, There is only one set menu, There is a feeling that the price setting is expensive, Isn't there too many staff? , I will not come to the store for the second time.
さふたぎTV on Google

Certainly, did you ever come when you were in elementary school? However, I forgot because I was a child, but I heard that it was good for the time being, so I visited the store ✨ I ordered miso ramen, but I thought it was usually good ❗ Or, the scent of food in general I thought that the set meal system was particularly appetizing ✨ However, my friend asked for cutlet curry, but it seems that the meat was like rubber ? If you come to the store with good meat, you will know what kind of meat you are using (-; ) And the floor is oil? I thought it was a skating rink (laughs) After I went to a different store and checked the shoes, it was definitely not affected by the snow! I think the taste is good, so I want you to improve it! The taste is delicious, so the evaluation is high.

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